Monthly for syphilis

Syphilis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, which is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. At the same time the whole body is affected, but the reproductive system gets the greatest trouble. Therefore, menstruation with syphilis, especially with the development of infection, can change in comparison with how they are in full health.


  • 1 What is syphilis
  • 2 Is syphilis capable of knocking down the menstrual cycle
    • 2.1 Why delay can not be considered an absolute sign of the disease
  • 3 Syphilis and the character of menstruation
  • 4 How syphilis is diagnosed
    • 4.1 Why not check for syphilis during menstruation

What is syphilis

Infection is causedingress into the body of pale treponema, which can not initially cause a noticeable reaction to its presence in the body. Especially it is typical for those who have other health problems, reduced immunity. But in most cases, the disease has the following symptoms:

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  • The appearance of a neoplasm on the labia, in the vagina or cervical canal of the cervix. It is a hard chancre that looks like a red sore with a white border. Despite the location, the neoplasm does not interfere with the work of the reproductive organs, so there are menstruation for syphilis. It's another matter how they become;
  • Hard chancre can inflame and begin to produce pus. The tissues near it swell and blush. But, as a rule, the sore disappears in a few days, although the disease does not go away, and pale treponema continues its destructive effect. At this stage, there may be a weakness, a fever slightly more than 37 degrees, muscle, joint and headache. We can say that after the disappearance of a solid chancre, menstrual and syphilis have similar symptoms. And if this period of infection coincides with the menstrual period, it is difficult to suspect the disease at all;
  • With the development of syphilis after a couple of months, the genitals are covered with a rash. Speech is both external and internal. It can itch or change color from red to pink and white, but its prevalence increases. After a while, rashes are noticeable on the chest, in the armpits and buttocks. The pimples begin to get wet;
  • The patient feels palpable, the fever can rise, there is a sore throat. It is likely that at this level of the development of the disease there will be a problem, whether the monthly stops for syphilis, since they can be noticeably late;
  • Near the lymph nodes, on the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs appear neoplasms, which indicate a severe damage to the body and the advanced stage of infection. These are gums, which, when disintegrating, lead to the destruction of tissues, although they are not painful.

This is the picture of the infection as a whole, from the first days after the incubation period to the last stage. At the initial stage the reproductive system is able to work without failures. Monthly with advanced syphilis can significantly change, as it affects not only the genitals, but also the central nervous system.

Is syphilis capable of knocking down the menstrual cycle of

Because the infection is mainly transmitted through the sexual way, women who suspect it in the first place note that there may be a delay in menstrual periods with syphilis. Here there are several variants of the effect of the disease on the length and clarity of the cycle:

  • At the initial stage, it is caused by a nervous condition. Strong stress from such news can certainly cause the absence of menstruation. The hormonal background on which it depends, whether the monthly will come on time, is determined by many factors, including the emotional state;
  • Delay of menstruation with syphilis can also be caused by pregnancy. Infection does not prevent conception, even at a late stage of development. Sexually transmitted infection occurs when seminal fluid enters the vagina during unprotected contact. It also contains the causative agent of the disease, but does not lose the ability to fertilize;
  • To provoke the absence of menstruation the third stage of infection is capable. In this case, syphilis and its symptoms: a delay in menstrual flow, tightness around the lymph nodes, and internal organs;
  • The fourth stage affects the nervous system, which is largely responsible for the work of the brain and the production of hormones. All processes in the body slow down, including determining the functioning of the reproductive sphere. Here you can not doubt that it is syphilis - the reason for the delay of menstruation.
  • The products of the life of an infectious agent affect the ovaries, which are the main producers of FSH and LH.Their hormone-producing function is reduced, which is what causes the combination of syphilis - a delay in menstruation.

Why delay can not be considered an absolute sign of the disease

It is worthwhile to clarify that the initial stage of infection in some women is so flattened that there is no suspicion of health. Including menstruation remain the same, the cycle is not broken, they can characterize the general condition as normal. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether there is a delay in menstrual periods with syphilis is not always unambiguous. If the disease was transmitted not sexually, and by the way of life or through blood, it is possible that at the first stage it will not affect the menstrual cycle at all. The assumption of whether a delay in menstruation can be the cause of syphilis is ridiculous. The disease is caused by the penetration into the body of the bacterium mentioned more than once here, and not by a cycle failure. The disorder can be a consequence of infection at its late stage, but not an occasion for the appearance in the body of pale treponema.

