Deafness is a disease for which hearing loss is inherent. Most often, such a disease occurs in the elderly, although no one excludes the defeat of the young population. It is very important to recognize the deafness in time and start treating it. In this situation it is necessary to use complex therapy, which would include both traditional methods and recipes of traditional medicine.
- 1 Popular drugs
- 1.1 Propolis
- 1.2 Garlic
- 1.3 Kalina
- 1.4 Almond oil and birch tar
- 1.5 Geranium
- 1.6 Bay Leaf
- 1.7 Beet
- 1.8 Onions
- 1.9 White lily
- 1.10 Herbal Collection
- 2 Features of Treatment with Unconventional Methods
- 3 Features
Popular Medications
All the presented recipes of folk treatment have one undeniable advantage - they are based onOnly natural components are present. All the methods of treatment for deafness presented below are effective and time-tested.
Using the presented gift of nature, you can prepare an effective medicine. For these purposes, it is worth taking a tincture of propolis 10% and sunflower oil in a 1: 2 ratio. Twist the flagella from the bandage and dip into the prepared mixture. When the flagella is soaked with a medicine, insert it into the ear canal. You need to walk with a bandage for 24 hours. The number of manipulations should be 20. If you do not have a gauze or bandage, then you can simply stretch the propolis in your hands, and then install it in your ear. Propolis is often used in folk medicine. On the link you can read how to treat angina propolis.
The presented product is used for the treatment of hearing loss in the form of juice or in its pure form. If you use juice, it should be mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 3.The prepared composition should be thoroughly mixed and used as a drop. Drip the medicine in each ear for 1-2 drops. The duration of folk treatment can be 2-3 weeks. After a little rest, about a week, and go back to the procedures.
You can treat hearing loss with garlic in pure form. Grind it on a fine grater, mix with camphor oil in the ratio: 1 tooth of the main ingredient and 2-3 drops of oil.
Prepare gauze in advance, roll it in several layers and put the cooked product there. Make small turuns and install them into the external ear canals. The most often presented prescription can be cured of hearing loss, the cause of which lies in the neuritis of the auditory nerve and sulfur plugs. Here, treatment of congestion in the ears with folk remedies is described.
On the video - the treatment of hearing loss folk remedies:
Kalin and
For preparation it is necessary to use 5 berries of viburnum, which are pierced with a needle and to drain the existing juice from them. Add honey to it in the ratio 1: 1.Screw the cotton wool onto the thread and get a flagellum that is dipped into the mixture and soaked. Set the flagella in the ear and go to bed. In the morning remove it, pulling at the string. Perform such manipulations every day for 3 weeks. The result of therapy is the restoration of hearing and the disappearance of noise in the ears.
Almond oil and birch tar
When the cause of hearing loss is in the presence of sulfur plugs, it is necessary to eliminate it with the help of almond oil. It should be dripped into each ear in the amount of 7 drops. In addition, such therapy will not give you the result, if it is not combined with a beverage from birch tar. To make it, take 3 drops of the ingredient, which are mixed in a glass of milk.
From the resulting plant, take the juice and drip it each ear for 10 days. Such therapy effectively eliminates deafness. To restore the hearing can use the leaves of geranium, which pour 1 liter of boiling water. Wait 3 hours, so that the agent is infused, and then diluted with warm water. Use infusion is necessary for washing your head while treating your hearing loss.
Bay leaf
This ingredient is very actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of hearing loss. The reason is that active components help improve blood circulation in the brain and sensory organs. For this reason, the medicine, obtained from laurel, effectively fights neurosensory, sensorineural hearing loss.
There are a lot of recipes with laurel leaves. Consider only the most popular:
- Finely chop the dried leaves of the presented ingredient and take it in the amount of 2 tablespoons. Put them in a glass of boiling water and leave it for 2 hours. After the decoction, strain and use as drops. In each ear drip on 3-4 drops. Do the procedure 2 times a day. Therapeutic course - 14 days.
- Four leaves of laurushki grind in a coffee grinder. Mix them with a spoonful of 9% vinegar and ½ cup vodka. Shake thoroughly and wait for 2 weeks to allow the remedy to persist. After the indicated juice drain, and then use the medicine for instillation. First, you need to drip 1-2 drops 3 times a day. After a week - 2-3 drops. Use this recovery scheme until complete recovery. The effectiveness of such treatment is indicated in the case when the hearing loss arose as a result of the consequences of inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs and under the condition of combined use with medical treatment.
