What is it and how does the bee pollen look? How is it useful? How much, how and with what diseases do you use bee pollen?
- As the bee pollen: photos
- The chemical composition of the bee pollen: vitamins, trace elements and amino acids
- VIDEO: BEE POLENGER and its extraordinary health benefits
- Pollen bee pollen: beneficial properties and contraindications for men, women and children
- Pollen bee for children: dosage
- Bee pollen in pregnancy: benefit and harm
- How to take pollen to strengthen immunity?
- Bee pollen for colds from cough
- How to take bee pollen for men with prostatitis: prescription
- Pollen bee: how to take and how much for diabetes
- Bee pollen for gastritis
- Bee pollen for pancreatitis
- Bee pollen for anemia
- Bee pollen from pressure
- How to take flower bee pollen in women with myomas?
- Bee pollen with infertility: prescription
- Bee pollen in oncology - benefit and harm: how to take?
- Bee pollen in psoriasis
- Bee pollen: how to take and how much in pollen
- Bee pollen in sports, bodybuilding
- How to use bee pollen for weight loss?
- Pollen bee in cosmetology: prescription for face mask
- VIDEO: How much less is there? How to rejuvenate the skin? The answer is bee pollen
- How to store bee pollen at home and its expiration date?
- VIDEO: Pollen
Bee products are known for their valuable nutritional and curative properties. If many people know about honey, propolis and matochka milk, they successfully use them in folk medicine and cosmetology, bee pollen is not so popular. And in vain! Find out what diseases and how to apply it.
Looks like bee pollen: photo
Returning to the hive, bee collectors bring with them not only nectar, but also flower pollen. This product, rich in biologically active substances, is intended for feeding offspring.
Pollen of flowers are male germ cells, it is contained in anthers with which a flower pestle is surrounded. In fact, these are grains in a double elastic shell, formed by fiber. Inside these grains are two nuclei and protoplasm.
IMPORTANT: The bee-pickers in the hind legs have recesses - "baskets".It is in them that the pollen is transported. There she stumbles into dense lumps. Because of this mode of transportation, it is also called bee-keeping.
A special technology has been developed for the collection of pollen by beekeepers: they install a fine mesh on the hives. Flew into the hive, bees - pickers cling to the net and shake off a part of the pollen. The rest of the update goes to the larvae, from which they grow faster and more. Experienced beekeepers boast of a "harvest" of pollen from one family of insects - up to 40 kg per year.
IMPORTANT: It is necessary to distinguish bee pollen and pergue. The latter is "conserved" by the bees themselves: treated with honey and bee enzymes. Perga is also very useful, the least allergenic product of beekeeping.
The chemical composition of bee pollen: vitamins, trace elements and amino acids
The diversity of plants flown by bees explains the incredibly diverse composition of bee pollen. It has everything from vegetable proteins and free amino acids to hormones.
IMPORTANT: It is interesting that the balance of pollen composition is a merit of the bees themselves. At a time they fly around plants that have individual feed properties. For example: oak and plum - proteins, willow - vitamin C, dandelion - lipid constituents, other. In the "baskets" of the hind legs, the pollen of these plants is mixed and turns into an amazing protein, vitamin and energy cocktail. Pollen collected from several plants is called polyflora. Polyflour multicolored bee keeping.
The composition of bee pollen includes:
- water - up to 20 percent
- proteins - up to 35 percent
- amino acids - up to 5 percent
- carbohydrates - up to 40 percent
- fats( up to 7 percent saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, terpenes, steroids)
- flavonoids - up to 25 percent
- catechins - up to 0.1 percent
- nucleic acids - up to 4.5 percent
- hormones
- vitamins( vitamin composition of bee pollen can be seen in the table in the figure)
- mineral substances - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur,chlorine, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, other
VIDEO: BEE POLES and its extraordinary health benefits
Pollen bee pollen: useful properties and contraindications for men, women and children
IMPORTANT: Treatment with bee pollen and other bee products is called apitherapy.
Pollen bee pollen is recommended for use as a remedy:
- accelerating growth
- strengthening immunity
- restoring
- stimulating intellectual activity
- antibacterial
- anti-inflammatory
- wound healing
As a natural medicine or biologically active additive, bee maintenance is recommended in a wide range of cases:
- in the postoperative period to restore the body
- during recovery from various diseases of
- to people with high physical and mental activity
- with poor appetite
- in sleep disorders
- at depression
- at nervous exhaustion and diseases of nervous system
- for increase of immunity
- for stabilization of a hormonal background
- at sugardiabetes mellitus
- for heart and vascular diseases( VSD, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, myocardial dystrophy, ischemic heart disease, others)
- for gastrointestinal diseases( gastritis, peptic ulcer, constipation, diarrhea)
- for increased libido in men and women
- in diseases of male genitourinarysystems( prostatitis)
- for obesity
- for allergies
IMPORTANT: Bee pollen, like other beekeeping products, is a strong allergen. Individual tolerance of the renewal occurs quite often, manifested by a violent reaction of the body, beginning with sneezing and reddening of the eyes, ending with Quincke's edema and anaphylaxis. Without consulting a doctor to take it to adults and, especially, children, it is absolutely impossible.
