What to do if a child has a toothache - the main thing without panicking!

Any parent at least once in his life, but faced with the problem of acute toothache in his child. And many in such cases panic overcomes.

Any illness of his child is tolerated by the parent with insurmountable excitement, and only toothache - so even more so.


  • Knowledge of the reasons will help solve the problem
    • Caution - pulpitis and flux!
  • Features of children's toothache
  • We give first aid
    • With a flux jokes are bad
  • And yet a doctor is needed
  • We set up a child for a trip to the dentist
  • A good doctor knows his business
  • A good parent does not cry almost a child

Knowledge of the reasons will help solve the problem

Basic andThe most common reason for the appearance of toothache is the appearance in the cavity of the tooth caries, which affects still sufficiently hard tissues of tooth enamel. The appearance of even a small cracks indicates the possibility of penetration of various pathogens into the cavity of the tooth.

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A favorable environment for the development of microbes is the sweet environment in the mouth of the child.

Therefore caries is especially dangerous:

  • for avid sweet tooth;
  • with reduced immunity, when the body is experiencing an acute shortage of vitamins, protein and trace elements;
  • for children who ignore brushing their teeth or perform this procedure poorly.
To the attention of parents: the darkening of the tooth indicates the initial stage of caries development, which is subsequently accompanied by painful sensations of varying intensity and periodicity.

In addition, soft gum tissues that come into contact with the tooth can be hyperemic. Swelling and swelling of the cheeks is possible, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process and may be accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Therefore, pain is observed when you touch not only the tongue, chewing food or the effects of temperature fluctuations, but also when the gums come into contact with any object.

Caution - pulpitis and flux!

When microbes and bacteria are damaged by soft tissues of the tooth-pulp, the development of pulpitis is observed, when the inflammatory process affects the nerve endings and blood vessels.

The process of destruction of hardened mineral layers and soft tissues is accompanied by a strong toothache, which has a sudden pulsating character.

The particular danger of pulpitis is that microbes through the pulp can penetrate into the gums and jaw tissue, where the inflammation process will continue, which can lead to complications and the formation of a flux.

In this case, swelling of the soft tissues near the affected tooth is observed. This fact indicates the accumulation of pus, which brings incredible torment to the child. The rise in temperature only aggravates the situation.

Not necessarily caries and pulpitis become the root causes of flux formation. Flux can also occur as a result of infection during surgical intervention, an infectious disease transferred or a tooth injury.

These oral diseases require immediate, expert help from a doctor.

But with some signs of childish toothache, parents have the right to cope on their own. Pay attention to your child and you will understand that the cause of the pain can be:

  • bothering wound to the place of the just dropped tooth;
  • prolapse of dairy and rooting of molars;
  • damage the oral cavity with food residues that can get stuck there.

Features of child toothache

As we have already found out, the serious cause of the occurrence of childhood toothache is the presence of an inflammatory process.

Depending on the nature of the disease, a child's toothache can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. With caries of , aching and piercing pain are observed at the moment when the child chews a piece of food. In particular, the pain is intensified by contact with sweet, sour or spicy food. At the initial stage of the disease, there is a darkening of some area of ​​tooth enamel.
  2. When pulsing , there is a growing pain of a pulsating nature, which after a while can subside, and then start with a new force. Such pain can disturb a child not only during a meal, but also at any time of day - day or night. Especially acute peaks occur when contact with cold drinks or sudden movements of the body. In the absence of measures for the treatment of the tooth, the form of the disease develops into a chronic one and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, weakness, drowsiness and headache.
  3. Puffiness of the gums, swelling of the cheek, appearance of abscess formation, fever and general malaise are the main features of flux .Additional signs of purulent inflammation at the root of the tooth is an increase in lymph nodes with an increasing and aching toothache.
In the latter case, an ambulance should be called immediately, because in such a situation no activities will help to relieve the pain, and attempts to improve the condition of the child can only harm his health.

