Can I dye my hair during pregnancy?

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Contents of
  • So it is possible or impossible?
  • What effect does the paint have on the child's development?
  • Safe means for changing hair color
  • How to stay beautiful during pregnancy: useful tips

Before pregnancy, a woman can afford various experiments with hair cutting and hair coloring, but as soon as she finds out about the long-awaited maternity, she wants immediately to protect the health and life of the baby. And here there is a natural question: can I dye my hair during pregnancy?

Every woman wants to always look attractive. However, unrest for the fate of the child forces many expectant mothers to refrain from painting their hair during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Let's try to figure out if they are doing the right thing.

So it is possible or impossible?

Proponents of the complete rejection of the use of colorants during pregnancy argue that the toxic components that make up the paint can not only cause serious allergic reactions, but also harm a child who is in the womb.

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At the end of the last century, scientists decided to carefully study the effect of paint components on the human body. It turned out that dyes for hair provoke the appearance of cancer, and the toxic compounds released by them are able to penetrate into the blood of a pregnant woman through the lungs and affect the quality of breast milk.

However, until now there is no clear opinion of doctors on this score. A huge number of women consider hair coloring during pregnancy an absolutely safe procedure. They use dyes even with breastfeeding, without noticing any negative consequences that could be a serious threat to the life of the child.

Doctors of the old quenching talk about the harmfulness of all the components of the paint components and strongly recommend to abandon the use of such tools. But modern specialists refer to the procedure of coloring more indulgently and the whole responsibility of choice is placed on the shoulders of the future mother.

Is it possible that pregnancy and hair coloring are two incompatible concepts, and a woman should forget about an attractive image and stylish hair for a long time? If you are afraid for the normal development of the fetus, pay attention to alternative staining options. There are safe procedures that will allow you to look well-groomed on any month of pregnancy. In any case, as little as possible to expose the body to the effects of coloring components. Once you have learned about your interesting situation, try to paint curls no more often than once in 2 or 3 months.

What effect does the paint have on the child's development?

It is ammonia, which is part of many hair colors, can cause serious damage to human health. Intensive use of ammonium dyes sometimes leads to the development of a variety of cardiovascular pathologies in the fetus, the onset of cancer and allergic reactions. Permanent products have such dangerous ingredients as paraphenylenediamine and resorcinol.

The sharp smell of ammonia worsens the overall well-being of women, provokes severe nausea in some of them and causes unbearable headaches. Any concentrated aromas during pregnancy can cause dizziness and even fainting, so it is better to abandon the funds with ammonia.

Penetrating into the blood via the lungs, this toxic component is able to affect the normal development of the fetus even in the earliest stages of pregnancy. Resorcinol weakens immunity. It is a dangerous irritant for the scalp. Remember also that ammonia paints quickly penetrate into the hair follicle, destroy its integrity and provoke premature hair loss.

Than to dye hair during pregnancy, so as not to undermine your own health and create all the conditions for a full-fledged baby?

Safe means to change the color of hair

Doctors advise to give preference to natural dyes, which include only natural, environmentally friendly components.

  • Henna or hair basma not only improves the overall condition of the strands, but also helps to get rid of dryness of the scalp and eliminating dandruff. Dyeing hair with henna is allowed even during pregnancy, because it does not contain dangerous compounds that could harm your baby's health. Remember only that the hair dyed in this way can not be further affected by chemical dyes.
  • Chamomile gives the golden hair a golden hue. The infusion from this plant is used as an ordinary hair conditioner. To prepare the product, you need to pour 2 tbsp.l.chamomile with boiling water and give a few hours to brew. After washing hair with shampoo, ringlets rinse with cooked infusion, and then dry them naturally without using a hairdryer.
  • Another interesting method of staining is the use of the onion husk. To prepare a decoction it will take half a glass of husk. Pour it with a glass of water and boil the mixture for 30 minutes. Strain the broth and add a couple of spoons of glycerin. Put the agent on the hair, and after an hour, wash it off with a normal shampoo. As a result, you will get a pleasant golden brown hair color.
  • Walnut shell will allow you to get a more intense bright shade. Place 15 g of nutshell in a container, fill it with a glass of water and boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Decoction keep on the hair for one hour, after which wash the head with shampoo.
  • Semipermanent and organic paints do not contain ammonia and mainly consist of natural components. In addition, they do not have a specific unpleasant odor. Such drugs will not change cardinally the color of the hair, but after the procedure the curls will look healthier and shinier.

How to stay beautiful during pregnancy: useful tips

  1. Pregnant women have a hormonal background, so even the usual dye can give a completely unpredictable hair color or cause allergies. Try to dye a small strand first.
  2. Experienced moms advise in advance, even when planning a pregnancy, dye your hair in color, which will be as close to the natural shade. Then the overgrown roots will not be so noticeable. If you do not want to restore naturalness to your image, then you can maintain the color saturation with various coloring gels or shampoos.
  3. Coloring is another safe way of coloring overgrown strands. This technique excellently masks the dark roots, and the painting procedure you can perform even at home. At the time of staining, the product does not get on the scalp, as before applying the mixture from the roots, at least two centimeters retreat.
  4. After the dyeing procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room well. Also, doctors recommend using a cotton-gauze dressing.
  5. Purchase products designed specifically for pregnant women. They contain expensive silk. It is absolutely harmless both for the hair and for the health of the baby's future.

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