The incredible properties of plantain was known even in ancient Rome, Persia and Greece. Doctors of those times were preparing on its basis medicinal drugs that helped to overcome both skin diseases and diseases of internal organs. And to this day the relevance of this herb is not lost - today it is widely used in folk medicine.
. Medicinal home remedies are prepared from leaves and seeds of plants, which show rather high efficiency. And today you will learn in what cases the use of plantain tincture can be recommended and how to prepare the remedy so that it is really useful.
About the benefits and uses of
We all know that if you put a plantain to the wound, you can stop the blood, prevent the formation of an inflammatory process, and the wound itself will soon heal. This truth is known for a long time, although its properties were not immediately revealed to people. Today, unfortunately, not many enjoy the gifts of nature, and in fact natural preparations are much more effective than many modern medicines and besides have a more sparing effect.
Applying plantain tincture can be without harm to the body to get rid of the following problems:
- diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- infertility in men and women;
- gastritis;
- acute colitis;
- stomach ulcer;
- digestive disorders;
- cystitis;
- bruises, burns, wounds.
Specialists in the field of medicine have proved that tincture of plantain in complex treatment helps to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from tuberculosis and lung cancer.
The whole secret of this plant lies in its juice, which is able to show bactericidal and wound-healing effects. For this reason, such an unremarkable grass has found the widest application both in folk and in traditional medicine. And today it can be useful to each of us - some stop blood, others cough, others use it for cosmetic purposes, and some even in cooking.
Important! Remember that this remedy can not be used for high blood clotting and blood clots. And long-term use of plantain preparations can provoke thrombosis and cause a high coagulability of blood.
Prepare the tincture and treat
. All the parts of the plantain have healing properties. Leaves, seeds and inflorescences have been used. At the same time, you can prepare tincture from both fresh and dry raw materials. But first it is necessary to prepare it in time and correctly. Seeds are recommended to collect at a time when they acquire a brown color - this indicates their maturity. The remaining parts, as a rule, begin to cut in July and finish the harvest in September.
Tip! Preparation of green parts of the plant should be done in dry weather. If this morning, then you need to wait until the dew dries. And try not to use a plantain that grows along dusty tracks.
The recipe for the healing remedy
The tincture of plantain is prepared on vodka, while the product should be placed in a container of glass - preferably dark. The main advantage of this preparation before water - a long shelf life;it can be put in the refrigerator and used as needed.
To prepare the product, you need to do the following:
- half-liter jar to top fill with plantain leaves or pour 200 ml of its juice;
- add 200 ml of vodka;
- tightly close and put in a shaded place;
- insist the remedy at room temperature for 3 weeks, from time to time shaking it;
- to filter.
The obtained tincture can be used both internally and externally.
- For colitis, gastritis and bronchitis, the drug is taken twice a day for a month. Dosage is calculated based on the patient's body weight - by 10 kg weight 3 ml tincture.
- With high pressure, the drug should be consumed three times a day for 30 drops.
- For the healing of wounds, with bruises, burns and other skin damage that can be infected, compresses are made from the preparation - a piece of gauze or cotton cloth is moistened in solution and applied to the affected area several times a day until it is completely healed.
Important! Tincture of plantain is categorically contraindicated for use in high acidity, high intensity of gastric juice production, as well as in certain types of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
To protect your body from possible problems, it is recommended to consult your doctor before treatment. And the drug itself should be started with small doses, gradually increasing the daily rate, especially if you have asthma or a tendency to allergies.