Treating stomatitis with folk remedies

Treatment of stomatitis with folk remedies is very popular. Even experts designate the use of plant components along with traditional medicine methods.

In the course are both herbal oils, and the usual green, and the result of this is stunning.


  • Causes, types and symptoms of disturbance
  • Experience of the centuries
  • Recipes with bee products
  • What else helps with stomatitis?
  • Recommendations for the

diet Causes, types and symptoms of

disorders There are several types of stomatitis, each of which is caused by a particular pathogen:

  1. Viral develops due to viruses of various origins. In the oral cavity small bubbles appear, which eventually turn into sores. Around the lesions, the mucous membrane becomes very inflamed, the patient feels malaise, and pain in the mouth.
  2. Fungal is a reaction to the reproduction of fungi in the oral cavity. The disease is manifested by puffiness and the formation of a white coating. With the course of the disease, the plaque increases, in consistency resembles the curds mass.
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  4. Bacterial is a reaction to the appearance of pathogenic bacteria. Its symptoms are inflammation and puffiness of the mucous membrane, there is a burning sensation in the affected area.
  5. The appearance of ulcers, which subsequently bleed and deepen inside the tissue, indicates the presence of ulcerative stomatitis.
  6. Another severe form is aphthous stomatitis, which is manifested by the presence of aft - these are erosion areas on the surface of the mucosa, covered with a grayish color, around them the skin is very inflamed.

In addition to the main pathogens in the human body, special conditions must be formed to cause the reagent to cause stomatitis. Most often it appears against the background of weakened immunity, due to stress, hormonal changes, injuries, improper hygiene and other conditions, each of which has a beneficial effect on the development of stomatitis.

Experience of the centuries

Recipes for the treatment of stomatitis, which are deservedly popular:

  1. Oak bark is rich in tannins that interact with proteins and form a protective barrier to reduce skin irritation. In addition, this vegetable matter takes care of the formation of a healthy microflora. It is because of these reasons that the substance is very popular in the treatment of the disease. To prepare the rinse aid, 20 grams of crushed bark should be boiled and cooked for 15 minutes. After this, remove from heat, allow to cool, drain and can be used for the treatment of stomatitis.
  2. In the control of ulcers, uses pomegranate peel. Two tablespoons of powdered peel is boiled in a glass of water for 20 minutes. The resulting infusion is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio and rinses the mouth.
  3. The people know the unique property of tea rose oil .It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunomodulating and healing qualities. It is not true, tremendous opportunities in the treatment of stomatitis. It is enough to lubricate the inflamed areas or sores with oil, and the regenerating process will go faster.
  4. Also infusion from tea rose petals is effective. A handful should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes, with no difference whether dry or fresh petals are used. Such an infusion rinse the mouth after each meal. However, the more often the foci of defeat are irrigated, the faster they can be defeated.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil is not only a traditional medicine, in traditional treatment it is often resorted to its use due to its amazing properties. First, in sea-buckthorn oil contains virtually the entire spectrum of vitamins, so it has an immunostimulating effect. Moreover, it is an excellent painkiller, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent. It is prescribed for any form of stomatitis, including wound healing. With the help of sea buckthorn oil with stomatitis make lotions. Cotton swab dipped in a natural elixir and compresses the affected areas. Keep the lotions should be at least 20 minutes and repeat the procedure several times a day. You can also lubricate the sores with a cotton swab. However, sea buckthorn juice is not less useful for use with stomatitis.
  6. You should not bypass the famous herbs such as calendula, chamomile, yarrow, aloe, eucalyptus, sage .You can take herbal medicine, make a decoction out of it and rinse it with your mouth. For example, two tablespoons of sage, marigold and eucalyptus are poured into two glasses of boiling water and insisted for two hours. You can also add celandine and willow bark to them.
  7. Aloe vera effectively fights sores, preventing bleeding and possible infection. You can replace the plants with blackberries. Juice, diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 1, dries the aphthae and promotes their resorption after a few days.
  8. Alcohol infusion from St. John's wort for a few days will clear the oral cavity from damage. To make it, you need to cut the grass large, put in a jar and pour alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.The drug is infused for two weeks, then 40 drops are diluted in half a cup of boiled water and you can actively fight with stomatitis. You need to rinse twice a day.
  9. The wound healing properties of potatoes will help restore the mucous membrane when sores appear. It is necessary to grind the raw root crop and the resulting gruel to cover the inflamed areas. Gadgets should be done twice a day, and in a couple of days the foci of the disease will dissolve.

