Popular signs about a broom, its magical properties, plots on a broom. Signs on the broom at the door, on a new, old, bath, wedding, for a purchase, housewarming, as a gift

Signs associated with a broom.

Contents of the

  • The magic properties of the broom: signs
  • A new broom in the house, buying a broom: signs and superstitions
  • New broom: signs and plots for money
  • Brooms for a broom for housewarming
  • Present broom: sign
  • Broom at the door, threshold: sign
  • Fellbroom: sign
  • Wedding broom: signs
  • Bath broom: signs
  • Wheat broom in the house: signs
  • Signs and plots for the New Year with a broom
  • Placing a man with a broom: a sign
  • Meeting a woman with a broom: a sign
  • WSpeaking on the broom: text
  • Video: Magic Properties broom

Will take in the world is not enough. One way or another, people noticed any events taking place and equated them with natural phenomena, everyday things, and so on. So there were people's signs. Today we will find out about the signs associated with household items, namely the broom.

Magic properties of a broom: signs

  • To a broom in Russia concerned with respect and mistrust simultaneously. After all, on the one hand, a broom is the same broom that is a means of transportation for all witches, but also a broom can sweep out of the house an unclean force, negative energy and dirt.
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  • The magic properties of the broom have also been used for a long time to resist the demons. Putting the broom handle down, the path was closed to penetrate the evil forces.
  • If the guest, in the opinion of the hosts, had an eye of eye, then after leaving, he was thrown by a broom.
  • From the quarrels and the loss in the house, they blamed the stranger's houseboy, the broom also helped. They just needed to knock on the doorstep.
The magical properties of the broom
  • The magical properties of the broom also contributed to the treatment of diseases. Especially if this broom bath. In Russia, the most popular was a birch broom that was cooked on the day of the Trinity. Such a broom was not only an amulet, but also an excellent healer in a bathhouse.
  • In ancient China, by the way, there was a goddess of broomstick, which according to the inhabitants of the Heavenly Empire, commanded the weather.
  • The Aztecs also worshiped the goddess Tlasolteotl, who in their opinion swept away all the vices and sins from their homes.
  • In England, after sunset in homes do not sweep. Since people believe that this way they sweep away the home from luck.

A new broom in the house, buying a broom: signs and superstitions

In the home appliances and other items sooner or later need replacing. But with the purchase of a new broom, a lot of signs are connected:

  • If you bought a new broom, then the old broom should be immediately discarded.
  • Using a broom, the family can be harmed in the form of spoilage. Therefore, it should be thrown away and so that no one can use it.
  • Do not throw a broom near the house, because it can cause insomnia and illness.
  • You can not burn a broom, because it will lead to worse weather, invasion of cockroaches and quarrels in the family.
  • A new broom could spank the children to be obedient. But in no case can this be done with an old broom.
Having bought a new broom, throw out the old
  • . Infants were swept with a new broom to sleep peacefully.
  • Buy a broom, you need only during the growing moon.
  • You can not buy a broom in August, as this will bring trouble to the owner and his family.
  • Having made a wish when buying, prepare for the fact that it will come true.
  • Use a new broom immediately - sweep the garbage from the house to the street. So you will attract material success.

New broom: signs and plots for money

Venik not only can be cured of illnesses, but also attract money to the house. And for this you need to listen to the following tips:

  • Buy a broom on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. When you come home, put it with the handle up.
  • If you use a vacuum cleaner, then this is no reason not to get a broom. But it can be decorative. You need to hang it in the kitchen also with the handle down.
  • A broom needs to be bought not only on a man's day, but also for a man. At home, tie it with a green ribbon.
  • Spread the small things around the house and leave it to lie down for 24 hours.

After passing the day, you need to sweep away the money for the scoop. It should also be green, by the way. At this moment, say:

Conspiracy for money
  • Now this small thing needs to be put in the left corner of the room where you keep your savings.
  • After 3 days, put the small stuff in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. It can not be opened.
  • Using a broom to the destination, at the end of the job, put it with the handle up to where the coins were.

Signs about a broom for housewarming

If you are moving to a new house, then be sure to bring an old broom. Since it was there that I chose your place as a house-owner. You do not want to forget it in the old house, so he can begin to mess with you.

Therefore, move the broom to a new apartment, place it in a new home for happiness, and then, if you want, get a new broom.

A broom was presented: a sign of

A broom as a gift is symbolic and practical. But there are quite a variety of options for converting a broom for a gift:

  • An ordinary broom bandage with multicolored ribbons. It is necessary to hand it over with cheerful songs, poems and wishes "to put on" yourself more happiness, luck and well-being.
  • You can also attach a broom from money to a regular broom. Tie notes with ribbons and complete your practical present.
  • A person who is ill or just very caring about his own health should be given a bath broom that will drive away all the diseases. To him you can also give and other bath accessories - a hat, a large towel.
Broom for free
  • You can also give a money broom, which is able to attract wealth to the dwelling. Such an object of everyday life must be hung in the kitchen with rods up.
  • By the way, a money broom can not only be decorated with ribbons. But also to supplement it with symbolic patterns. For example, make a horseshoe for luck.

Broom at the door, threshold: sign

  • After the house is cleaned, as already mentioned, the broom should be placed near the threshold with rods up. This attribute in this position will protect you from the evil spirit.
  • In addition, in this council laid practical aspects, because inverted form the rods are not deformed and dry out well.
  • Some people who especially believe in signs people hang a broom also with a handle down. Thus they pay respect to the valuable magical object of life.
  • But when you hang a broom at the doorstep with a pen up, you will also scare away the evil person. Perhaps because he simply does not understand why you did this and will not risk entering.

