When the name day of Ksenia in the Orthodox Church calendar? Day of Name Day of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana according to church calendar: dates by months

Names of Ksenia are celebrated several times a year. The article has all the necessary information.


  • Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in January
  • Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in February
  • Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in March
  • Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in April
  • Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in May
  • Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in June
  • Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in July
  • Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in August
  • Names of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in September
  • Names of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in October
  • Named after Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana inNovember
  • Names of Ksenia, Ksyusha, OkAna in December
  • Video: Value name. Xenia

Xenia's name is one of those most names that has an ancient Greek origin. It means "foreigner", "stranger", "guest".So called the girls in antiquity, who arrived on ships from distant countries. Previously, this name was given to girls from noble families.

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Name day of Xenia

Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in January

  • 31.01 - the day of veneration of martyr Xenia

Names of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in February

  • 6.02 - the day of Xenia of St. Petersburg, Christ for the sake of the holy fool is celebrated in the church. On the same day, the day of memory of Xenia of Milas( in the world of Eusebius), deaconesses, is honored.

Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in March

  • 20.03 is the day of veneration of the memory of the Martyr Ksenia Petrukhina.

Names of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in April

This month the Saints were not born with this name and in April the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, martyrs or saints named Xenia.

Names of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in May

This month the Saints were not born with this name and in May the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, martyrs or saints named Xenia.

Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in June

  • 6.06 is the day of veneration of Xenia of Petersburg, Christ for the sake of the holy fool.

Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in July

This month the Saints were not born with this name and in July the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, martyrs or saints named Xenia.

Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in August

  • 26.08 is the day of veneration of the memory of the Monk Xenia, the queen, who in the world was Irina.

Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in September

  • 15.09 is a day of veneration of the memory of the Martyr Xenia Cherlinoy-Brailovskaya, the nun.

Names of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in October

This month the Saints were not born with this name and in October the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, martyrs or saints named Xenia.

Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in November

This month the Saints were not born with this name and in November the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, martyrs or saints named Xenia.

Names of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in December

This month the Saints were not born with this name and in December the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, martyrs or saints named Xenia.

Names of Xenia on the Day of Veneration of the Saints

The owners of this beautiful name often become famous people. This name has several forms, and all of them are independent names - Oksana, Xenia, Ksyusha, Aksinya. But the most common among these names is Xenia.

Video: The meaning of the name. Xenia

  • Mar 26, 2018
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