- Finely chop the laurel and take it in the amount of 2 tablespoons. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Wait a week, when the medicine is ready, and then use the prepared emulsion for grinding. Carry out the procedure, affecting the skin in the region of the temples 3 times a day.
You can improve your auditory activity with the help of red beet juice. First, boil the beetroot, remove the skin from it, and then squeeze the juice. Use, as drops and drop in each ear to 4 drops. Do these actions throughout the day 4 times. As a result, it is possible to eliminate edema, improve the permeability of the nerve impulse. Beet juice has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Duration of therapy is 2 months.
Remove the top from the onion, make a groove and fill it with seeds of cumin. Close the recess lid, and set the onions in the oven for 30 minutes. When it becomes room temperature, it is necessary to get juice from the onion and drip it before going to sleep at night for 3 drops. Duration of treatment is 10 days.
To eliminate noise in the ears with hearing loss, juice from onions, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2, will help.drip the agent 2 times a day for 2 drops in each ear.
White lily
Using the flowers of this plant, it is possible to prepare an oil that perfectly eliminates the deafness. In the container lower the flowers and pour them with vegetable oil. Put the container in the refrigerator for a week. Before going to sleep, drip ears for 2 drops. Before use, the medicine should be slightly warmed up.
Herbal Collection
To prepare this medicine you will need:
- oak bark - 3 spoons;
- inflorescence of linden - 3 spoons;
- calendula flowers - 2 spoons.
For preparation of medicine take 20 g of collection and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Wait 2 hours and strain. To drip ears 2 times a day for 2 drops.
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Reviews on how to treat a runny nose with breastfeeding: http: // bolezni-n /rinit/ nasmork-pri-grudnom-vskarmlivanii-lechenie.html.
Here are the causes of the appearance of blood crusts in the nose.
Features of treatment with unconventional methods
Any therapeutic measures using folk remedies are necessary only after the doctor has approved this decision. He must first understand the reason that influenced the formation of this pathological process, and only then to prescribe a therapy. All the means used in folk medicine allow improving blood circulation in the area of the hearing organ. Also, the drug helps improve blood flow and cellular metabolism.
On the video - the treatment of hearing loss at home:
All used folk remedies for hearing loss are divided into 3 types:
- for instillation;
- for oral administration;
- for the placement in the ear.
If you are using drops, then the procedure should be in the prone position on the side. After the drops are in the right place, do not stand up sharply, lie down another 2-3 minutes. When treating with oral medication, it is first necessary to read the contraindications and not to combine them with the intake of hot drinks.
Features of
If you do not exercise hearing loss, then a person risks losing your hearing forever. For this reason it is important to eliminate the cause of the pathology at the initial stage of its development. To cure 2 degree deafness it is worth using the following recipes:
- To treat the disease, it is best to use turuns than drops. They are very easy to remove when the patient feels pain or dizzy. For its preparation it is necessary to use 10% tincture of propolis and vegetable oil. Mix the products in a 1: 3 ratio. Gauze tourniquet soak in the medicine and install into the ear. Put a new tourniquet every 2 hours. The number of procedures is 20.
- Turundu moisten in mountain ash juice and set in the ear before going to bed at night. At first you can feel a slight tingling, but after the patient visits the heat. The course of treatment should include 15-20 procedures. After you take a break for a month and then repeat everything. To prepare the medicine you can use frozen berries.
- To remove inflammation and eliminate sulfuric plugs, walnut oil and almond oil will help. Mix these components together in a 1: 1 ratio. Moisten the turunda and set for 6-8 hours. To carry out therapy for a month, after making a rest for 10 days.
- For the treatment of hearing loss, leaves of mint, melissa, oregano, and calendula are effective. All plants must be used in turn after 10 days. Leaf of the selected plant wrapped in gauze and wait for the juice to appear, set in the ear and hold there until the gauze becomes dry. Make a rest for 10 days, and then again start treatment.
- Form a tube from gauze, which is lowered into the melted wax and quickly removed. When the wax begins to freeze, the tube is placed in the ear and set on fire. At the same time, combustion should be absent, only decay is needed here. Before the procedure, hide the hair under the kerchief.
On the video - more information about the deafness:
Treatment of any disease, including hearing loss - is a very laborious work that requires perseverance, desire and patience. To cure the deafness by some folk remedies is very rare. As a rule, non-traditional medicine will have the necessary effect only if it is combined in medicines. Perhaps you will also be useful information about which ear drops are better for use in otitis media. The link describes drops in the ear with otitis in adults. If you are concerned about pain in the ears, then signs of inflammation of the middle ear are described. The reference describes the folk remedies for ear inflammation.