Bee pollen is also contraindicated:
- to people with coagulation disorders
- to pregnant women
- nursing mothers
Pollen bee for children: dosage
Because of a possible allergic reaction, bee pollen is not recommended for children under 4 years. If the child goes to a kindergarten or school, the beekeeping product will be very useful for him:
- compensates for nutritional deficiencies in the body caused by rapid growth, seasonal vitamin deficiency, stress associated with learning, illness, etc.
- will help to form the immune system of the child, which is especially important for preschool children and younger schoolchildren who often get sick.
- stimulates the child's mental activity thathelps him to keep pace in school
The daily dose of bee pollen, intended for children of different ages, depends on their weight. So, it is:
- for children 4 - 7 years - 4 g
- for children 8 - 12 years - 8 g
- for children 12-16 years - 12 g
IMPORTANT: It is also easy to calculate how much to use the update, applying thator another recipe for traditional medicine. The weight of a child is 4-2 times less than the weight of an adult. Accordingly, the dose specified in the prescription should be divided into 4, 3 or 2. For example, if an adult needs to use 1 tsp of pollen at a time, the dose for a child of 4-7 years will be 0.25 hours of a spoon, for a child of 8-12 years -0,3 tsp, for a child 12-16 years - 0,5 tsp.
Bee pollen in pregnancy: benefit and harm
The question of the possible use of bee pollen by pregnant women is very twofold. On the one hand, a useful product of beekeeping would help them support the body during the stressful period of bearing a child, would provide both mother and baby in her womb with substances necessary for life. On the other hand, as an allergen product, it is not advisable to use pollen for pregnant women:
- even if the woman had not previously had allergies to honey, propolis, pergu, pollen, during pregnancy because of total changes in the body, she may show up
- significantly increases the possibility of birthchildren with atopy in moms who are addicted to the use of allergen products during pregnancy
How to take pollen to strengthen immunity?
Before considering how and in what form it is possible to use bee-keeping, in order to increase immunity, it is necessary to find out what is the maximum dose for adults:
- to maintain the body - 5-10 g per day
- during the treatment of a disease- up to 30 g per day
IMPORTANT: The duration of the course of taking bee pollen for immunity is 2 weeks. At this time, from the day the adult should consume it in the amount of 15 g.
Here are a few ways:
- As mentioned above, the pollen has a hard shell. To extract the maximum benefit from the product, it should be soaked for 1 hour in warm boiled water, and then consumed with this water. So, an adult for immunity three times a day should be consumed 5 g or 1 teaspoon of an update, filled with 20 ml of water.
- You can make an immunostimulating cocktail. It is prepared in a blender. To prepare 1 serving in a bowl, place a 0.5 ripe banana, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of bee pollen, and 200 ml of milk are also poured into the bowl. Whisk the shake. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to sleep. A miracle remedy does not suit people with intolerance to cow's milk protein.
Bee pollen for colds from cough
Bee pollen and honey - aids that can help with colds:
- to reduce the titre of pathogenic bacteria
- to strengthen the immunity of
- enveloping the throat, to remove its inflammation
- to soften the cough and to ease the coughing
With a cold it is recommended to take 3 times a daysuch a remedy: 1 tsp of pollen mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey, mixed in the mouth and kept until complete resorption. Then the agent will be absorbed through the oral mucosa and will act as effectively as possible.
How to take bee pollen for men with prostatitis: recipe
Bee pollen is a product recommended to men:
- with excess weight
- with reduced libido
- with problems with the prostate
- over the age of 50
For the removal of inflammation and anesthesia with prostatitis and prostate adenoma, men are recommended to use three times a day 1.5 teaspoons of pollen mixed with the sameamount of honey. The course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, it is repeated after a two-week break.
Bee pollen: how to take and how much for diabetes.
Honey is a very valuable food product, but due to the content of sugars in it, it is absolutely contraindicated for diabetics. But the bee pollen they can and needs as a medicine:
- a dose of pollen for a diabetic - 1 teaspoon per day
- take it between the first and second breakfasts
- course of treatment - 30 days
- break between courses - 1,5 months
Pollen bee with gastritis
For the treatment of gastritis, pollen is taken simultaneously with medicinal herbs. The treatment is done 20 minutes before meals. A single dose of pollen is 1-2 tsp.
- For gastritis with a low acidity, mix 1 teaspoon of orange peel, roots of marsh aureus, bitter herb wormwood, bitter herb gold grass. All this is poured in 500 ml of boiling water and insisted in a thermos. Prepare from evening to morning.
- For gastritis with high acidity, take 1 teaspoon of herrings of a mountaineer, a herb of St. John's wort, leaves of peppermint, cumin seeds, grass, weed grass. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist in the thermos from the evening.