Recipes with bee products

Although sweet is not recommended for stomatitis, honey is an exception. This natural elixir kills microbes, which can also be a source of stomatitis.

In addition, it has an analgesic effect and restores immunity.

Recipes based on honey:

  1. The easiest way to cure stomatitis with honey is to dissolve a spoonful of honey in your mouth or smear it with damaged areas.
  2. For rinsing use honey water. For its preparation, a teaspoon of diluted in a glass of water. The procedure should be repeated 4-6 times a day.
  3. To strengthen the already useful properties of honey, it is possible to prepare rinse aid using chamomile flowers .This tincture will acquire an anti-inflammatory property. A teaspoon of dried flowers is poured a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes. The solution is cooled and filtered, a spoonful of honey is added to it and, after complete dissolution, rinse the mouth several times a day for 2-3 days.
  4. No less valuable is another product of beekeeping. Propolis promotes wound healing, has anti-inflammatory effect.10 grams of grated propolis, infused with 40 ml of 96% alcohol for two days, is well used as a rinse base. The strained elixir is diluted with 60 ml of water and used to irrigate the inflamed areas with stomatitis.

What else helps with stomatitis?

With the appearance of the first symptoms and for lack of the required medicines and ingredients for the implementation of health-improving procedures, ordinary baking soda is perfect.

An alkaline solution disinfects the oral cavity, has an anti-inflammatory effect. The floor of a tablespoon is diluted in a glass of water at room temperature.

A similar action is exerted by salt. The same proportions are used for the preparation of the solution.

The question often arises: can ulcers caused by stomatitis be smeared with greenery? Burning with greenery has a healing effect on the sores that appear on the lips, but is ineffective inside the mouth.

The following therapies are also used:

  1. An excellent antiseptic for stomatitis is the usual methylene blue .It can be used with the help of cotton buds to lubricate not only the ulcers, but also the inflamed halo.
  2. Diluted in water sodium tetraborate , a teaspoon per glass of water, is effective for rinsing with stomatitis. This antifungal agent, which also removes puffiness.
  3. The hydrogen peroxide has a similar effect, a teaspoon of the drug solution is added to a glass of water and used for irrigation of the mucosa.
  4. The chattable with analgesic effect is a tool suitable for both adults and children. It consists of: chamomile, calendula and egg white. For cooking, you must brew a teaspoon of chamomile and calendula flowers in a glass of water. Once the infusion has cooled, it must be filtered and added to the whipped egg whites. Chatter is applied to inflamed areas. It perfectly anesthetizes, while it can be used at least hourly.

Recommendations for the diet

What can I eat with inflammation of the oral mucosa?

Contraindicated too salty, sharp, sweet dishes. It is recommended to follow a balanced menu.

In case of complicated types of disease accompanied by the appearance of ulcers, preference should be given to liquid and puree foods. Many eat ready-made baby food, as it meets all the conditions described.

Since stomatitis develops on the background of weakened immunity, the diet supposes to diversify the diet with fruits, vegetables and cereals. Cabbage, carrots, potatoes, among other useful properties, have a positive effect on the positive dynamics of the disease.

It is better to give preference to juices, compotes and fruit drinks, as they are more rich in essential substances.

If stomatitis is caused by fungi, do not use dairy products. They create favorable conditions for the multiplication of pathological cells.

Stomatitis, of course, must be treated with traditional methods, but if you choose folk remedies as an additional method of treatment, you can achieve a positive effect many times faster.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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