Menstruation and kidney pain

The female's sex system does not work autonomously. Its functioning depends on other organs. The urinary system adjacent to the uterus and appendages can have a noticeable effect on them. Kidney and monthly have mutual dependence, so problems with these organs change the nature and time of critical days.

Contents of

  • 1 Renal function and communication with reproductive organs
    • 1.1 Pain as manifestation of PMS
    • 1.2 Pain in "red days"
    • 1.3 How do the organs of excretion affect the cycle?
  • 2 How to be treated?
  • 3 After menstruation

Kidney function and communication with reproductive organs

Kidneys not only remove all excess from the body together with the liquid. They perform many functions that can be grouped together:

  • Endocrine, that is associated with participation in the production of hormones of renin, erythropoietin and prostaglandins. The first is subject to water exchange and circulation of blood, the second helps the production of red blood cells in it, the third provides a normal value of the vessels and the pressure of the biological fluid. This alone is enough to understand whether the kidneys affect menstruation. After all, this process depends on all the factors listed;
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  • Metabolic, that is, converting one substance into another;
  • Management of the balance of acids and alkali in the body. This function is aimed at maintaining the balance of components with these characteristics in blood plasma.

It's no secret that the development of the reproductive system and menstruation, as part of it, depend on hormones. Kidneys not only relieve the body of excess fluid, but also participate in the development of some of them. The organs have a role in the production of blood constituents, some of which are lost in critical days, control the functioning of blood vessels, regulate the balance of acid and alkali, including in plasma. From all this depends on the composition of sex hormones, what determines whether the kidneys affect the monthly.

Naturally, any malaise with the urinary organs will not pass without a trace for this process. The organism on critical days is more vulnerable because of the lowering of immunity. Critical days can become a trigger for the disease. Therefore, the question of incomprehensible sensations in the kidneys is relevant. There are circumstances that need more detailed explanations.

Kidney during critical days work in a strengthened mode and relieve the body of excess fluid

Pains as a manifestation of PMS

To menstruate properly and on time, the body prepares for the continuation of the whole cycle. A few days before her, the woman is disturbed by regularly recurring manifestations. One of them is not directly felt - a decrease in immunity. Because of it, the organism is exposed to an increased risk of getting an infection or inflammation, as well as an exacerbation of a chronic malaise. Kidney pain before menstruation can begin for one of these reasons.

Urinary organs are currently at risk and because they have to work in a strengthened mode. The fault is the fluid retention characteristic of premenstrual time.

If the kidneys are aching before the months, it may not be all right in the reproductive organs, ie there are cysts, , neoplasms, adhesions in the small pelvis due to past inflammation.

Pain in the "red days"

Because menstruation rarely passes without any unpleasant sensations, and they are localized not only in the abdomen, women are wondering if the kidneys can get sick with menstruation. Ask about this cause the rezi in the lower back, which are very strong.

It is worth saying that in normal urinary organs in menstruation should not be sick. When this problem exists, to bind directly disturbing kidneys and going monthly, erroneously. The reason must be sought in illness.

Premenstrual signs are on the decline, but do not stop their effects. Immune protection is still weakened. All this reveals the reasons why the kidneys are aching with menstruation. Specifically, they can be divided as follows:

  • Fluid retention in tissues. This is more apparent on the face, hands, but the edematous remain and the uterus, slightly enlarged ovaries. Naturally, they occupy more space and affect nearby organs. This sensation can be called rather not pain, but discomfort;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus. Kidney pain with menstruation can signal an endometriosis, exacerbation of a chronic endometritis. These ailments are characterized by a malfunction of the hormonal balance, and therefore, the circulation of fluid in the body. Violation of water metabolism provokes swelling, to which unlike PMS, noticeable pain is added;
  • Venereal infections. Kidneys are painful during menstruation, if the ailment is neglected, it proceeds secretly. Calling gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, bacteria easily migrate from the reproductive system to the urinary, provoking an inflammatory reaction. Characteristic signs - purulent, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, it is painful for a woman to go to the toilet "in a small way";
  • Kidney ailments. Pyelonephritis, urolithiasis in this time interval are activated with the connivance of reduced immunity, and also due to uterine contractions. Monthly affect the kidneys by the fact that the smooth muscles are working harder, trying to get rid of the old layer of mucosa. Oscillations are transmitted to neighboring organs, which provokes a drowsiness that is dormant in them.
Kidney damage is also a pain in menstruation, if there is a hormonal shift, in particular, an excessive amount of prostaglandins. Sensations are given in the lower back, it seems that the urinary organs suffer, although in reality it is not.

How do the highlighting organs affect the cycle?

Those who showed pyelonephritis, urolithiasis know from experience that because of the kidneys there can be delay in menstruation. It is caused by the following circumstances, provoked by a malaise:

  • The inflammatory process itself, resulting from severe pain and a violation of the production of hormones;
  • Stress;
  • Antibiotics. When the kidneys are sore, delay in menstruation can be a consequence of their admission. The funds used for the disease are quite strong, their effect on the body is not without trace for the hormonal sphere;
  • Pregnancy. Delay of menstruation with kidney disease can be the result of a decrease in the effectiveness of the contraceptive used by a woman or skipping a pill. And if so, pregnancy can not be discarded altogether, and a delay in menstrual problems with kidney problems can happen due to the incipient conception.

It is possible that the disease of paired urinary organs will come along with a prolonged absence of menstruation. A woman is going through a period of months. The relationship between the two was already mentioned, but nevertheless the malaise in this sphere does not have such a strong influence on critical days. And if they are not long, the cause must be looked for in another.

Therefore, an important nuance is that due to diseased kidneys, there may be a delay in menstruation. The cycle generally reacts very much to problems in the body.

How to be treated?

When the kidneys are aching with menstruation, what to do is the main question. The coincidence of events causes severe suffering, creates the danger of the infection flowing into a recurring one.

For the diagnosis of an accurate diagnosis of ultrasound of the kidneys with menstruation, do not wait for their end. Urine analysis will be required, but it is done after critical days, they are able to distort the picture. Uzi kidneys during menstruation will give a clear picture of all the changes in the organs on the screen, which the allocation will not be prevented. The examination itself at this time is also safe for the reproductive system, as in any other.

Therapy is selected in accordance with the diagnosis. Self-medication is unacceptable because of the seriousness of the problem and the fact that she overtook a woman in critical days.

The only thing that is allowed to reduce pain, antispasmodics:

  • Baralgin;
  • No-shpa;
  • Ketoprofen.

We recommend reading the article about the peculiarities of urination during menstruation. You will learn about the impact of monthly work on the excretory system, the reasons for frequent visits to the toilet and the occurrence of pain.

After menstruation

When the kidneys after a month are sore, it's unlikely that only women's hormones are to blame. Most likely, the cause was an inflammatory or infectious disease that began at the menstrual stage. In addition to the fallen immunity on the arm, it plays and secretions. Especially if a woman neglects hygiene. Ignoring the rules of purity puts both the reproductive system and the urinary system at risk.

If the kidneys do not give rest and the periods are at the same time, two specialists will have to be examined at once. And it needs to be done urgently because of the high probability of complications, not only for the urinary organs, but also for the reproductive organs.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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