Actually, braces - when to put, what to eat, whether it is possible to smoke and other acute issues

The installation of bracket systems for today is an excellent solution for correction of bite and tooth shape.

Modern braces are almost invisible to others, but still they introduce some inconveniences in everyday life, which are easy to handle, slightly adjusting their daily menu and habits.

Before installing brackets, it is necessary to know when they can be put, at what age the treatment will be the most safe and effective, to become acquainted with the features of the installation and lifestyle of the braket carrier, the specific diet and other important nuances.


  • Favorable period for installing
  • Is it possible to correct only one jaw?
  • Is there a reasonable alternative?
  • Restrictions on the installation of the bracket system
    • Installation on the implant
    • Installation on the seals
    • Can I put the braces on the crowns?
    • Prepulled teeth
  • Installation during pregnancy and during nursing
  • When to expect the result of treatment?
  • instagram viewer
  • Can I remove brackets before the due date?
  • Question of supply
    • Can I chew gum or eat chips?
  • Bad habits
  • Is it possible to do an MRI with braces

? A favorable period for the installation of

? According to dentists, it is never too late to start to work on your teeth, however, the sooner this or that problem is paid attention, the more effective the result will be. A similar pattern can be applied to the installation of braces.

According to most orthodontists, the most favorable time to put braces on a child is the age from 5 to 9 years. Because it is at this time that the right bite is formed.

However, some experts say that the braces at this age have a negative effect on the teeth not showing up and can lead to root dissolving, which means loss of teeth.

The installation of brackets, most often, falls on adolescence from 12 to 17, when all the molars are already in place. In this interval teeth can be affected much easier, so you can quickly achieve consistent results.

After 30 years, bone tissue is less plastic, and it is difficult to work on the dentition, but this is not a contraindication to the installation. Braces can be put up to 30 years and at 40.

The only thing that at this age recommend orthodontists is the use of only metal structures and the duration of treatment will be slightly increased.

Is it possible to correct only one jaw?

Many patients prefer to put braces on only one jaw, but this is probably not always the case. The use of only part bracket system is allowed only in such cases:

  • curvature in the position of the teeth is insignificant, that is, from the common row one or two are knocked out;
  • jaws are located symmetrically and there are no significant problems with bite.

However, such an option in the practice of orthodontists is quite rare, only about 5%.

Is there a reasonable alternative?

Although the use of braces is quite a popular procedure, which is an undoubted leader in correcting the curvature of the teeth, there is a category of people who for one reason or another can not establish such a construction.

For these people, not everything is lost, as you can even align teeth without braces:

  • , the , the transparent kappa is used for minor deformations;
  • veneers - ceramic part, which is most often glued to the tooth, this method is applied in the case when the dentition is not subject to correction.
  • trainers - the elastic plate promotes the expansion of the jaw.

In addition to the methods presented in pediatric dentistry, systems with crown regulation are used.

Restrictions on the installation of the bracket system

Not always orthodontic treatment is possible, we will consider possible restrictions.

Installation on implants

Implants can not be placed on implants, and they relate this to such factors:

  • , while the teeth begin to move, will begin to change and the position of the pin, which, most often, leads to its rejection;
  • dental care with the implant is quite demanding for , the installation of braces will make it even more difficult, which can lead to the accumulation of bacteria and, as a consequence, to the inflammatory process, and hence to the rejection of the prosthesis.
The orthodontic design is placed on the implant only in rare cases and experienced enough. Since most cases lead to rejection of the prosthesis and repeated dental implantation.

Sealing on seals

You can basically put braces on sealed teeth. However, the seals should be in good condition, fit snugly to the tooth, do not have chips or deformation.

Before the direct installation, the oral cavity undergoes full sanation, where substandard fillings are replaced and then the construction is directly put.

Can I put braces on crowns?

In the installation of orthodontic systems for crowns, there are a number of features. Depending on the clinical picture and individual characteristics, the orthodontist can offer two possible ways:

  1. Temporary removal of the bridge, in the place of which temporary, plastic crowns are installed. Constant construction is returned to the site after orthodontic treatment.
  2. Sawing of the bridge into several pieces in order to avoid deformation in its integral structure.

In the presence of crowns, the use of metal structures is recommended, since they perfectly adhere to the surface of the prosthesis.

The presence of crowns is an additional stimulus for a more thorough oral hygiene, as well as a careful attitude to the teeth, which should not be stressed during treatment.

Depulpated teeth

The installation of braces on depulpated, or so-called "dead" teeth - one of the most controversial options in the installation of orthodontic systems. To put a design on this type of tooth is necessary only for an experienced specialist who has already faced similar cases in his practice. Since there is a risk that the tooth will simply fall out under the pressure of the system.