Bee pollen in pancreatitis
In case of inflammation of the pancreas, the bee pollen is used as follows:
- 1 teaspoon in the morning 0.25 cups of warm boiled water
- is poured in 3-4 hours, half an hour before lunch, take the pollen together with water
- strengthens the actionpollen herbal collection( dill seeds, chamomile, mint, hawthorn)
Bee pollen with anemia
Pollen can be treated with anemia( anemia).This product of beekeeping:
- contains iron, copper and cobalt
- promotes the synthesis of hem( a component of hemoglobin)
- promotes the synthesis of a hormone called erythropoietin, regulating the formation of hemoglobin
For the purpose of increasing hemoglobin, pollen is taken within three weeks:
- method of reception - oral resorptionor thorough chewing
- dose - 1,5 tsp spoon
- reception time - 1 hour before meals
Bee pollen from pressure
Bee pollen normalizes pressure, that is, it has its ownBoth
- hypertensive patients should consume a beekeeping product in the amount of 1 tsp three times a day strictly before meals( for 1 to 1.5 hours)
- to hypotension, on the contrary, it is necessary to take pollen after meals, alsothree times a day, mixing in equal amounts with honey
How to take flower bee pollen for women with myome?
For fibroids and fibroids, women are recommended to be treated with pollen within 3 weeks, after taking a break in a month, if necessary, repeat the course.
- pollen resolves
- can not be washed down with anything
- takes food at least half an hour after treatment with pollen
IMPORTANT: To reduce the tumor, in addition to taking pollen, it is also necessary to undergo the whole range of therapeutic measures prescribed by the doctor.
Bee pollen in infertility: prescription
Bee pollen is an effective remedy for male and female infertility, because:
- influences the viability and motility of spermatozoa
- stabilizes the female hormonal background
- relieves inflammation in the pelvic organs of men and women
Male and female infertility pollen is treated for 1 year according to the scheme: 1 month of admission - 1 month break. The dose is maximum for an adult person - 30 g, it is divided into three doses. Use pollen with water or mix with honey.
Bee pollen in oncology - benefit and harm: how to take it?
Many specialists of traditional and traditional medicine consider bee pollen to be irreplaceable for cancer patients:
- product allows to cope with intoxication
- it is for a patient with energy source
- proteins and vitamins are needed for oncological patients for maintenance of vital forces
- pollen improves blood counts in patients who underwent chemotherapy
IMPORTANT: The human body with oncology functions somewhat differently. If previously he did not have any allergies to beekeeping products, during illness she may appear. Therefore, he should take pollen with great care and under the supervision of a doctor.
Bee pollen in psoriasis
Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases that practically does not respond to treatment. But there are ways to reduce its symptoms.
As a supportive tool, patients with psoriasis can consume pollen. She:
- increases detoxification ability of the body
- stabilizes the body's immune response
- strengthens the action of pharmacological drugs for the treatment of psoriasis
For 2 months, a psoriasis patient is recommended to take 1 tsp of pollen three times daily before meals.
Pollen bee: how to take and how much with pollinosis
Bee pollen is an amazing product. It is known that it is not possible for those who suffer from hay fever. But at the same time, she also pollinosis and is treated.
IMPORTANT: Bee pollen is processed by enzymes of bees, it contains quercetin, a substance that neutralizes histamines.
To combat allergies, it is necessary to take 0.5 teaspoons of pollen per day:
- with water
- dissolve or chew
- add to yogurt, kefir
Bee pollen in sport, bodybuilding
A person who sports and gaining muscle mass should think aboutabout introducing into your diet a natural anabolic plant - pollen, which:
- contains plant proteins and amino acids
- is an energy source
- increases physical endurance
- reduces the recoveryovitelnye periods between training
Energy drink for athletes is prepared from 50 g of pollen and 250 g of honey. Bee products are mixed and insisted for 5 days. Eat 1 tbsp.spoon twice daily before meals.
How to use bee pollen for weight loss?
To lose weight, you need to eat 1 teaspoon of bee pollen every morning on an empty stomach. Of course, adjust the diet and include in your life, sports are also necessary. But the intake of pollen will accelerate the process of parting with extra pounds, as the product:
- normalizes the digestion process
- speeds up the metabolism
- suppresses hunger
- gives strength for sports
- helps cope with stress associated with diet and lifestyle change
Pollen bee in cosmetology:prescription facial mask
In home cosmetology, bee pollen is used to make masks that moisturize and nourish the skin, inhibit the process of its aging, relieve inflammation and event color.
To prepare a universal caring mask, take:
- egg chicken - 1 pc.(need only protein)
- honey - 1 tbsp.spoon
- flour - 2 tbsp.spoons
- bee pollen - 1 teaspoon
The ingredients are mixed and installed on the face for 10 minutes, then washed off with chamomile broth or running water without soap.
VIDEO: How much less is there? How to rejuvenate the skin? The answer is bee pollen
How to store bee pollen at home and its expiration date?
For 2 years, bee pollen does not lose its properties, and if it is diluted with honey, the shelf life will increase to 5 years.
IMPORTANT: After expiration of the storage period, the pollen does not deteriorate, but begins to lose its useful properties. It is not harmful, but its therapeutic effect is reduced.
Pollen storage conditions:
- closed capacity
- dark
- temperature about +20 degrees
- humidity not more than 75 percent