Pregnancy is a long-awaited and happy period in the life of a future mother. The stage is new and responsible, therefore, how its development proceeds and what risks can be involved, everyone should know. This article will tell you about a disease like diabetes. What are its signs and how dangerous it is.
- Signs of diabetes during pregnancy
- What is the risk of diabetes in pregnancy? Influence of diabetes on pregnancy
- Pregnancy and delivery for type I diabetes
- Pregnancy and delivery for type II diabetes
- Diet for pregnant women with diabetes mellitus
- Can diabetes occur when pregnant? What is hidden diabetes in pregnancy and how does it manifest itself?
- Features of the course of pregnancy in diabetes: tips and reviews
- Video: Diabetes mellitus in pregnant women
- What is this disease and where does it come from? Diabetes mellitus - a violation of the pancreas cells that produce the hormone - insulin. It affects all metabolisms in the body, promotes the absorption of glucose by organs and tissues, as well as its biosynthesis in the liver of
- It is his lack that develops this disease. It may appear in women as before pregnancy and have type I or II, and at its stage, and carry the gestational nature of
- The danger of the disease in high mortality of the mother and fetus, but with the invention of insulin, the percentage of such an outcome is reduced
- Currentlythe number of pregnant women with diabetes increases, and no one can say the exact cause of its development.
There are factors contributing to its development:
- overweight and obesity
- heredity
- age over 35 years
- miscarriage and stillbirth
- gestational diabetes in the first and subsequent pregnancy
Symptoms of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
If diabetes mellitus appeared during pregnancy, then it can not be identified immediately, because its development is slow and not expressed.
- fast fatigue
- thirst
- frequent urination
- weight loss with increased appetite
- high blood pressure
- itching of the skin
- appearance of abscesses on the skin and boil
During pregnancy, obstetricians and gynecologists oftenprescribe to take urine and blood for tests, because these symptoms describe the typical condition of a pregnant woman. And only when the results reveal an increased level of glucose, a test with a load is assigned. It is he who will tell if you are sick with diabetes or not.
IMPORTANT: In case of any unpleasant sensations, contact a specialist, and do not make conclusions on your own.
What is the risk of diabetes during pregnancy? The effect of diabetes on pregnancy
The risk of diabetes for both gestational and I or II types for the future mother is:
- in the manifestation of late toxicosis
- in the development of infections of the urinary and genital tract( especially dangerous development of pyelonephritis)
- inpathology of placenta development and violation of placental blood circulation
- in threat of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth
- in the birth of a large fetus, over 4,500 kg., which can lead to birth injuries
in violation of the kidneys and eyesight
For the fetus:
- developmental defects of
- increase in growth hormone, the consequences of which are manifested in immaturity of internal systems and organs, and inability to function properly
- intrauterine hypoxia of the brain and kidneys
- asphyxia
-hypoglycaemia( low blood sugar)
is a chromosomal mutation that causes the further development of diabetes in a newborn
- the mortality of
IMPORTANT: all osozhneny can be avoided by normalizing blood sugar levels.
Pregnancy and delivery for type I diabetes
Diabetes type I - insulin-dependent diabetes and the most common. It is discovered even in childhood during puberty, is characterized by unstable and abrupt flow during pregnancy. In pregnant women with this type of diabetes, there is damage to the walls of blood vessels due to metabolic disorders and a tendency to ketoacitosis( a violation of carbohydrate metabolism).
IMPORTANT: if a woman is sick with diabetes, she needs to plan pregnancy in advance and undergo a full medical examination
Pregnancy management for type I diabetes
- First, the expectant mother should visit the obstetrician-gynecologist and endocrinologist regularly, and also observe alltheir recommendations
- Secondly, daily monitor the blood glucose level and ketones in the urine with the help of test strips
- Third, observe the diet and monitor your weight
- Fourth, use medication-insuInstitute in position doses and fifthly, to pass checkup, which includes hospitalization Hospitalization takes place in three stages:
I - as soon as the doctor diagnosed a pregnancy. It is necessary to find out the threats to health and the ability to continue pregnancy.
II - for a period of 22-24 weeks. New doses of insulin are being established, the diet is adjusted if necessary and with the help of ultrasound possible possible malformations of the child are detected, if any.
