Venotonik Venolek: instructions and reviews about the medicine

Venoleck is a venotonic agent.

As an active ingredient Venolek contains diosmin, which belongs to the category of natural biologically active compounds.

The composition also includes flavonoids.


  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Indications for use drugs
  • Use is not recommended
  • mechanism of action
  • Product form
  • Dosage and use
  • Overdose
  • Side effects
  • Cautions
  • Treatment during pregnancy and lactation
  • Practical application
    • Opinion doctors
    • Patient Reviews
  • Pros and Cons
  • Form and Price
  • Storage Conditions and Shelf Life
  • Prep AnaloguesRat

Pharmacological action

Venolek shows an angioprotective and venotonic effect.

Reduces stretchability of veins, improves tone, reduces venous hypostasis, reduces permeability and fragility of blood vessels, increases their resistance, microcirculation and liboletok.

With regular intake of the drug reduces the clinical manifestations of venous insufficiency of the lower extremities.

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Pharmacokinetics of the drug

The half-life of the drug from the body is 11 hours. Excretion is carried out through the intestines, kidneys.

Indications for use of the drug

The drug is indicated with:

  • for the symptomatic treatment of venous leg failure;
  • treatment of acute hemorrhoid symptoms.

More information about the treatment of venous insufficiency:

Apply not recommended

Contraindications to drug treatment:

  • special sensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • lactation and lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • persons under 18 years.

Mechanism of action

Venolek acts in a complex way:

  • improves the tone of veins;
  • lowers the level of venous stasis;
  • normalizes capillary permeability;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes by blocking the factors favorable to them;
    enhances the protective properties of blood vessels.

The medication affects the main links of the hemorrhoids development chain, removes unpleasant and painful sensations.

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Venolek is manufactured in the form of tablets 500 mg under film packaging. Tablets are placed in contour blocks of PVC film or foil in 10-15 pellets.

The blocks are placed together with the instruction in the cardboard box in the following order:

  • 1, 3, 5 or 6 blocks of 10 pills;
  • 2 or 4 blocks of 15 pills.

Dosage and use of

Venokle is prescribed for ingestion during meals:

  • for venous insufficiency - 2 tablets per day( lunch and dinner);
  • with exacerbation of hemorrhoids - 6 tablets per day( 2 doses of 3 pills) throughout the initial 4 days of treatment, 4 tablets per day( 2 doses of 2 pills) during the last three days of treatment.


No data on overdoses available. When there is a characteristic symptomatology( diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weakness), you should clear your stomach and make an appointment with a doctor.

Side effects of

Side effects may occur during drug administration:

  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • headache, periodic dizziness, weakness;
  • allergic manifestations( hives, itching, rashes).

Special instructions

During the acute stage of hemorrhoids, Venolek's treatment can not replace the specific treatment of other symptoms. The course of treatment should not be long, the doctor appoints a term.

If there is no positive effect on the course of treatment, it is necessary to be examined by a proctologist and to review the methods of taking the drug.

The medication is compatible with alcohol. However, alcohol abuse can adversely affect the patient's health, since Venolec can be taken in conjunction with other venotonic drugs that are incompatible with alcohol.

Drug use is not recommended for people younger than 18 years of age.

There is no information on the use of the drug for violations of the functions of the liver and kidneys.

The nature of interaction with drugs of other groups is not noted.

Treatment during pregnancy and lactation.

. Medication is possible during pregnancy.

Clinical experiments of embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects were not revealed.

There is no information on the negative manifestations when taking the medication during pregnancy, however, the possible danger and effect during the period of taking the drug by pregnant women should be taken into account.

Not recommended for lactation due to lack of information about the ingestion of drugs in milk.

Practical experience of using

In reviews of doctors and health care professionals about the preparation Venolek, positive reviews predominate.

Opinion of doctors

I regularly appoint Venokle to my patients with varicose veins and various pathologies of blood circulation. Treatment is most effective when the disease is at an early stage.

I also prescribe it in case of relapse after operations related to varicose veins.

Sergey Viktorovich, phlebologist

This drug very quickly literally within a couple of days eliminates unpleasant symptoms with hemorrhoids.

Alexander Igorevich, proctologist

Detailed instructions for use on the drug Doxie-Hem: reviews of doctors and patients about the drug we seek on our website.

When is thrombectomy performed and what is the essence of this procedure? Opinion of doctors and patients who have undergone surgery.

Patient Reviews

Began to take Venolek as part of the general course of treatment. The veins on my legs always stood out, but by the time they were thirty, they suddenly started to swell, which was an unpleasant surprise for me.

The doctor recommended me to buy special underwear and go swimming. With the purchase of laundry problems did not arise, that's just the swimming did not manage to get - every day work until the evening, family chores and children. And the doctor recommended me to take Venolek.

At first I did not believe that these pills would help me, but I did not have any options, I bought it. By the end of the second day, edema began to swell, vein swelling was significantly reduced, walking became much easier.

On the left foot, blisters did not appear at all, although there were initial signs of their appearance. I recommend that the drug help me a lot.

Irina Igorevna, 47

My legs often hurt, veins swelled. It was necessary something to be treated. She began to take Venoletka and bought herself some underwear.

When I read the instruction, I was alerted - there are too many contraindications and side effects, but they thanked me, thank God, they did not touch. The effect appeared after a couple of days.

Feet fatigue decreased, all swelling completely gone. I took the drug 1 tablet daily and evening, not always succeeded with eating, though. The price is not very high, and the efficiency is on the level. Very satisfied.

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. »

Elena, 51

It is better to believe the instructions and take the drug while eating - one tablet at lunch and one at dinner. Though at me and not always so it turned out, all the same the effect has been reached and about varices I have forgotten.

Nikolai Pavlovich, 41

Because of sedentary work, hemorrhoids appeared, the doctor prescribed Venolek to me. I took 2 tablets 3 times a day. Although not according to the instructions, but still helped.

Sergey Valerievich, 56

Pros and Cons of

The drug is quite effective, although at that price I did not expect anything supernatural. After prolonged use of the drug( more than 7 days), pain and rezes in the stomach may occur.

So it is not recommended to take Venolek if there are any problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Periodic headaches may also occur, although treatment of the underlying disease is effective.

Form and price

The drug is available in tablets of 500 mg. The price of Venolek varies from 405 to 803 rubles , depending on the pharmacy and the date of receipt of the drug.

Some online pharmacies and pharmacies may offer discounts.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug should be stored in a dry, unattainable place, protected from exposure to light and temperature, exceeding 25 ° C.

The shelf life of Venoleck is not more than 2 years.

Do not accept the expiry date.

The drug is sold in pharmacies according to the prescription of the doctor if there are indications.

Analogues of the drug

If for any reason( not available in the pharmacy, high cost), you can try to find a remedy with a similar effect.

Venolek, like many other drugs, has a number of generics - drugs with similar properties and the same active substance, produced by other producers and sold under a different name.

When selecting Viennese analogues, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Among the import analogues of the drug the most effective are:

  • Vasoket - 600 mg tablets, manufactured by Stragen Pharma / Vaimer Pharma( Germany);
  • Diovenor - tablets 600 mg, manufactured by Innoter Shusi( France);
  • Flebodia - tablets 600 mg, 15 pcs., Production Laboratory of Innotera( France);
  • Flebofa - tablets 600 mg, 30 pcs., Produced by OOO Ozon( Russia).
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