How to make facial massage from wrinkles

  • 1 How to properly massage from wrinkles for the face and neck - lessons for beginners
    • 1.1 The most effective acupressure from deep wrinkles
    • 1.2 Chinese method of dealing with age-related changes( how to do it yourself)
    • 1.3 Massage with a simple spoon
    • 1.4 Thaimassage for rejuvenation

Facial massage at home from wrinkles has proved its effectiveness and is one of the inexpensive ways to preserve youth, beauty and health not only of the skin, but of the whole organism - what dreamevery woman. Such a massage will be useful for the body of men.

How to properly massage from wrinkles for face and neck - lessons for beginners

Numerous reviews indicate the effectiveness of massage in the fight against signs of skin aging. This procedure has a rejuvenating effect and an incredibly beneficial effect on the face, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, helps to smooth and helps to get rid of those that already exist, has a lifting effect.

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This is a wonderful prevention of the first signs of old age, because it is recommended to girls about 25 years. Although the presence of edema, small wrinkles at an earlier age may also indicate the need for such a procedure. As a result of the impact of fingers on the skin, blood flow increases, facial muscles become stronger, which affects not only the skin condition, but also the muscular structure, removes puffiness and flabbiness.

This procedure can be performed in the salon. However, if there is no possibility to visit a cosmetologist, it is enough to study the features and techniques, making it yourself completely at home with your own hands or with the help of a massage machine, by banks.

Before proceeding to this procedure of rejuvenation and preservation of healthy facial skin, it is necessary to establish whether there are any contraindications. After all, if there are vessels and capillaries close to the surface of the skin, and if they are brittle, excessive pressure and rubbing can damage them and do more harm than good.

In order to check how much your skin is ready to be exposed without resorting to the services of a beautician, it is enough to take a wooden spatula and, slightly pressing down, to hold it over the skin in the shoulder area. If the red stain does not pass for a long time, you should wait a little or apply to a specialist who will help you choose sparing methods. If the red trace has passed, then you can proceed to the self-massage of the face.

So, as before any cosmetic procedure, the scheme begins with removing facial cosmetics, dust and dirt, as well as excess fat. It is advisable to use a soft scrub or gommage.

After cleansing, it is necessary to lightly steam up the skin of the face over a steam bath of herbs or put a towel moistened in hot water( grass) for 15 minutes, but for a short while and so that there is no boiling water, otherwise we will not get a steaming, but a burn.

The second step is applying a massage cream or oil. The choice depends on your wishes, type and condition of the skin. So, for oily and problematic skin, it is better to choose the appropriate massage cream, but for dry - better oil( olive, linseed).

It is worth paying attention to cosmetics designed specifically for the face. After all, the body and the face are two different things, respectively, and the means are different. After applying the chosen product, you need to wait 10 minutes for the steamed skin to absorb the necessary nutrients. Then proceed to the main - directly massage.

There are massage lines. It moves under the skin of the lymph. That's why the massage itself needs to be carried out along these lines in order to avoid the opposite effect. In case of chaotic manipulations, instead of a beautiful tightened and healthy skin, you will get crooked and flabby, besides with additional wrinkles and folds created by you.

The movements themselves are made with pads or a cavity by the surface of the fingers, depending on the type you choose, pressing each time you move to a new area of ​​skin on the temples. It is in the temples that the centers responsible for initiating exchange processes are located.
Each type of massage has its purpose and its effect: wrinkle control, rejuvenation, elimination of puffiness, getting rid of the second chin, nasolabial folds, face sculpting, etc.

Of the existing for today there are such: plucked - Jacquet, anti-wrinkle, Japanese - shiatsu and its derivatives, slightly different, but also based on pressure on certain points - asahi, tanaka, lymph drainage.
Known is a honey massage, designed to clean the pores. Distributing honey on your face, you can see droplets that are collected in separate areas of the skin - this is the slagged pores. The scheme consists in pressing with hands and cutting them off from the face, such cotton movements will help to knock off sebaceous plugs and to clear pores.

Quite popular is the Japanese massage, which involves not only the skin, but also the muscles, connective tissue and even the bones of the skull.
A vivid example is massage for the face from wrinkles according to the Japanese method tsugan become younger 10 years ago. Tsogan in translation means the creation of a person. Improves not only the skin condition, facial features and oval become more distinct, contour.