III - for a period of 32-34 weeks. The term of labor is established, usually it is 37-38 weeks and it is decided how the woman will give birth, naturally or with the help of cesarean section.
Childbirth for type I diabetes
If complications occur during pregnancy, or if the fetus becomes too large, the birth will be artificial, using the cesarean section. If the condition of the pregnant woman is not complicated by anything, the birth will be natural, with possible generic stimulation.
IMPORTANT: to control the level of sugar on the day of birth, tk.the excitement can cause a sharp rise in it
Pregnancy and childbirth in type II diabetes
Type II diabetes is an insulin-dependent one. It develops in women older than 30 years.e
As with type I diabetes, pregnancy should be planned, this will reduce the risk of possible complications for both the mother and the baby.
Pregnancy management for type II diabetes
As in the case of type I diabetes, a woman should: regularly visit doctors, follow recommendations and treatment, take insulin in permissible doses and take necessary tests such as urine and blood.
But in addition to these mandatory tests, a pregnant woman with insulin-dependent diabetes also measures the level of glycated hemoglobin every 4-8 weeks, controls glycemia 4 times a day, gives a urine test to determine acetone and infections in her.
Pregnant is also subject to hospitalization in three stages:
In the early term - for examination, detection of pathologies and possible risks.
21-24 week - a thorough examination of the fetus
After 32 weeks - to determine the timing and method of delivery.
Childbirth with type II diabetes
- During labor, the woman should be given glucose concentration every 2 hours, the fetal heartbeat is monitored with the help of CTG apparatus and the pressure of
- is monitored. If the fetus has a large, pelvic, hypoxia orthe woman herself is experiencing any complications, the birth will be artificial by
- . In the natural childbirth of a pregnant woman, a dropper for stimulation with 5% glucose solution and saline solution is installed in the morning. In this dropper, insulin is injected every 4-6 hours, depending on the level of glycemia or intravenously infusion of insulin at a rate of 1-2 U / hour.
IMPORTANT: for type I and II diabetes, the birth canal should be prepared at the time of delivery - a favorable hormonalbackground and applied antispasmodics.
Diet for pregnant women with diabetes mellitus
In order for pregnancy to proceed with diabetes safely, a woman must follow a diet.
For this, the food ration should be observed:
- Do not use easily digestible carbohydrates, which increase blood sugar.
Reduce fat intake - Increase the intake of protein foods.
- Eat more vitamins and foods high in fiber, except bananas, grapes and melons
IMPORTANT: the food should be divided into small portions. Caloric content of a daily ration is 2500-3000 kcal.
Can diabetes occur during pregnancy? What is hidden diabetes in pregnancy and how does it manifest itself?
The answer to the first question will be - yes, diabetes can develop against the background of pregnancy, it is called gestational."Hidden" type is an easy form of gestational diabetes, which can be detected only in laboratory research, mainly after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Such a diabetes can develop for women who have a disposition to this: obese, older than 30 years old or have a hereditary factor.
The development of diabetes mellitus is related:
- with an increase in the level of hormones such as cortisol, progesterone and estrogen. They influence the production of insulin by the pancreas
- decrease in physical activity
- nutrition with high-calorie products
The "hidden" form of gestational diabetes does not significantly affect a woman's condition, but puts the fetus at risk. In general, such diabetes after pregnancy passes and the level of insulin is normalized.
IMPORTANT: reserves of its own insulin can compensate for its lack in the body and thus prevent the development of gestational diabetes.
Features of the course of pregnancy in diabetes mellitus: advice and feedback
Each trimester has its own characteristics:
I trimester - dailycontrol of sugar. At this stage, its level decreases, the status of the parturient is improved, so the dose of insulin should be reduced.
II trimester - the dose of insulin rises, a balanced diet is observed.
III trimester - in connection with the appearance of glycemia, the dose of insulin is reduced.
During childbirth the sugar index fluctuates, this is affected by the psychoemotional state of the mother in childbirth. There is also fatigue, which causes blood sugar to decrease, so the blood is checked for glucose every 2 hours. After birth, by 7-10 the sugar level is normalized.
Pregnancy in diabetes for a woman is a difficult step and a serious test, so for a successful pregnancy, she must follow all the recommendations of doctors and monitor their diet. Be healthy!