Will parsley help with wrinkles around the eyes: home recipes and the secrets of using

  1. Using parsley in medicine and cosmetology
  2. Preparing mask
  3. Preparing infusions and decoctions of
  4. Cream of parsley
  5. Ice for face and eyes
  6. What will help achieve a better effect?
  7. When a plant can not be used?

In their desire to be beautiful, some women prefer expensive creams and lotion, while others turn to folk medicine and receive not the worst result. And it is not necessary to use the ears of an unknown plant for this, you can take the ingredients directly from the garden or the market. One of the simple and affordable remedies for home beauty recipes is parsley from wrinkles around the eyes.

What are the useful properties of this plant?

  • A powerful antioxidant, which is achieved due to the high content of vitamin C. In parsley, ascorbic acid is more than in lemon.
  • Provides protection against aging due to the content of vitamins A and E. Carotene( vitamin A) in the roots of parsley is larger than in carrots. By preparing a mask from the roots and leaves of parsley, your skin will receive a shock dose of vitamin A, which provides elasticity and elasticity.
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  • Protects and moisturizes with B vitamins. In addition to improving the skin, these vitamins provide protection against aging, protecting the epidermis, because the negative influence of the environment is one of the main factors of premature wrinkling.
  • The roots of parsley contain many essential oils that allow you to cope with pigmentation and saturate the skin with useful substances.
In your garden, parsley grows, and you have not tried to make cosmetic products out of it? Urgently correct this and do not forget about the roots of the plant. They contain no less useful substances than leaves

Use of parsley in medicine and cosmetology

Thanks to the rich vitamin composition, the herbs and roots of parsley are used in folk medicine for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, maintenance of the genitourinary system. In the composition of care products, parsley can whiten the complexion, improve the skin condition with acne, refresh the skin around the eyes, remove puffiness, wrinkles and bruises.

In order to get the maximum benefit from the plant, you should choose quality, fresh greens. It is clear that it should have a bright green color with no signs of wilting. The stem should be elastic, and its cut is not dried. This suggests that parsley was cut off quite recently and did not stale on the shelf of the store.

At home rinse the parsley under cold water and lay on the towel to dry. To prepare a mask around the eyes of parsley, only leaves are used, which should be torn off the stems. Cut the leaves with a sharp knife, so that the plant does not lose its juice, rich in vitamins. For cooking, take a small amount of parsley leaves, do not make much money, because during storage, some vitamins break up and the remedy will not be so effective.

Tip: The remaining unplated greens can be frozen and used to make cosmetics outside the garden green season. With a single freeze, parsley does not lose its useful properties.

Cooking mask

Home cosmetic products can consist only of parsley or have other ingredients. The simplest is a mask of parsley in a blender. Clean the clean and dry leaves of parsley in a blender and immediately apply to the skin around the eyes. Then attach the cotton wool, soaked with infusion of parsley or plain water and hold for 20 minutes. After rinse the remaining mask with warm water and use the usual cream for the skin around the eyes.

For a change to the shredded parsley in a blender, you can add an equal proportion of sour cream. This mask can be used for all skin of the face, including the skin around the eyes. However, remember that for owners of oily skin sour cream will become a test: it clogs into the pores and increases greasiness, so the face will become even fatter.

Important: When preparing the mask, note that the greens were crushed as much as possible and let down the juice, because it contains all the useful substances.

Multi-component masks

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin around the eyes, you can prepare a mask from parsley with oils. To do this, mix a tablespoon of chopped green with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and add as much grape oil. Apply the composition on the skin around the eyes and the movable eyelid for 20 minutes at night 1 time in 5-7 days and after a few procedures you will notice that the skin has become moistened and light.

Potato mask of parsley will hide the bruises under the eyes and will serve as an excellent first aid if you have not had enough sleep, but should look great. The recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  • A tablespoon of chopped parsley pour half a cup of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Strain and use the resulting liquid in the preparation mask.
  • Scrub the raw peeled potatoes on a fine grater and prepare the olive oil. Now all the ingredients for cooking the mask in front of you.
  • Two tablespoons of parsley infusion, a tablespoon of grated potatoes and a tablespoon of olive oil, combine, mix until smooth and use as a mask for the skin around the eyes under gauze swabs.

Preparing infusions and broths

Liquid parsley can also come in handy. The easiest to prepare is infusion. A tablespoon of chopped greenery mix with a tablespoon of chopped root and pour a glass of boiling water. Work for two hours and strain through gauze.

The used product can be used as a whitening tonic for the face skin and eye area - wipe pigment areas and bruises under the eyes every evening and very soon you will notice that the skin has become lighter. Also in the received infusion, you can moisten the sponges and apply them to the skin around the eyes for 15-20 minutes. Such compresses should be done 1-2 times a week, not more often.