It is based on the use of force by fingers on the skin of the face, but strength must also be controlled, especially in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

The most effective acupressure from deep wrinkles

This is a fairly common Tibetan method of healing and curing all kinds of ailments. It is based on the action on the biologically active points of the body, in this case the person, as a result of which the internal forces of the organism are activated.
This kind can be done at home, preferably in a sitting position, observing an even posture.

According to this technique, there are 15 points on the face that need to be used during the massage: above the bridge of the nose, at the beginning of the eyebrows, at the inner corners of the eyes, the eyebrows end, the outer corners of the eyes, whiskey, under the eye cavities, near the auditory canals, corners of the lower jaw,the middle of the chin, the corners of the mouth, above the upper lip, at the wings of the nose, on both sides of the bridge of the nose, under the chin. Pressing on each point - no more than 7 seconds. Pain sensations when pressed indicate a deviation in the internal organs.

Chinese method to combat age-related changes( how to do it yourself)

In China, it is believed that facial massage not only helps in the struggle for beauty, but also positively affects the organs of hearing, vision, the body as a whole. Qigong is considered a massage, and gymnastics, and spiritual cleansing. In translation, means 8 drops of dew, each drop of dew has one massage movement. Has no contraindications, the effect of rejuvenation is noticeable immediately after the first session.

Massage with a simple spoon

Massage with spoons is an ancient effective remedy that helps to eliminate puffiness, improve facial contours, eliminate and prevent wrinkles. In the best case, use silver spoons, since silver itself is a strong antioxidant, if there are no silver ones, ordinary stainless steel.

Apply the spoons, previously dropped into the ice, to the eyelids, get elastic eyelids, without swelling, dark circles will disappear under the eyes.
Lubricating the spoon with cream and massaging from the eyebrows to the temples - we will smooth wrinkles on the forehead and improve blood circulation in the brain.
It is carried out on massage lines, as well as all other kinds. You can do it every day. The effect is noticeable in a week.

Thai massage for rejuvenation

This type is suitable for people who are quickly tired, tired, weakened. It is aimed at restoring the physical comfort and strength of the body. Requires the use of special types of scrubs and oils. It affects not only the face area, but also the head. Thus, it has a relaxing, healing effect, beneficially affecting the skin, eliminating wrinkles.
Has its own contraindications, which the specialist will tell, in particular ARVI, allergy to aromatherapy, etc.
Helps restore body strength, keep youth.

Professional cosmetologist helps to choose the correct and effective method of smoothing mimic wrinkles.
Since each type of massage has its own contraindications, limitations, it is not always possible to determine by itself what is necessary for the skin. After all, waiting for it, you can get something completely different. Attentive should be the owners of a thin face, so as not to get the effect of sunken cheeks. Therefore, if you have any doubts or discomfort during / after the massage, you should contact a specialist to find out the reasons so as not to harm your health. The specialist will choose the best type of care for you.

Nowadays it is very easy to find and see the rules of performing massage on the Internet through YouTube. Very accessible to understand the video from the program "All Bude Good," Elena Zemskova, Margarita Levchenko, Alyona Sable. It will be useful method - fitness for the face of Patricia Horoway, developed personally by her and having a lot of popularity, being an alternative to expensive salon procedures, which can also be downloaded on the Internet.
Internet materials contain video lessons, photos, pictures, which allows you to master the massage technique yourself and produce training at home.
Thanks to following the above tips, you will achieve such super-effects as facelift, wrinkle removal, with a mini-cost.
Currently, the salons also offer a huge list of all kinds of massage, both hardware and hand. The hardware takes classical plastic massage as its basis and has its advantages. Fingers of the specialist can not always be compared with the hardware technique, which allows to precisely regulate the force of pressing, intensity.

The ultrasound machine allows to perform two simultaneous ultrasound-and-massage procedures, which also has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.
Popular is a vacuum( canary) massage that enhances blood flow, improving the color and condition of the skin.
The cost of salon procedures is also relatively low, regardless of where they live - Minsk, St. Petersburg or Mytishchi.
Thus, with the first age changes in the skin, and also those wishing to smooth out wrinkles, it is worth paying attention to exercises and massage schemes, to study massage lines, to choose the optimal option for a hand, canned massage or a massage machine, or to seek help from a cosmetologist who, for sure, professionally select an individual program for your skin, offer special care and tell you how often it is necessary to do these procedures to quickly get rejuvenating results and remove flaws, withto protect youth and beauty, regardless of the age of the passport.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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