The broom fell: the sign of

It is not necessary to believe too much the signs and to each action something to equate or seek clarification for this or that event. Here, for example, a fallen broom does not mean anything bad, but only mean that:

  • You have placed it not quite stable
  • Perhaps someone from domestic or animal hooked on the subject of life

Wedding broom: signs

With a broom also associated signs aboutmarriage, namely:

  • If the girl carefully and sweeps the floor thoroughly in the house, it means soon to be married. And the better it is cleaned, using a broom, the sooner the bridegroom at the door will knock.
  • If sweep is expensive before the church, when the newlyweds will go to the wedding, then the family will forever live well and peace.
Wedding Broom
  • If after a wedding in a young family broke up a broom, then soon you can expect to replenish.
  • Wishing to marry girls gave a broom - this gift symbolized the need to "sweep" the detained girl from the house.
  • Venik was also given for the wedding, as a symbol of the fact that it is now time for the newlyweds to "sweep" into the house well-being and luck.

Bath broom: signs

  • It is impossible to break twigs from a burnt tree for a broom. Make sure that the tree for the broom was healthy and strong, without growths and other diseases.
  • A bad omen is also a slap for a tree branch from a tree that is divided into 2 large trunks from the root itself.
  • Do not torture the tree, cutting off from one branch to the whole broom. So you lose favor with the bath - the spirit of the bath.
  • Ask for forgiveness from the tree when you break the branches on it, what pain it causes. And then the broom will be softer.
  • Knit a broom in a full moon - then the trees have more strength, and in the shoots of magical properties.
  • Whirlpools, which were harvested on July 6, are healing. It is on this day that the collected herbs and plants have a special healing power.
  • You can not take someone else's sauna broom - so you can pick up his illness. By the way, it's not just a sign. After all, if a person has a disease on the skin, then a steamed broom you easily transfer them to yourself.
  • Ancestors considered it absolutely unacceptable to use a broom, which was previously used by a woman. As often in ancient times, women were equated with witches.
Bath broom
  • After visiting the sauna, leave the bath with water and soap and a broom. Otherwise, he will be offended and next time can scald with boiling water, or split a stone.
  • Well connect the brooms, since a broken broom means a rapid invasion of the disease.
  • If the broom already has time to throw, then unlike the usual, the bath can be easily thrown away and burned.
  • To get rid of the spoiling, you need to read the "Our Father" well to whip yourself with a broom. Leave the broom dry and burn it in a week.
  • A young family for a successful life needs to be steamed by a broom from 7 branches, which must be torn from different willows, growing near the water.
  • After the bathhouse, take 2 twigs from the broom and, after reading "Our Father", put them under the pillow. Sleep will be very strong.

Wheat broom in the house: signs

If you make a whisk from wheat ears and add rye and oats to it, this will contribute to increasing wealth and attracting coziness and goodness in the house. Such a broom should be put in a vase and then it will not only attract well-being, but also neutralize the negative energy in the house.

And if from December 25 to January 6, leave cookies and small rolls near the vase, then soon you will conclude a profitable deal.

Signs and plots for the New Year with a broom

Buy December 31 a broom and red ribbons. Tie the broom with ribbons, and put, as it should - in the corner upstairs with rods. Then all year long you will have a rich one.

Putting a man in a broom: a sign of

This sign is very important and exciting. Since it is extremely negative, it can affect the future of the person. It is strictly forbidden to sweep a person. This negatively affects both female and male gender.

To single and unmarried people this can bring loneliness for life. But children and adolescents can and should be swept away - this action will sweep away their laziness and other negative traits of character. After you sweep the broom you need to shake it where the wind blows.

Meet a woman with a broom: a sign

Meeting a woman with a broom is sad in a few cases:

  • For fishermen - this means that there will be no biting. You can go home.
  • If a woman is elderly and with a broom, then the day will not be asked by all who meet her.

Plots for the broom: text

In order to attract money to you, find the aspen in the autumn and, clutching the trunk with your hands, say three times:

Conspiracy for money

Venik, after you come home, put the handle up.

If you have any difficulties in life, then a new broom will help them too. To do this, buy a broom a few days after the full moon has passed. Sweeping in the house, say:

Conspiracy from failures

When swept the whole house, then collect and burn the garbage. A broom throw at the crossroads. By the way, in any case do not pick up a broom, if you see it at the crossroads. Even if they decided to do a good deed and remove it from the road. Otherwise, you will take away all the failures from this subject.

To quickly sell the house, buy a new broom on Friday. Before sunrise, sprinkle it with holy water and say:

Plot for the sale of the house

Carefully sweep in the house and repeat the actions for 3 days in a row.

You can use a different, simpler method. At 3 o'clock in the morning, say, holding a broom in your hands( for the ritual you do not need to buy a new attribute):

Conspiracy for buyers

Three days in a row sweep this house with a broom. And in 3 days you will be met by a seriously minded buyer.

As you can see, a broom is not only an object of everyday life. Our ancestors paid much attention to the signs associated with the broom. And even if the vacuum cleaner is used more often now, do not disdain the broom. Buy and put it in the corner, as indicated in our advice and let it protect you from evil forces and attracts wealth and prosperity to the house.

Video: Magic properties of the broom

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