Gum recession: causes and treatment

The recession of the gums is an ailment related to aesthetic dentistry. The development of the disease is accompanied by a decrease in the level of the gums towards the sky and exposure of the dental root.

Older people, whose gums degenerate with age, lose their tone more often. Only 10% of cases are young people.


  • Than it is dangerous?
  • Causes of the development of the disease
  • What to do if the cervical teeth are bare?
  • Gum plastic surgery
  • Treatment with folk remedies

Than it is dangerous?

If you find the first signs of denuding the neck of the teeth, you should not hesitate long with treatment, as this is fraught with the following "side effects":

  • by increasing the sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • edema and bleeding gums;
  • fragility of teeth;
  • by the development of root caries;
  • with a wedge-shaped dental defect.

In an extremely neglected case, the development of the disease becomes the cause of severe dystrophy of the dentogingival joints and the gum extends from the tooth. This in turn leads to loosening of the damaged tooth and its further loss.

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Causes of the development of the disease

The reasons why the gum moves away from the tooth and falls somewhat:

  1. features the structure of the alveolar process - the area of ​​the jawbone performing the function of the dental base;
  2. abnormal arrangement of teeth in a row;
  3. improper hygiene of the oral cavity, resulting in the formation of plaque, the development of gingivitis and the subsequent displacement of the gum;
  4. gum injury( as a result of dental treatment, the use of a toothbrush with stiff bristles, etc.);
  5. incorrect bite;
  6. Pronounced bridle of upper lip

    Orthodontic treatment;

  7. is a natural process of aging of dental tissue and gums;
  8. too pronounced mucosal formations - frenum, cords;
  9. shallow( no more than 5 mm) vestibule of the oral cavity - presence of a small area of ​​the attached gingiva;
  10. incorrect ratio of free and fixed parts of the gum, the normative index is 5: 1.

What if the cervical teeth are bare?

Depending on the stage of omission of the gum specialist can be offered one of the treatment options:

  1. Sealing .This method of treatment is justified only at the initial stage, when the lowering of the gums did not develop into a wedge-shaped defect. Otherwise, the filling will fall out, and tooth decay will develop.
  2. Remineralization .The essence of the procedure consists in applying a special calcium-containing composition to the tooth enamel. This kind of therapy will contribute to the strengthening of tissues, return the teeth to the former whiteness and prevent their loss. Usually the session lasts for 10 minutes. To achieve the expected result, one should undergo a course of treatment, lasting several procedures( their number is determined by the dentist).
  3. Fluorination of .A kind of previous procedure, only in this case the surface of the teeth is covered with fluorine-containing lacquer or gel. It is customary to isolate deep and simple fluoridation. The effectiveness of the first type of procedure is much higher, since the session helps to strengthen the enamel from the inside. With simple fluorination, the agent used affects only superficially. However, both options activate the process of restoration of the tooth root, reduce the sensitivity of the teeth.
  4. Installation of veneers . The method used in the case of an advanced form of the disease. The procedure hinders the development of a recession, eliminating pathology. Its essence consists in imposing on a surface of a teeth special plates from ceramics. The undoubted minus of the described method - the fixation of the veneer must necessarily be preceded by the fusion of the upper enamel layer.
  5. Installing the crown .A radical method of combating the disease. A similar technique is used in the most extreme cases, since before fixing the crown the patient tooth must be previously sharpened.

Gum plastic surgery

If the gums loosen teeth, then the most effective way to fight the disease is surgical treatment. The planned operation is preceded by a number of mandatory procedures for cleaning and sanitizing the oral cavity. After 10 days, the doctor uses one of the existing methods:

  1. On a photo of gingival plastic during a recession with the help of an

    graft. The use of a lateral flap. The method is justified in the case of treatment of localized areas with a sufficient amount of donor tissue. Almost ideal matching of native and implanted tissues by color is provided.

  2. Coronary movement of the trapezoidal tissue flap .The procedure is acceptable as in case the cervix or root of the tooth is exposed locally, and in the treatment of generalized foci. A necessary condition for the operation is a sufficient amount of donor tissue.
  3. Use of graft with mucosa of membrane( hard palate region).In this case, the color of the affected gingiva and donor tissue may be slightly different, the poor survival of the graft may not be ruled out, as well as the appearance of unpleasant sensations during the sampling of the donor tissue.
  4. The use of the coronary movement method of donor tissue with the involvement of a small palatine transplant( with a lack of material).In this case, the fabric from the sky is almost invisible.

Local recession is eliminated under local anesthesia, in the fight against generalized resort to general anesthesia.

For more details on why the dentist is bare, the dentist will tell:

Treatment with folk remedies

When gums are exposed, the folk remedies are possible:

  • massaging the gums with essential oils ( orange, lemon, eucalyptus or mint);
  • mouth rinse with tincture of St. John's Wort, raw material is infused with vodka for 7 days. Rinse solution is prepared in a ratio of half a glass of water 80 drops of St. John's wort infusion;
  • gum treatment fir and sea buckthorn oil, equal parts of the components are mixed, a bandage is dipped into the resulting mixture, which is also wiped by the gum;
  • use of compresses with with olive oil .
Home treatment of the disease is a rather risky step. Folk medicine may not be able to overcome the ailment. For this reason, one should not engage in self-medication for a long time and, if there is the slightest opportunity, immediately contact the doctor.
  • Mar 26, 2018
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