Green diet

Green diet can rightly be attributed to fast ways of losing weight. It is based on low-calorie foods and in just three days of such a diet you can see on your scales minus three or even five kilos.

But you should know that a green diet in case you use it for more than three days can become dangerous to your body. Thus, on such a diet, only 3 days are allowed and during this time your body will not simply recover, but also quickly lose unnecessary kilograms.

Principles of green diet

The green diet was invented by the Americans and the main products in it are products of green color. It is green, according to the creators of this diet, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and, accordingly, contributes to weight loss. At the same time, the green color of the diet should not only be used food, but even dishes, from which you will drink and eat.

So, as you probably already guessed, a green diet is a diet based on the use of plant foods. Animal products are allowed in a minimal amount.

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When you sit down on a green diet, you know, it allows you to consume without restrictions only food of vegetable origin and only green in color. It can be any vegetables or fruits, necessarily fresh or steamed, and exceptionally green. In addition, use is permitted, without sugar, green tea or green coffee.

Together with this, on the second day of the diet, you can use a small portion of food, which includes proteins. It is recommended to do yoga for the best result during this kind of diet.

Sample menu for 1 day

  • For breakfast prepare yourself any porridge on the water. The most favorable in this case will be oatmeal or buckwheat porridge. It is allowed to add a spoonful of honey and a few slices of a green apple into the porridge. It's all just to your liking.
  • For the second breakfast you can drink low-fat unsweetened yogurt and eat kiwi or a green apple of a small size. Instead of yogurt it is also allowed to drink kefir, but only kefir, not kefir( sour milk drink).
  • Lunch is a green diet that provides more nutritious. At this time it is allowed to prepare a vegetable salad( only green vegetables) and eat a small piece of steamed or braised fish of low-fat variety.
  • For dinner, put out green vegetables for yourself and eat one boiled egg. Stewed vegetables can be replaced with a salad of green fruits flavored with natural unsweetened yogurt.

Dinner should be no later than 3.5 hours before bedtime.

Of the green vegetables for the diet, the most recommended are asparagus and cabbage. Of fruits, the most favorable are green apples, kiwi and pears.

Remember and know, a green diet is not just a wonderful way to normalize metabolic processes in the body and throw off unwanted weight, but also an excellent opportunity in just three days to saturate the body with important and useful substances - vitamins and microelements.

It is worth noting that the amount of green foods on the diet is not limited in any way, you can consume fruits and vegetables as much as you want, the main thing is to strictly observe the time of meals, it must be all three days at the same hour. From green fruits, you can not only prepare salads and stew vegetables, but also make juices and purees. As a sweetener to all dishes can act honey.

The course of the green diet, once again recall, no more than three days!

Weight loss diets
  • Mar 26, 2018
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