We provide first aid to

When you are unable to get an appointment with an emergency doctor, you can try to remove the first signs of caries with a thorough brushing of your teeth in order to clean the remains of food between your teeth.

If this exercise does not help, then continue to try and remove the pain syndrome by rinsing with soda-salt solution. For this, use a teaspoon of soda and salt on a glass of warm boiled water.

In case when the pain sensations still did not pass, use anesthetics and antipyretic drugs: Nurofen or Analgin. These funds effectively help to relieve pain in pulpitis.

In addition, you can also use such folk remedies:

  • tampon, soaked in clove oil and attached to a sore spot;
  • broths of St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme and sage can be used for rinsing;
  • tea tree oil and peppermint oil also have a good analgesic effect.

Massage of the reflex points of the ear also makes it possible to block pain.

In addition, you should try to divert the child's attention from pain: watch cartoons, play with it, hug and kiss it. Entertain the child as you can.

With the flux jokes are bad

If the cause of toothache is the flux, rinsing and warming will not help relieve the pain, on the contrary, they activate the inflammatory process, which can lead to a common infection of the body.

Therefore, with the flux of jokes are bad - immediately call an ambulance, which will take you to the department of facial surgery, where immediately they will render qualified assistance.

And yet the doctor needs

Non-dangerous oral problems do not require treatment to the dentist. For example, the place of the fallen tooth can be soothed with rinsing with soda solution, with teething will ease the condition of gum massage, and to remove food debris, use flossing.

But, if it concerns the severe pain of the baby teeth, then it's not worth the time. Undoubtedly, the dairy will be replaced by indigenous, but the treatment of baby teeth is still necessary.

This is because caries can develop into pulpitis or cause the development of a flux. In any case, complications can occur that can lead to blood poisoning.

Set up a child for a trip to the dentist

To avoid problems with the teeth, the dentist needs to be treated not only because of toothache, but also as preventive measures.

On the trip to the doctor of the child is better to adjust in advance. After all, the first acquaintance with the dentist will be remembered for the rest of his life.

It will be best if the situation of the campaign is depicted in a game form. To begin with, practice on toys or watch cartoons about good and good healers.

Before you go to a dental office with a child, visit him and talk with your doctor. Remember, the right choice of clinic and doctor is the guarantee of your child's teeth health.

A good doctor knows his business

The first thing any dentist will do is identify the cause of the toothache. With minor damage to the oral cavity, the doctor may be prescribed rinsing procedures, special ointments or tablets are prescribed.

If tooth decay is caused by caries, then attempts are made to treat it. For this, teeth drilling, silvering or remineralization can be used.

In the case of pulpitis, instrumental methods of treating the channels of the milk tooth with their cleaning and sealing can be used. If a flux is detected, the patient is placed in a hospital where an abscess is opened by surgical removal.

After surgery, a small patient, according to the doctor's recommendations, undergoes a course of rehabilitation.

An example of how teeth are treated for children is covered in a video, the fissures are sealed to a child who is 3 years old:

A good parent does not cry almost as much as a child.

To prevent oral and dental diseases,

  • should start taking care of the teeth, as the first teeth got out from the child;
  • teach the child the rules of dental care and show how to properly brush your teeth;
  • pick up soft brushes and toothpastes according to the child's age;
  • observe the rules of oral hygiene;
  • to explain to the child that you can not take sharp and nibble hard objects in your mouth, which can damage the tooth enamel;
  • adhere to a healthy diet and thereby reduce consumption of sweet, hot or sour;
  • ensure that the child does not take too cold or hot food;
  • periodically visit the dental office.

When the first signs of toothache occur in a child, it is necessary to react to his morbid condition correctly and operatively. If the pain is insignificant and the child can tolerate until the morning, then try to give him first aid.

However, if the condition of the child leaves much to be desired and you are unable to cope on your own, then it is urgent to call an ambulance.

However, proper care and preventive measures will help you avoid any painful situations. Let your children always be healthy!

  • Mar 26, 2018
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