Haircut Cascade for long hair with bangs and without: technique of creation and photo

Finding your style is not easy, and experiments with the already familiar hairdo does not always end with successful reincarnations. For long strands, it is desirable to choose the classical models, which are Cascade and Bob. Such hairstyles are very popular, besides they are ideal for adult women and young girls.

Who will approach the Cascade for long hair

For thick strands, the ideal option is a cascade that looks flawless, both with a bang, and without its presence. The main feature of this hairstyle is its versatility, because the ladder looks great on all types and lengths of hair, while there is no binding to the shape of the face, its ovals. Young girls can diversify their image oblique or torn bangs, and adult women will be suitable for a strict model with an open forehead. This element becomes the highlight of the chosen style, makes it unique, catchy, unique.

A complex ladder for long hair with bangs

The graded model does not require straight lines and strict form compliance, in this case youth recklessness, easy laying, creative is welcomed. Stresses the woman's face with bangs, the main thing is to choose the right shape and style, thus to match the image chosen in everyday life, to feel as comfortable as possible. Variants for whom the haircuts are particularly relevant Cascade for long hair, several:

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  1. The oblique bangs are ideally suited to round faces, as an element of asymmetry. The volume and multilayer hairstyles with excessive pretentiousness will be out of place, the emphasis is recommended to do on the effect of smoothness.
  2. Oval face shape can be trimmed with a lengthened bangs. If this is a torn model, it looks original, if the ends of the bangs are slightly twisted, divided into two parts. A vivid example of such a stylish image is the inimitable Jennifer Aniston with his eternal style.
  3. A ragged bangs fit the full face, and a cascade for long hair is recommended to graduate to an average length from behind, as if lifting the back of the head. Such sharp elements remove the volume, give the person some angularity, visually slender.

Grooming the ladder for long hair without bangs

The cascade with an open forehead also looks impressive, but does not fit all. This is an ideal option for narrow and oval faces, because you can make a volume, splendor. In order for the hair to look harmonious, the first steps of the ladder must be started from the chin line, gradually increasing the length. Winner of a broad forehead, this option is not suitable, because the massive facial features are better to mask under the individual elements of the chosen hairdo.

Technology for long hair without bangs and bangs

Before cutting the cascade, you need to familiarize yourself with the technique. Otherwise, you can completely ruin both natural strands and your own mood. It is important to remember that the hairstyle is categorically contraindicated in thin, excessively thick, curly locks, as even professional styling will convict all the defects of its structure. The execution technique corresponds to the following pattern( sequence):

  1. Find the center of the parietal area, select the control strand, pull it upward and cut off, according to the desired length.
  2. Run on the head horizontal partitions, dividing strands into "zones".The haircut is more convenient to start with the parietal, gradually moving to the temporal and ending with the occipital zone. Gradually pull the strands of these zones to the same control strand.
  3. When the required length and shape are met, it remains only to decorate the edging, that is, comb all the strands down, with scissors to equalize visual defects.
  4. When the occipital area is not long enough to become flush with the control strand, it is recommended to cut the back of the head with another technique - "strand to strand".
  5. The last strands after the haircut must be placed parallel to the floor, then pull the strands from the occipital area.

How to lay an elongated cascade

After cutting, the face becomes bright and young, there is an inner self-confidence. To keep the hairstyle beautiful and presentable on the updated strands, you need to take care of its correct and high quality styling at home. At hand, you need to have a hairdryer, a round comb, mousse and lacquer, but you may also need a "ironing".Women's haircut Cascade is formed in the following sequence, which is not recommended to violate:

  1. After washing the head, it is necessary to dry out long strands of quality, spread a small amount of mousse on their surface.
  2. Then put damp curls in the palaces, fix them, allow them to dry out a little, and then use a hairdryer and a round hairbrush.
  3. Visible areas of the cheeks, cheekbones, temples when drying with a hair drier need to be screwed inside, and the remaining strands - only towards the back of the head.
  4. After final drying and the received form, it remains only to lightly sprinkle the strands with varnish to give them the necessary volume, to preserve the presentable appearance, to fix.

Video: cutting technology Cascade

Photo of cascading haircut for long hair


Inna, 31 year : My version is a cascade for long hair with a bang. For a long time I have not changed the haircut and the master, every time I am satisfied with my appearance. Hairstyle looks refined and very feminine. I look, as in 20 years, give less than my age. High forehead I hide under a bang and there are no complexes of inferiority.

Marina, 41 year : To lengthen the back of the head, she made herself a cascade without bangs for long hair. A torn model with a large number of lengths came up. Haircut is young, does not look defiant and vulgar, gives self-confidence. Ideal for any style of clothing, with a choice of makeup, too, there is no problem. So I strongly recommend all owners of elongated strands.

Ilona, ​​37 years old : Now I have a short hairstyle, but used to do only a haircut Cascade. Probably, everything has its time, because at one point I just overgrew this model, I ceased to feel comfortable. Now I choose the shortened versions, but I still admire the girls who have a haircut Cascade for long hair.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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