Important: Parsley is a strong remedy and can cause irritation. Therefore, in order not to wake up in the morning with a red face, all household products used should be washed off with water.

Cream of parsley

In addition to masks and tonics, at home you can prepare a cream. However, home creams are not suitable for everyone, remember this. How to make a homemade parsley cream around the eyes?

  • Prepare a water bath, put a bowl with crushed wax on it.
  • When the wax is completely melted, add glycerin and oils to the mass( all natural oils( olive, coconut) are suitable for the skin around the eyes
  • The resulting mass should be uniform, mix the ingredients well at each stage so that the cream does not separate.
  • Next, add warmedto 60 degrees decoction of parsley and again mix everything. The amount of liquid you regulate yourself, remember that the cream for the skin around the eyes should have a soft consistency
  • Remove the resulting mass from the water bath, add the emulsifierin the amount of about 10% of the whole cream and mix thoroughly with a mixer
  • When the cream cools down add vitamins to it, the skin around the eyes is suitable for A, C and E. Do not add vitamins as a hot remedy, as they will lose their properties
  • Store creamin the refrigerator for a few days

Tip: If the cream is too greasy or exfoliated, do not despair, next time it will work out better, and not to throw away the prepared remedy, use it for the body, hands or feet.

Ice for the face and eyes

To refresh the skin in the morning, to give it radiance and vivacity, use ice from parsley. To prepare it, mix the decoction or infusion from the herbs and parsley root with purified water in equal proportion and freeze. To give a means of beauty, put in each compartment for ice on a small leaf of parsley. Ice for the face is an excellent solution of parsley from bruises under the eyes.

Remember that parsley is a strong vitamin remedy, so do not use it constantly. It is better if by such ice you will refresh the skin around the eyes twice a week, and on other days use cucumber ice or frozen distilled water.

What will help to achieve a better effect?

Using parsley for the skin around the eyes, you will achieve 2 main effects:

  1. Moisten, reducing the expression of fine wrinkles( not mimic);
  2. Bleach, removing bruises under the eyes.
Funny laughs

In order to prevent the appearance of deep mimic wrinkles, you should take control of your facial expressions:

  • You work a lot at the computer - use safety glasses and do not grub;
  • You have poor eyesight, because of which you are looking at the distance by screwing up your eyes - use glasses or lenses;
  • In the period of bright sun( even in winter), wear sunglasses, so you eliminate the squinting, which in the sun arises reflexively and is not controlled.

Tip: Reducing the severity of bruises under the eyes of parsley will certainly help, but to completely get rid of them, you should resort to a miracle cure that will strengthen the whole body - it's a healthy and full sleep.

In order to get maximum benefit from parsley, it should be used inside. In the growing season of the plant in the garden do not sit down to have supper without parsley on the table, so you will saturate your body with vitamins for a whole year. Prepare a drink from the juice of parsley: 100 ml of carrot and apple juice, 50 ml of spinach juice and about 30 ml of parsley juice. It is unlikely that you will find an even more powerful vitamin cocktail.

In order not to deprive yourself of vitamins in winter, prepare the parsley root for the winter and use it to make a lotion, as well as infusion or decoction for ingestion. Prepare the infusion from the root of parsley quite simply: pour 1 tablespoon of ground roots with a glass of boiling water, insist for several hours and take 1-2 tablespoons 4 times a day before eating. So you will not be deprived of vitamins all winter, and in the spring, when others will suffer from seasonal hypovitaminosis, you will be pleased with beautiful skin and hair.

When a plant can not be used?

Parsley, as well as other traditional medicine can not be used if the skin has herpetic eruptions( even outside the place of application of the remedy), and the integrity of the skin around the eyes( wounds, scratches) is damaged. Do not use folk remedies during the period of exacerbation of seasonal allergic reactions, and if earlier on parsley there was an allergy.

After using parsley, a similar kind of rash appeared on the face? Rinse the remnants of the product with warm water and do not use it any more. If the allergy fails within 24 hours, consult a dermatologist

. Tip: To rule out the likelihood of an allergy before using the product for the first time, make a sample: apply a small amount of make-up on your wrist, wait 20 minutes and evaluate the skin reaction. Itching and redness testify to the development of allergies and are a contraindication to the use.

Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding are not a contraindication for the use of household remedies from parsley, but only if earlier you have already used similar means. During pregnancy, a number of changes occur in the woman's body, and the skin may not adequately respond to any new cosmetic products.

For the skin around the eyes, parsley is an excellent and inexpensive means, and following our advice you will get the maximum benefit from the plant without allergies and unwanted reactions.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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