In addition, many dentists advise first to cover the tooth with a crown and only then to start orthodontic treatment.

Installation during pregnancy and during nursing

Most specialists do not recommend braces during pregnancy or lactation. The organism of the future mother is already going through great loads, and although modern orthodontic designs are developed as comfortably as possible, the risk of complications is high enough.

Possible complications:

  • resorption of the tooth roots;
  • deformation of bone tissue;
  • a change in diet can adversely affect the development of the baby.

Setting during breastfeeding is also undesirable. Since during this period the newly mum needs to eat well, so that the child gets all the necessary elements, and when wearing braces it can not be done.

When to expect the result of treatment?

The time for correcting the occlusion is quite individual and no expert will be able to tell the exact date when orthoconstructions will be removed directly at the time of their installation. The minimum threshold for therapy is 1 year. Further correction of the timing depends on the following factors:

  • the state of the oral cavity during the installation period;
  • age, after 25 years the period of wearing is dramatically increased;
  • degree of warping and deformation;
  • denseness of the dentition;
  • type of bracket system.

However, there are also average indicators of wearing braces: in children 1-2 years old, in adults from 2 and more years.

Can I remove brackets before the due date?

Orthodontists extremely do not recommend removing orthodontic constructions before the due date, because in this case the treatment is considered unfinished and in such situations the bite can only worsen.

In addition, premature removal of braces can lead to serious problems throughout the oral cavity. These include: damage and destruction of individual teeth, chronic erasability of enamel, a violation in the work of the temporomandibular composition.

Therefore, without the urgent need to remove the bracket system in advance is extremely undesirable.

Question of supply

If a person is worried about the process before installing the ortho-construction procedure, then after returning home, another row of questions arises before him, the main of which is what you can or can not eat with braces on your teeth and how to change your lifestyle in principle.

One of the significant disadvantages of using this method in solving the problems of curvature of teeth is the inability to consume the hard and sticky food to which a modern person is so used. Some dentists even give an approximate list of what you can eat with braces, and what not.

List of products that can not be eaten with braces installed:

  • nuts and seeds;
  • toffee and other sweets;
  • black tea and coffee;
  • caramel, lollipops;
  • hard cookies, crackers, drying;
  • red wine;
  • dried fruits;
  • lemonade with a pronounced color;
  • apples and other hard fruits;
  • all kinds of cereal products;
  • currant, chokeberry;
  • corn flakes;
  • all kinds of cheeses;
  • beet.

One of the presented products can bend the arc, others help to unstick braces, and some cause the breakdown of part of the structure. Therefore, it is important to follow a special diet and not to use non-recommended foods.

Recommended list of products:

  • all kinds of yoghurts;
  • all kinds of porridge;
  • soft enough fruits: bananas, kiwis, watermelons and melons;
  • berries;
  • cream and ordinary soups;
  • potato and baby puree;
  • various types of canned fish;
  • vegetable stew;
  • milkshakes and all kinds of smoothies;
  • cutlets and meatballs.
An approximate diet should meet the following requirements: food should be crushed, almost liquid, at room temperature, do not contain a large number of dyes.

Can I chew gum or eat chips?

Unfortunately, such products must be excluded. Chips and gum belong to the so-called sticky food, which clings to the construction. The remaining particles of food not only look ugly, but also cause inflammation of the gums, and also provoke the development of caries.

In case if the desire to try the forbidden product overpowers the ban, it is necessary to conduct procedures for oral hygiene immediately after eating.

Bad habits

One of the most common bad habits is smoking, and it's no secret that the smoker's teeth are often in a deplorable condition. Because smoking harms the whole body.

However, orthodontists do not directly prohibit smoking bracelets, but some of the types of structures during treatment due to smoking can change color, especially for plastic varieties.

Experts advise heavy smokers to reduce the number of cigarettes for the period of treatment and follow the list of rules:

  • try to rinse your teeth with special means after each cigarette;
  • pay more attention to oral hygiene;
  • conduct professional cleaning and dental hygiene procedures.

Whether it is possible to do an MRI with braces

With a braces system, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain may be contraindicated, but to clarify this factor, it is necessary to contact your treating orthodontist and find out what metal the structure consists of.

In case the construction is made of titanium or other elements with ferromagnets - the MRI procedure is possible. If other components were used, the diagnosis is contraindicated immediately before the removal of the braces.

Bracket systems in the solution of orthodontic tasks are undoubted leader, which will help to become the owner of a charming smile. The main thing to approach the preparatory process, installation and further treatment responsibly and to comply with all the recommendations of a specialist.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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