It is important to know what adenoids are so as to give consent for a nose operation on medical grounds and characteristic signs in time. Seals of lymphoid tissue are required to be removed by surgical methods, but beforehand pass the diagnosis, visit a specialist. Conservative treatment of adenoids in children without surgery is also possible, while it is no less productive in practice.
How adenoids look
This is the structural unit of the pharyngeal ring, which prevents the ingress of the pathogenic infection into the throat and respiratory tract. Excessive growth of lymphoid tissue indicates the emergence of pathology, which in extensive ENT-practice is called adenoiditis. In adenoid vegetations, foci of pathology overlap the nasopharynx, provoking dangerous health effects. With pathological deformation of the glands, there is a serious illness that needs to be treated in a timely manner.
Degrees of adenoids
The constructive basis of the nasal septum is a specific plate called the opener. If the adenoids completely or partially overlap the element, inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils occurs. Otolaryngologists distinguish three degrees of inflammation of the pharyngeal structure, the brief characteristics of which are detailed below:
- At the first degree, the upper part of the opener is covered with lymphoid growths. Breathing is disturbed at night, and in the afternoon the patient feels great.
- In the second degree of pathology, the opener is blocked by two-thirds, and the person has problems with nasal breathing. The patient breathes heavily, snorts, snores.
- With the third degree of pathology, the opener is completely blocked, so the patient has problems not only with nasal breathing, but also with hearing.
In the latter case, adenoids become the object of chronic infection, pathologically the immunity decreases, it is not excluded secondary infection. If the first two degrees of the disease can be treated non-surgically, then to eliminate the third degree requires timely surgical intervention. Before eliminating the focus of pathology, it is required to reliably determine the cause of its occurrence.
Causes of the disease
An otolaryngologist can diagnose the disease when performing a comprehensive diagnosis. The ailment is important to correctly differentiate, timely distinguish from other diagnoses of ENT-practice, adequately choose an intensive care regimen. With the growth of adenoids, the triggers may be as follows:
- chronic tonsillitis;
- frequent colds of the baby;
- genetic predisposition;
- social and environmental factors;
- preventive vaccination;
- immunodeficiency states;
- pregnancy, pathological birth;
- hypertrophy of the tonsils;
- the presence of frequent colds in the baby;
- is a consequence of frequent inflammation;
- genetic predisposition.
Symptoms of adenoids
If at the examination of the pharynx hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils is determined, it is required to start treatment in time with conservative methods. Since the disease often prevails in childhood, parents first of all should pay attention to the constant stuffiness of the nose, nasal voice, pronounced signs of protracted rhinitis. Other symptoms of tonsillitis, diagnosed at home, are as follows:
- disturbed sleep phase, crying after waking;
- increased tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
- long-term use of medications;
- migraine attacks;
- relapse of chronic otitis media;
- dry cough, drying of the mucous membrane;
- hearing loss( adenoids can overlap the auditory septum);
- lack of appetite;
- speech impairment, nasal voice;
- attacks of choking at night.
Chronic inflammation is often preceded by an infection with ENT organs, which for a long time can predominate in the body in asymptomatic form. If a growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is detected, it is required to urgently consult a specialist, get a diagnosis and remove adenoids in advanced clinical pictures. Superficial self-treatment is excluded, especially cure adenoids by domestic methods is very problematic. So, it is worth starting with the diagnosis of the disease.
Diagnostic methods
It is important to differentiate the disease competently, to distinguish it from chronic rhinitis, malignant tumor and curvature of the nasal septum. Prior to surgical removal of adenoids, a detailed diagnosis of the disease. The basis is an informative method of palpation, which, with a high qualification of a specialist, determines inflamed and painful foci of pathology. The main physical methods that determine adenoids in children are as follows:
- posterior rhinoscopy, including a pharynx examination with a mirror;
- doctors conducting endoscopic adenotomy( examination of the nasopharyngeal mucosa on the monitor);
- x-ray of the nasopharyngeal area for determining the parameters of the foci of pathology;
- computed tomography.
Treatment of adenoids
In order to ensure that the case does not end with chronic pathology, when examining the nasopharynx, it is necessary to timely turn to intensive therapy, which provides for an integrated approach to the health problem. The patient has a chance of avoiding surgery if 1 or 2 adenoids prevail. At 3 degrees without surgery, followed by rehabilitation is clearly not enough. Not superfluous will be a therapeutic diet, the intake of vitamins and multivitamin complexes.
The main goal of conservative treatment of adenoids is the productive extermination of the pathogenic flora of the region of the ENT organs, strengthening of weakened immunity, reduction and elimination of extensive foci of pathology. Valuable recommendations for local and general interventions are given by the attending physician, with the pathological increase, the following medical prescriptions for small patients are appropriate:
- preparations for nasopharyngeal wash: Aquamaris, saline, Humer, Dolphin;
- vasoconstrictive drops with anti-inflammatory effect: Euphorbium, Nazivin, Protargol;
- antihistamines: Fenistil, Tavegil, Suprastin;
- immunostimulants that prevent permanent inflammation: Interferon;
- homeopathic preparations: Adenosan.
In addition to washing, the nasal cavity is treated with local antiseptics, nasal quartz, laser therapy, warming, ultrasonic currents and respiratory gymnastics every day. If adenoiditis in children is treated only with conservative methods, the desired result will not be, therefore, additional physiotherapy methods are required.
A more radical method, how to treat adenoids in a child, is endoscopic removal performed by a specialist in a hospital setting. The operation is necessarily performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, while providing for instrumental excision of lymphoid tissues, the appearance of which characterizes hypertrophy of adenoids. After the operation, rehabilitation is necessary with subsequent compliance with mandatory prevention rules.
Removing unpleasant signs of adenoids can be effective methods of alternative medicine. This is an auxiliary conservative treatment, the main requirement to which is the absence of an allergic reaction to the active components of herbal medicines. Here is a time-tested prescription, than to treat adenoids without harm to one's own health: squeeze fresh beet juice, connect 2 tbsp.l.with 1 tbsp.l.liquid honey. Mix the natural ingredients, insist, bury in the nose 2 drops in each nostril.
Consequences of adenoids
With a typical disease, a small patient often suffers from colds, suffers from sinusitis and serious hearing problems. Internal anomalies are not excluded, among them chronic sinusitis, violation of cardiac activity, nervous system and urinary function. Find out what adenoids are, and what are the hidden threats, you can have LOR.