Wonderful properties of honey cream: do not get your hands dirty and do not leak from a sandwich

Cream honey is an excellent alternative to a liquid bee product. The technology of its manufacture was developed in Canada in 1928 by I. J. Dyss, a professor of beekeeping at the Ontario Agricultural College. The impetus was the inconvenience of consuming flowing honey, which dirty hands and clothes.

Cream dessert is the most popular in Europe, and in recent years actively deserves the confidence of people in other countries.

Features and properties of

Cream( or whipped) honey is formed as a result of oxygen processing( whipping) of a liquid bee product. Saturated with oxygen, it acquires a tender taste, balanced sweetness and literally melts in the mouth. At the same time, its aroma and healing properties remain unchanged. Consistency such product resembles thick sour cream or mayonnaise. It is easy to get out of the container and spread on bread - it will not drain and dirty your hands.

From a conventional bee product, honey honey differs in a number of properties:

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  • creamy consistency and delicate texture it retains throughout the year;
  • product does not need to be heated and melted - it does not thicken for a long time;
  • acquiring a different consistency, it manages to store all the useful substances that are contained in the usual bees dessert.
Creamy look makes the dessert comfortable in consuming

Attention! Cream product is the same natural honey with an improved structure. As a result of processing, it simply acquires a form convenient for consumption, without changing its natural qualities.

Manufacturing honey cream

The technology of its manufacturing does not represent special complexity. Fresh honey from the honeycomb is continuously stirred until the crystallization process begins. This treatment prevents the formation of large crystals, and the product does not harden, as under classical storage conditions. In the manufacture of honey cream, only this technology is used, without resorting to the help of additives and improvised means.

For the first time, a cream product was created in Canada using the following technology: honey was poured into large containers and left for 10 days at a temperature of 14-15 degrees. After that, he was transferred to another room, where the temperature was 28 ° C.The softened product was constantly stirred until it crystallized. As a result of all efforts, a delicious dessert with a creamy consistency was obtained. Its natural qualities and aroma remained unchanged. Canadian technology of honey cream production has become widely known and has reached our days.

Warning! When the Canadian recipe is implemented, it is important to observe the temperature regime - it should not exceed a mark of 28 degrees.

Other ways of preparing cream dessert

The treatment of honey by Dice method is still used today. The cream product obtained in this way is not stratified into fractions, does not ferment and remains faithful to the acquired consistency for a long time.

Mechanical stirrer for the production of

product cream. There are other ways of making it. Consider how to make a honey cream quickly and by a more simplified technology.

Fast recipe

Place the liquid bee product in a container at the bottom of which a small amount of honey cream is left from the previous batch. Armed with a stirrer, whisk "amber dessert" for several hours without stopping at a temperature of 12-14 degrees. This method is faster than the Dyss method - in just 3-4 hours the flowing dessert is transformed into a soft, tasty, creamy mass.
Oxygen treatment does not change its natural properties

Simplified method

9 parts of liquid honey mixed with one part of the crystallized bee product at a temperature of 26-28 0С.Stir the ingredients carefully, avoiding the formation of air bubbles. Then leave the mixture alone for a few hours. After the expiry date, transfer it to the selected container and store at a temperature of 14 0С.Honey will acquire a creamy consistency after 10-15 days.

The decision how to make a whipped honey: according to Canadian technology, according to a quick recipe or a simplified scheme, is taken at your discretion. In each of the 3 cases, the product will look like melted butter, covered with small, barely discernible crystals. Delicate taste, delicate aroma, convenience in use make it your favorite dessert.

Whipped honey, the use of which remains unchanged after treatment - an excellent option for delicacies for young children. He does not drain off a sandwich, does not spoil clothes and does not need heating, pleasing sweet lovers with the optimal consistency - not liquid or thick.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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