Dear our girls, I am sure that you have often argued with your guys about who was better to be born: a man or a woman?
On this question no one will ever give an affirmative answer, it will always remain controversial and every gender will defend its point of view!
Therefore, I specifically wrote this article( not in any way for a dispute), but just so that you respected our men, read interesting facts , why it is better to be born a woman than a man 🙂
P.S.Dear men, I will be very grateful if you can prove the opposite, naturally backing up your words with concrete facts. . below there is a form for comments - Grace I ask 🙂
Interesting facts! Why it is better to be born a woman than a man!
- Weak sex( if anyone does not know - it's women) live somewhere for 5 years longer than the male sex;
Oh, thank God we can not shave every day.
Well, if we did not have time to shave where necessary, it is unlikely that someone will find out about this.
We are able to disguise ourselves;
- In extreme situations, us with the kids are rescued first:) ;
- Interesting facts : we can get a lot of orgasms for the night! Men, have questions?
- We are women, we never feel and will not feel incomplete if our loved one will get doubly more money!
We can easily remove depression or bad mood by typing a full bath of water, running there foam, including light music and just lie down and think about something good!
And you need men as not a box of beer, so a decent amount of alcohol( with a degree stronger) - trying to escape from trouble and forget. . only this effect will last exactly one day, and the old problems will remain with you and they will not go anywhere!!
- Interesting facts : it's very easy for women to write off a bad mood or a flash of aggression on the PMS( women know how to decipher this abbreviation) 😉
- When we forget something, we can easily refer to our useless maiden memory with a smile;
- We can sit on the phone with my mother for 3 hours a day and no one will dare to tell us that we are "mama's daughters";
Interesting facts : if we take into account statistics, then in prisons there are 3 times more men than women.
How to understand this?And it all boils down to the fact that we are women, rather trickier and more thoughtful, but in general, a crime is not our hobby!
Do you agree with me, ladies?
- We are never afraid that we will squash something by zipping our jeans;
- We will not fall face to face in the mud if we can not attach the picture to the wall;
Interesting facts : we can how much we will like to stay overnight at his girlfriend, hug with her, exchange clothes and sleep in one bed.
And after that no one will ever call us insulting words 🙂
. .. and you, men, can do that?
- The fact that we sometimes do not understand a bit of simple things, for example, how the planes are arranged or where you need to dig into the car to get it wound up - make us just nicer. .:)
We can easily and naturally talk to men on different intimate topics!!
Fantasizing and uttering various intimate scenes with him. .. and we will not betray ourselves, but men. .. I will not say anything. ..
We can easily cheer ourselves up and relax with a cup of hot coffee or even a new pink lipstick. ..
A piececake and a beautiful comedy - will complement this tandem of pleasant sensations 🙂
Life is beautiful!
- For us women, the toilets are made with separate booths, and we are not at all afraid that our "neighbors" will be measured with us by virtues;
And what is prostatitis? Or impotence?
Eh. . we do not face this! - We do not know what the early bald spot is;
- We can solve any problem by simply crying;
- If we want to have sex with a man, we can hardly be denied 🙂
- When we watch some horror film - we can scream and shout if we are scared. .. and we will not look stupid 😉
- For millennia, we, women,beautiful poems, masterpieces;
When we dress men's clothes - we look very seductive. . especially if it's a men's shirt dressed on a naked body!
But men in our clothes look ridiculous;
- We do not need to meet your loved one when he returns from work late at night or from a workout.
I advise you to see a very useful video,
which is built on real research:
"Interesting facts! Women are much better than men "!
You will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself 😉
So, I counted at least 25 reasons to thank Mother Nature for being born as a girl! Uraaaa 🙂