Wrap is one of the most common cosmetic procedures among women. It can easily be performed at home and be sure of the composition and its usefulness. But for this procedure there are limitations and contraindications, especially for some species, for example, hot or cold species. Can I carry out wraps during menstruation? What is the benefit of the procedure?
- 1 The use of the wrap
- 1 Contraindications for the
- 3 Contraindications
- 3 Can I carry out the procedure
- 3.1 Cold wraps
- 3.2 Hot wraps
The benefits of wrapping
The benefits of chocolate wrapping were heard by almost everyone. And every third tried to repeat the procedure on their own. Indeed, wraps, as a means to rejuvenate and improve the condition of the skin, are known since the period of the ancient Egyptians. Probably, even Nefertiti used this kind of procedures.
The wrap firmly holds its position as one of the effective, pleasant and relatively inexpensive means for caring for the body, including in the salons.
The main advantages of this method, compared to others, are:
- Special wrappers and tools are not needed for wrapping. The procedure can be performed independently. Especially effectively timed it to hike in the bath, where there is additional thermal impact. This promotes deeper purification and subsequent recovery.
- On the skin is a huge amount of pores through which the body displays various products of metabolism. In this, its function is similar to that of the kidneys and lungs. By applying various medicinal compounds, it is possible without special difficulty to contribute to a more intensive excretion of "wastes".This is especially useful in losing weight, after diseases, etc.
- There are a huge number of recipes that can be applied to the skin. So, some of them contain grains of nutshells, coffee, etc. The fact is that they apply microtraumas to the epidermis. As a result, skin regeneration processes are activated. All this leads to a lifting effect, tightening, rejuvenation and the disappearance of fine wrinkles. And the skin becomes smooth and supple.
- Different formulations affect the blood vessels to a greater or lesser extent, especially those located in the upper layers of the skin. This effect helps to reduce the appearance of the "orange peel".
- There are compositions that have a thermogenic effect, warm up the upper layers of the skin. This also has a beneficial effect on the processes of weight loss and recovery.
- It is useful to use wrapping after childbirth, it can be started only 2 to 3 months after. Such procedures will help tighten the skin and reduce the severity of stretch marks.
- It is effective to carry out wraps with heaviness in the legs, their swelling and lymphostasis. In this case, it is better to perform them after a day at work for the night, additional rest will fix the effect of the procedure.
Contraindications for holding
Despite all the apparent safety of the wraps, there are contraindications and limitations in the application.
You should also be very cautious in the following cases:
- If, at the time of the planned procedure, there is an exacerbation of any chronic pathology, for example, hypertensive crisis or intestinal colic, etc.
- Also, caution should be observed in the presence of diabetes, especially poorly compensable.
- During an acute illness, for example, with respiratory viral infection or the flu. In such situations, you should wait for the final recovery.
- In the presence of benign and malignant tumors of any localization, such procedures can be carried out only after consulting a doctor.
- If the skin has not yet healed injuries - cuts, burns, etc., it is necessary either not to apply formulations to these areas, or at all until the final restoration of the skin is not carried out.
- Also with caution should be wrapped during pregnancy, it is better to refrain from such cosmetic procedures.
We recommend reading the article on cosmetic procedures for the face during menstruation. From it you will learn about the purge of the face during menstruation, the proper conduct of the procedure, as well as the possible outcome and consequences.
Is it possible to perform the procedure
during menstruation? Many women are worried about whether it is possible to do a wrap during menstruation. Indeed, what if the course of the procedure fell on critical days? All wraps can be divided into two types: cold and hot. Each technique has its own peculiarities of conduction and limitations, including at the time of menstruation.
Cold wraps
For this kind of compositions are used at room temperature, there is no need for additional wrapping in a blanket or towel.
For cold wrapping you can use ready-made creams, often they add menthol, mint, which strengthens the "chilling" effect. You can also apply clay or algae. The latter were most widely used in cosmetology salons.
If algae is used, they must be soaked in warm water, and then cooled to room temperature, about 20 to 21 degrees.
So, the resulting composition should be applied to the pre-cleaned skin. Then you need to cover the area with food film. In this form, you need to be from 20 to 40 - 60 minutes. If algae are used, they are neatly laid out on the body from above and also covered with a film.
After the expiry of the time, take a cool shower and use an additional moisturizer.
It is also useful to do the same with varicose veins on the legs, with swelling, lymphostasis. However, the expressed degree of disease requires prior consultation with a doctor, it is safe to do wraps only at the initial stages of the pathology.
Hot wraps
Hot wraps provide for the use of heated to 37 - 38 degrees of the applied mixture.
You can use both ready-made compounds and made by yourself. The most commonly used are the following:
- Using melted bitter chocolate or a mixture of cocoa powder with water.
- With the use of algae. To do this, they must be filled with hot water and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Only after this can be applied.
- Honey and sea salt or coffee grounds.
- Using clay.
- With various oils - sea buckthorn, almond, jojoba and others.
After this, it is necessary to cover the places with a food film, and from above be wrapped in a warm blanket, a terry towel. It is effective and useful to go to the bathhouse and stay there for a while. The average duration of the procedure is 20 to 30 minutes. After that, the remaining mixture should be washed off in a warm shower and apply a nourishing cream.
Look at the video about the chocolate wrap:
Hot wrap is best not done during menstruation, as this can trigger to increase bleeding, especially if the woman has a tendency to it. If a course is being conducted, then you should skip the "special days", at least the first two or three, after which you can continue the process of healing and rejuvenation.
Wraps are a popular and effective procedure for giving beauty, elasticity and a healthy appearance to the skin. But it should be understood that once, of course, not enough, the real effect can be obtained only from the course, and better than several such cycles. With caution should be wrapped during critical days, it is better to refuse the procedure if a woman is disturbed by any violations.