Not always problems with the eyes are caused only by diseases of the organ of vision. Allergies can cause redness, itching and profuse lachrymation of the eyes.
Name of the pharmaceutical corporation SCHERING-PLOUGHLABON.V.knows not everyone, but the drug produced by them "Claritin" is well known to all who suffer from allergies.
It is used for the removal of allergic manifestations during an attack and as a preventive tool for preventing relapses in chronic diseases. Thanks to this Claritin can be used to relieve the effects of allergies, which manifest themselves before our eyes.
- 1. Information on Claritin
- 2. Specific instructions for
- 3. Side effects of
- 4. Storage of
- 5. Cost of preparation
- 6. Analogues of
- 7. Reviews of
- 8. Videos of
Information on the preparation"Claritin"
Indications in which there is no temperature, muscle pain and other manifestations of colds, but eyes are very itchy and watery, blushes, swollen eyelids, sneezing and runny nose - familiar to many.
These are symptoms of an allergic reaction of the body to environmental pollution, pollen of flowering plants, harmful substances and food.
"Claritin" is an antiallergic drug, therefore its main task is to combat the symptoms of this disease. The drug is prescribed in the following cases:
- conjunctivitis: inflammation and redness of the eyes, lacrimation, severe itching, swelling of the eyelids;
- allergic rhinitis, sneezing, itching sensation - seasonal manifestations or all-the-year-round;
- skin rashes, hives;
- Quincke edema;
- dermatitis, eczema;
- allergic reaction to food;
- reaction to insect bites, inflammation of mucous membranes.
Tablets are white in color, oval. On the one hand, a trademark is printed - the flask / bowl / 10, the second side is even. Tablets are packaged in blisters and packaged in boxes. Each package contains 1 or 3 blisters with tablets and instructions for use.
Syrup is a homogeneous, transparent liquid that does not have a sediment. The syrup is packaged in vials of dark-colored glass. In a cardboard box, except for syrup and instructions, a plastic measuring spoon or a graduated syringe is packed.
"Claritin" is a new modification preparation, with more effective histamine blockers."Claritin" interacts only with compounds that provoke an allergic reaction and do not adversely affect other organs. This makes it possible to combat allergies without causing side effects.
Active substance | Tablets and medicinal syrup have the same active substance - loratadine . It is a blocker of histamine, it prevents the development of swelling of the tissues, reduces itching, protects the capillary membranes, preventing their permeability |
Auxiliary elements | Non-allergenic components: corn starch, flavors, lactose, citric acid - improve taste and odor |
Method of use
Tablets are intendedfor the treatment of children, aged 12 years, and adult patients. Scheme of taking tablets - 1 pc per day, preferably at the same time. Patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidney tablets are appointed every 48 hours. Children under the age of 12 are recommended 0.5 tablets, every 24 hours.
Syrup is used for the treatment of young children( from 2 years).Babies weighing less than 30 kg are prescribed 1 tsp.funds, adult patients and children over 12 years - 2 tsp.once a day. Patients with chronic kidney and liver diseases are treated with syrup after 48 hours.
After 30 minutes, the first noticeable results come: reddening and lacrimation of the eyes disappear, the itch of the nose and eyes ceases, the swelling of the eyelids decreases. The positive effect lasts for 24 hours.
The drug does not affect the psychoemotional sphere, it does not cause addiction. To prevent the recurrence of a chronic illness, Claritin is applied long-term, with acute course of the disease, the duration of treatment is 5-10 days, depending on the patient's condition.
If you need to simultaneously take tablets or syrup "Claritin" and other medications, you need a doctor's consultation."Erythromycin", "Ketoconazole" increase the concentration of loratadine, which is not of great clinical significance, but can cause an overdose.
Specific instructions
There are no special restrictions for the use of the drug "Claritin" in clinical trials, except intolerance of the components that make up the drug.
Application in pediatrics
Syrup "Claritin" was developed as a children's drug. Those who have experienced conjunctivitis in children know how it is difficult to persuade a child to bury their eyes. Treatment of conjunctivitis with a syrup eliminates the unpleasant procedure for the child's instillation of eyes.
Syrup is recommended for the treatment of children of early and younger age( over 2 years).Doctors, in exceptional cases, recommend him and the kids to one year. The amount of syrup is reduced by 3 times. A child under 3 years of age is not prescribed a pill. Treatment with syrup is recommended for younger schoolchildren, but tablets are also acceptable.
In pregnancy
No studies have been conducted to identify the adverse effects of the drug components on the pregnant woman and the fetus. Producers do not have 100% evidence that "Claritin" is harmless and will not have a negative impact on the development of the unborn child and the health of the mother.
It is better to refrain from treatment with this drug during pregnancy. Prohibited taking the drug and during breastfeeding. The drug accumulates in milk as well as in the blood of the nursing mother.
If there is a need for treatment with Claritin, a woman should refuse breastfeeding and transfer the baby to artificial food.
