Scalloped calligraphy( Callisia fragrans)
Calligraphy fragrant, or golden mustache is a perennial plant of the comnelin family. This is a fairly large plant, reaching about 1 m in height, with two types of shoots: erect and horizontal.
Healing properties have a plant, in which the mustache has at least 9 brown-purple joints.
The first externally resemble a young corn, have normally developed leaves 20-30 long and 5-6 cm wide. The flowers are small, collected in paniculate inflorescences.
Horizontal shoots are lianoid-like shoots( mustache), consisting of joints, with a rosette of leaves( the so-called leaf whisk) at the end. Homeland - South America.
Callisia is a warm and light-loving plant, however it is recommended to shade it from direct sunlight. The plant is planted in a mixture of greenhouse humus and turf ground in a ratio of 1: 1 with the addition of 20-30% of large river sand.
In the spring-summer period, the plant should be watered daily, however, soil moistening is undesirable. In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week. Kallisia prefers warm and moist air.
Leaves should be sprayed once in 2-3 days with soft water. The stalk of the calligraphy must be tied to the support. Otherwise, it will bend under the weight of its own weight and lateral shoots, which will adversely affect the development of the plant.
Propagation by golden shank cuttings or rooting of lateral horizontal shoots.
Therapeutic properties of
In nature, there are many plants that contain substances called nutrients, such as gold mustard.
Biogenic stimulators are used in the treatment of eye diseases, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, bronchial asthma, etc.
The medicinal properties of callisia are explained by the presence in the chemical composition of this plant of biologically active substances from the group of flavonoids and steroids. In addition, in the juice of calligraphy, elements important for the normal functioning of the human body, such as iron, chromium and copper, are found.
Application for various diseases
Depending on the disease and the scheme prescribed by the doctor drug therapy for the treatment of calligraphy use different parts of this plant and various means of them.
Some diseases involve the use of drugs of calligraphy in combination with other substances: honey, oil, cream, alcohol, Cahors, infusions of other medicinal plants, etc.
A. Krasichkova, "Medicine from the window sill"