Depletion of the body with mineral salts

Digestion of the body with mineral salts

Digestion of the body with mineral salts is possible:

  • If there is insufficient content of these or other mineral salts in the products themselves, especially in vegetables and greens. This inadequate content may depend on the soil, on the artificial fertilizer of the latter.
  • With irrational cooking of vegetables, fruits and greens. Blanching the latter, used by cooks in order to reduce the bitter taste of some varieties of greens and vegetables, led to inadequate conservation of minerals. The digestion of vegetables in several waters, as is known, is sometimes used to make the body receive a reduced amount of those or other substances included in these products, for example, the digestion of carrots in several waters to remove sugary substances. It should be noted in general the fact of a decrease in the nutritional value of the products, if the water in which the greens, fruits, potatoes and other vegetables were cooked, is poured and not used.
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  • When following a purely diary diet, the body suffers from iron deficiency. The harmful effects of the monotonous, long-lasting diets depend not only on the fact that the diet does not satisfy the taste, as a result of which the appetite decreases, but also from the inadequate production of mineral salts found mainly in other foods not included in the diet.
  • Uniform food can lead, however, not only to the body's mineralization, but also to the accumulation of certain minerals. With a number of pathological conditions( both acute and chronic), there is an intensified ejection of mineral salts and compounds from the body.

    Until now, however, insufficient attention has been paid to the fact that the increased content of mineral salts can be provided to the body not by artificial chemical preparations, but by certain products rich in these or other salts.

    However, all attempts to achieve mineralization of the body with these or other mineral salts will not lead to the goal, if we do not take into account the ratio of individual minerals contained in these or other products.

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