Interaction with alcohol
In some cases, drinking alcohol, during treatment with Claritin, caused seizures of tachycardia, increased blood pressure, headaches. However, during the study of the drug it was found that "Claritin" does not increase the effect of alcohol on the nervous system and alcohol in turn does not affect the therapeutic properties of the drug components.
Side effects of
In case of an accidental overdose, drowsiness develops, heart rate increases, muscle tone is disturbed. In small children, extrapyramidal disorders begin to appear: hypokinesia, hyperkinesia.
Important! When an overdose of tablets or syrup "Claritin" is urgent to call a doctor who will take measures to remove intoxication of the body.
Scientists have detected the development of side effects in a small number of subjects, not more than 2%.Children and adults showed different results during the tests. Children have a slight inhibition or nervousness.
Adults experience headache, fatigue, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Sometimes there is nausea, tachycardia. If the side effects do not go away on their own within 1-2 days, a doctor's consultation is required.
The drug must be stored in special medicine kits, the storage temperature is up to +25.First-aid kits should not be available for children. The syrup is stored 3 years, tablets 4 years. After the expiration of the shelf life, the use of medicines is prohibited, the overdue funds are disposed of.
The cost of the drug
"Claritin" is an expensive but demanded drug. The cost depends on the number of tablets or the volume of syrup.
In Russia, pharmacy chains offer to buy Claritin at the following prices:
- Moscow - the price of tablets from 199 to 595 rubles, syrup can be bought at a price of 240 rubles;
- Volgograd - the average price of 340 rubles, tablets from 180 to 540 rubles, syrup 290-390 rubles;
- Krasnoyarsk - a packing of 10 pills costs from 220 rubles, for 30 tablets you have to pay 600 rubles, the price of syrup from 240 rubles;
- Vladivostok - Vladivostok pharmacies offer the lowest price for tablets and "Claritin" syrup. The price of tablets from 170 rubles, the syrup costs 230 rubles.
2. In Ukraine the price for Claritin is higher than in Russia.
- Kiev - the price of syrup( 1%, 60 ml) from 110 rubles, tablets( 10 pcs) are from 90 UAH.
- Kharkov - the highest price: tablets( 10 pcs) are sold in pharmacies at 120 UAH., Syrup from 180 UAH.for 60 ml.
- Vinnytsia - tablets( 7 pcs) are worth 96 UAH, syrup - 108 UAH.
"Claritin" is also available in online pharmacies. The price is about the same, but online pharmacies often offer discounts.
Important! When buying medicines, use only proven, official sites. Beware of fakes.
Among the analogs there are two types of drugs:
- structural - having the same active active substance;
- having the same pharmacological effect on the body, but having different active substances.
The Claritin has a large number of analogues of both types.
- "Suprastin", "Dimedrol", "Tavegil", "Fenistil" - refer to antihistamines of the first generation. They quickly achieve a positive result, but they have a significant disadvantage - side effects on the body.
In this regard, all of the listed drugs have contraindications. They are banned for the treatment of young children, are not assigned to patients with chronic diseases, are dangerous for nursing mothers and pregnant women. The price is from 20 to 100 rubles.
- "Zirtek" is a more advanced drug that belongs to second-generation medicines. It has almost no side effects, however, the healing properties are weaker than those of the first generation. The price of the drug is 240 rubles.
- "Claridol" is intended for the treatment of allergic manifestations in acute and chronic form. The drug has the same characteristics as Claritin. The main difference is price. The average cost of Claridol is from 70 to 120 rubles.
- "Loratadin" is available in the form of tablets, syrup and effervescent( instant) tablets. It is prescribed for rapid removal of an allergic reaction. Has contraindications, is prohibited for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, patients with chronic liver and kidney diseases, is not used to treat babies up to two years.
"Loratadine" is not prescribed by patients whose work is associated with concentration of attention and requires a quick reaction. It is also not recommended, during the period of treatment, to drive a car. The price of tablets from 20 rubles, the syrup costs 59 - 190 rubles, effervescent tablets - 50 rubles. Analogues of Ukrainian manufacturers are cheaper than Russian ones.
When dealing with allergy symptoms on the eyes, the following articles may be helpful:
- Eye drops Allergodyl - use for allergic conjunctivitis
- Foreign body sensation in the eye
- What are eye drops for allergies?
- Many experts note that "Claritin" - a representative of a new generation of antihistamines. Doctors allergists describe it as a very effective drug that does not have side effects on the body, in contrast to its predecessors. There are no special children's eye drops, therefore "Claritin" is rightfully considered one of the best drugs for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children of different ages.
- A good result is shown by Claritin in the treatment of young children. He is prescribed to children under two years of age. The syrup is delicious, it smells good with fruits. Itching in the eyes and lacrimation stop after the first intake. His children drink with pleasure. There were no side effects on the children's organism during the treatment.
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