Today, various diseases of the ENT organs have become more frequent, which bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient, because there is pain and the habitual rhythm of life is disturbed. Diagnose them both in children and adults. Treatment of the disease has a complex approach, since it is important not only to get rid of the symptoms, but also to stop the cause of the pathological process. One of the effective drugs remains Otofa. These are ear drops, which help to remove puffiness, inflammation and pain.
- 1 Indications
- 2 Instructions for use
- 3 Analogs
- 4 Price
- 5 Reviews
Drops Otofa is prescribed as an antibacterial agent for therapy of suppuration of the tympanic membrane that resulted from injury, surgery in the middle ear, with middle and outer otitis.
In otitis, an inflammatory process is formed that affects the middle ear. It is concentrated immediately behind the tympanic membrane. Otitis can be acute and chronic.
If you do not dull to timely therapy, then there is a serious probability of complications, which include hearing loss - a decrease in auditory perception. Sometimes a normal hearing never returns to a person.The following causes of otitis media development can be identified:
- infection penetration;
- trauma of various of the ear sections;
- spread of the inflammatory process through the nasopharynx into the middle ear department.
When treating otitis, the doctor prescribes conservative methods to the patient, which include the use of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunomodulating medications. Necessarily in the treatment regimen are introduced ear drops Otofa.
They should be used in the treatment of otitis, in order to prevent chronic inflammation. In addition, drops will protect against the development of complications and relieve the following unpleasant symptoms:
- shooting pain in the ear, which can weaken and intensify throughout the day;
- autophony - a pathological process, which is characterized by obstruction of the ear, extraneous sounds in the ear;
- hearing impairment, weakness and fever.
Instruction for use
Otoph drops are applied by instilling them into the auditory meatus. Before this, the solution must be heated to room temperature. It is very easy to do this if you put a bottle between your hands and rub it. If this is not done, then instillation can cause unpleasant sensations that only intensify the inflammatory process.
Before dripping drops of the ear, the patient should lie on his side, and after instillation remain in this position for several minutes. This will prevent the drug from escaping from the ear. Similar actions should be taken with the other ear.
There is another option for the use of Otof drops. It is necessary to pour a small amount of medication into the ear canal, wait 3 minutes. Change your ear, stand up and remove the remnants of a napkin.
In hospital conditions, Otofu is used to flush the inner ear organs. For these purposes, use a special device - the cannula. As a rule, this method of therapy is prescribed in the treatment of otitis of severe form or with purulent complication. The duration of therapy will be a week. If you use the drug longer, then there is an addiction, and this reduces the effectiveness of therapy.
For adults and children from 12 years, drip 5 drops 3 times a day. For younger patients - 3 drops once a day. The specified dosage can be adjusted by the attending physician taking into account the severity of the disease.
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It is impossible to find complete analogs of the drug in question. There are only medicines that are similar in composition or have a similar effect. To such preparations it is necessary to carry:
- Solution for injections Rifogal .Rifamycin acts as an active component.
- Ribomunil Noxprey, Iodinol, Ophthalin, ear drops, Otinum, Boric acid. These drugs are similar in effect. In their composition contains antibiotics, which can not be said about Otof drops.
You can buy drops for Otof's ears in any pharmacy and without a prescription. The cost of the bottle is 650 rubles.
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- Catherine, 39 years: "Otof drops helped me a lot when I was treating otitis media. The fact is that the physical education teacher and as a result of an unsuccessful fall I got an ear injury. The pathological process was very difficult, because I had purulent discharge from the ear, severe pain and temporary loss of hearing. The doctor prescribed an effective therapy regimen, which included Otof drops. I used them in combination with the rest of the medication for 7 days. Due to the fact that the antibiotic is in the composition, the inflammatory process started to decline, and with me a sharp pain left, the amount of secretions decreased. "
- Marina, 34 years old: "When my son had otitis, the doctor prescribed Otof drops to us. This drug is familiar to me, since my husband used it after he was operated on the ear. According to the dosage, dripped 3 drops 2 times a day. After 3 days, there was a positive trend. The pain subsided, and the child became calmer, leading to better appetite and sleep. But I did not stop on the result, so I applied the drug as expected within a week. Then we went to the reception, and the doctor confirmed that the disease was gone, and with him pain, congestion and inflammation ".
- Mikhail: 45 years old: "My otitis originated against the background of the flu, as a complication. At first I did not attach importance to the pain that arose. It was not so sharp, so I thought it was just a symptom of the flu. But when he himself was cured, the pain in his ear began to intensify. At the same time, I started to develop purulent discharge and my hearing deteriorated. The doctor advised me to drip my ear with Otof's solution. I used it for a week. During this time I managed to stop unpleasant symptoms and completely get rid of inflammation. Now this drug has reliably settled in our home medicine cabinet. "
Drops for the ears Otofa is an effective remedy with which you can remove inflammation, pain and return the auditory activity. The drug should be taken in combination with immunomodulators and antiseptics. Of course, the medicine has its counterparts, but it is better to use them in extreme cases, when you can not get the original. After all, in the composition of Otofa there is an antibiotic, but its analogs do not contain such an ingredient.