Banana from the autumn melancholy

Autumn is a time when all nature falls asleep. Do not bypass these changes and our body. With the onset of cold weather, most of us feel depressed and oppressed.

In order to avoid the autumn blues, you should pay close attention to your lifestyle and diet. It should contain all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. But the real salvation from a bad mood will become a well-known to everyone and a very useful fruit - a banana.

Useful properties of banana

First of all, we note the high content of the hormone of happiness - endorphin in this useful product, which saves from decadent mood. In addition, this overseas fruit serves as an excellent preventative for many different diseases. Just two bananas a day will protect you from seasonal diseases and colds, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the cardiovascular system, save from multiple sclerosis and will be an excellent prevention against oncology.

With all this, bananas are an indispensable product for getting the body so necessary to us in the fall of energy. According to scientists, one banana per day is enough to get a good mood until six o'clock. Bananas are real natural antidepressants, perfectly coping with anguish and despondency.

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In addition, it is proved that this product helps to fight and with age-related changes. Women who regularly eat bananas are less susceptible to aging, and even at an elderly age have almost no wrinkles. It is due to the fact that the banana is the leader among fruits in the content of vitamin E, which significantly prolongs the life of our cells and pushes the aging process.

Indispensable product at any age.

. In order for your child to work hard at school, be sure to include it in the morning meal. In addition to the fact that this fruit will help activate all the basic functions of the body after an overnight rest, it will help to keep the child vigorous and energetic even after difficult mental loads.

Dieticians all over the world claim - want to stay in good shape, eat bananas. Their unique composition includes many useful substances, such as: magnesium, potassium, calcium, B vitamins and many others. Only one this product can saturate the body better than any snack. Due to its caloric content, it will save you from feeling hungry for a good half of the day. In addition, the banana saturates the brain cells with oxygen and normalizes the water-salt balance.

As you can see, this simple and from childhood we all know the banana is a very useful product on our table. And in the autumn months, when a lot of melancholy, melancholy and depression, it is simply irreplaceable. Eat bananas and be healthy!

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  • Mar 26, 2018
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