Syphilis and the character of menstruation

Having found out all about the peculiarities of the time frame of critical days, it is necessary to know how the monthly syphilis goes. Here, the same principle can work as for a cycle failure. That is, the beginning of the disease is an unusually noticeable change in the nature of menstruation. Hard chancre, as a rule, does not bleed, so if it appeared on the internal genitalia, there is no increase in secretions.

However, syphilis monthly can make it more painful, since the sore can sprout into the mucous and muscle tissue. And its location on the cervix causes puffiness in this area, provokes an intensification of contractions and spasms. But it can be noticed only by those women, whose menstruation was normally painless, as the sensations in the infection are not too intense.

Whether the monthly for syphilis, depends on the stage of its development and individual characteristics. Most people do not have this problem. But as the pustules in the region of the internal genitalia come into contact with the menstrual secretions, their contents join them. Therefore, during syphilis, menstrual periods often occur with a sharp unpleasant odor, stretching mucus and yellowish color impurities.

How to identify syphilis

Some women suspect that she has this infection is not enough. Moreover, even a gynecologist at the examination can make a mistake and take a hard chancre, located on the cervix, for erosion. Therefore, the appointment of laboratory research is necessary. Not always doctors inform how to prepare for them. Therefore, it makes sense to find out for yourself, for example, whether it is possible to take a blood test for syphilis during menstruation.

There are several research options that are assigned in a specific order:

  • A rapid method when the blood is mixed with an antigen, resulting in a precipitate. In its peculiarities, it is concluded whether there are pathogens in the biological fluid or not. Such an analysis on syphilis during menstruation is able to give a positive reaction, even when in fact the woman is healthy. This is possible because the blood in this period changes many of its indicators, and the method is not very effective and requires additional testing;
  • Wasserman reaction. This blood test for syphilis donated during the month can also falsely testify the presence of infection in the body, as it analyzes the parameters of the biological fluid. But a positive reaction in its conduct is the reason for the appointment of more accurate studies;
  • Immunofluorescence reaction. Identifies the produced by the body in response to the appearance of pale treponema substance. The RIF is done using a patient's plasma and a drug with labeled fluorescent reagents with antibodies;
  • Immunoenzyme analysis. It is based on the detection of treponem, that is, the causative agents of infection with the help of antibodies produced by the body. Therefore, if you took blood for syphilis during the menstruation for IFA, the results of the analysis can still be trusted, especially when the first two also showed a positive reaction;
  • Passive hemagglutination reaction. The result of the study with the existing disease is the gluing of erythrocytes, on whose surfaces are found the proteins of the causative agent of syphilis.

Why not be screened for syphilis during menstruation

Monthly and syphilis analysis can be combined only in emergency cases, having warned about critical days of a patient dealing with a patient. If there is no urgent need for this, it is better to wait until they are over.

When menstruating blood indicators, based on which they make conclusions about the disease, change. For example, ESR increases as with infection or inflammation, which makes it difficult to decipher the study. The number of leukocytes that can be detected in an amount that covers the norm is also increasing. In this case, the response to syphilis with menstruation can be regarded as positive, although in fact there is no infection. The same can be said about the number of erythrocytes and the viscosity of the biological fluid, which are taken into account in the study.

In addition, when menstruating, many women take painkillers that are absorbed into the blood, therefore, also change its indicators and may distort the result of the tests.

To the non-specialist it seems that the output could be made immediately IFA, RIF or RPGA.But some of them are not informative at the initial stage of infection. A large amount of antibodies in the blood to pale treponema, which causes the disease, can be observed in the studies of ELISA and RPHA after the removal of syphilis. Therefore, nonspecific tests, depending on the days of the menstrual cycle, are still necessary.

Monthly for primary syphilis is difficult to call a clear indicator, which is easy to identify the presence of unwanted organisms. Especially when there are other known causes of the cycle and other difficulties with menstruation. This is possible only at a later stage of the disease, which is better not to reach. To detect an infection at an early stage is real with regular examinations at a gynecologist, preventive blood donation for analysis.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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