Prevention of hemorrhoids in men: features and tips

prevention of hemorrhoids in men To date, a large number of people face the problem of hemorrhoids.

According to statistics, more than 20% of adults suffer from this disease.

And most likely these indicators can be much more, because not everyone likes to talk about such intimate troubles.

For the first symptoms of the disease, seek medical attention. After all, independent treatment can cause serious complications.

It is commonly believed that varicose veins in the rectum are common in the male.

For any man this trouble causes not so much physical discomfort, but more emotional. After all, from how well the man feels, it will depend on whether he will be able to engage in one or another type of activity.

Usually, hemorrhoids appear after a man lifts a heavy weight, or performs heavy physical work.

In order to avoid an unpleasant situation, you need to know several rules for simple prevention of hemorrhoids.

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  • Knowledge of the reasons - the first preventive step
    instagram viewer
    • The presence of bad habits
    • Chair disorder
    • Unregulated physical activity
    • Lack of physical activity
  • Complex of preventive measures
  • Lifestyle and habits of a healthy person
  • At the first signs of the problem. ..

Knowledge of the reasons -the first preventive step

It is believed that, first of all, the ailment is manifested due to the fact that in the vessels and veins of the small pelvis the normal circulation toJVI.

In addition, it is necessary to identify several no less important causes that cause unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Having bad habits

Practical every man is fond of drinking alcohol and smoking. bad habits

But few people know that the substances that are included in their composition have a negative effect on the blood condition.

That is, with frequent alcohol intake, the blood gets worse to the veins in the small pelvis. The more frequent the process of disturbance of blood flow, the more likely that hemorrhoids will soon be felt.

Chair disorder

Constipation chronic and malfunctioning of the digestive system also provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

When the disease only begins to develop, it can be easily eliminated by dietary intake.

Unfortunately, most of the male are categorically negative about this method and refuse to comply with these recommendations. Basically they eat fatty, fried spicy food. The consequence of such an improper diet is constipation.

Which, in turn, can be transformed into a chronic form in a short period of time.

Also, men eat a lot of food, which is prepared from semi-finished products. Such food does not have the best effect on the digestive system.

In some cases, serious stomach problems may occur. The consequence of such actions is fast weight gain, increased blood pressure and clogging of the intestine.

Unregulated Physical Exercises

Load and hemorrhoids In order to protect women from hard work, men took the responsibility to perform the most difficult physical activity.

It is in the process of physical activity that there is a huge danger of hemorrhoids development. After all, in the process of lifting heavy objects, the male body experiences severe stress, which also extends to the internal organs of the small pelvis.

When the load is carried out periodically, there is no danger for the man. But when such a situation occurs daily, the male health is under serious threat.

Lack of physical activity

Negative consequences can also be caused by too passive work( for example, in an office or car).

When a person is in a sitting position, the blood is very difficult to penetrate into the vessels that are located in the pelvic area.

Therefore, if a person leads such a way of life for a long time, then hemorrhoids can develop at any moment.

Complex of preventive measures

To reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids to take care of their health, a man is obligated throughout his life.

You should also be careful in case of a hereditary predisposition. In such cases, preventive measures should be carried out without fail.

Even if the disease manages to win, the risk of recurrence is 45%.

To prevent this, the following recommendations should be adhered to: Healthy food

  • to consume only healthy products, which contain many vitamins and beneficial microelements;
  • should carefully monitor the hygiene of the genitals , as well as the anal opening;
  • it is necessary to perform physical exercises of , which will help strengthen the pelvic joint muscle;
  • when a man is in a bath, it is sometimes recommended to bend his legs in the lap , this allows blood to circulate throughout the body.

Lifestyle and habits of a healthy person

Special attention in the prevention of hemorrhoids should be given to physical exercise, healthy diet and daily routine.

In order to achieve a positive result, you must exclude alcohol and cigarettes from your diet. Their place can take vegetables and fruits, which can be cooked in any form. Such food will not only be useful, but also delicious.

Sport and health In this case, you need to reduce the amount of seasonings in food, avoid fried and fatty foods. All dishes are best cooked on a couple or bake in the oven.

As for the sport. He must occupy an important place in the life of every man. Do not overdo and exhaust yourself before losing consciousness in the gym. There will be enough small jogging in the morning or morning exercises.

In addition, you must comply with sleep. A healthy person should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

At the first sign of a problem. ..

If, however, a man is faced with this problem, then it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. Only he can prescribe means that will allow to get rid of unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to such candles for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids:

  1. Candles with belladonna .Reduces pain, quickly heals wounds and cracks. It can be used at various stages of the course of the disease.
  2. Homeopathic candles ( based on sea-buckthorn, cocoa butter, chestnut, St. John's wort and wormwood).They are harmless and do not cause allergies. Good inflammation and promote rapid healing of the rectum. Candles for glycerin, "Natalside" and "Proctoglyvenol" .Drugs that are taken on the advice of a specialist. With the correct introduction help quickly remove the pain and allow you to quickly heal cracks and wounds.

Observing all the recommendations, to avoid the occurrence of hemorrhoids in men is quite possible.

The main thing is to continue to monitor your health throughout the entire time. If the symptoms are manifested, then there is no need to engage in independent treatment.

Consult a doctor to reduce the risk of complications throughout the body!

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  • Mar 26, 2018
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