Water diet

Everyone knows that the human body is 80% water. It is necessary for us to assimilate the nutrients and oxygen required by the body. Lack of fluid slows metabolism, which is the cause of excess weight and swelling. Stopping your choice on such a diet, you should weigh the pros and cons, because the excess fluid in the body is also harmful.

With an average water diet of three to ten kilograms, of course, this is all individually. As well as before any other diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor and take the necessary tests.

The essence of the water diet

This type of diet does not mean drinking only one water, you just need to follow the instructions and drink it at a certain time. The optimal period for an aquatic diet is spring and summer, in a warm time the liquid leaves the body more quickly and is better absorbed.

The duration of the water diet is 2-3 weeks. During this time, you need to drink a significant amount of water daily, which is determined as follows: your weight is divided by 25. That is, for example, with a weight of 90 kg, you must drink 90: 25 = 3.6 liters daily.

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Of course, this amount of water should not be consumed at a time. It is recommended to drink a glass of water immediately after awakening and before bed, and the rest volume - evenly throughout the day. It is advisable to drink water thirty minutes before a meal or an hour and a half after, it will help a little to dull the appetite. During the meal it is not recommended to drink it, it dilutes the gastric juice and reduces its concentration, as a result - the digestion process slows down, and the fat accumulates.

There are no restrictions on the diet of the water diet, that is, you can eat in its usual way. But, believe me, with this amount of water you drink, you will involuntarily reduce your portions. And if you can still switch to the rails of proper nutrition, by reducing the consumption of fatty foods and sweets, the effect of the diet will be simply stunning!

Often, we confuse hunger with a simple thirst, so when you want to eat, drink a glass of water, listen, if after a while the feeling of hunger does not abate - eat. Even with a strong thirst, drink water moderately, in small sips, more than two glasses at a time to drink is not recommended.

Pros and cons of the water diet

To the pluses of the water diet can be attributed a decrease in the feeling of hunger, and as a result a good result in losing weight. The disadvantages are much greater. The excess of fluid that occurs during the diet, negatively affects the body. For example, gastric juice, becomes more fluid, and this directly affects the digestive process. Of course, the kidneys get hit as they are under heavy load. Water-salt balance is disturbed, which subsequently affects the work of the heart, vessels and brain. During the diet there is a washing out of useful substances, calcium and potassium, which then will have to be replenished, taking the vitamin and mineral complex.

Water, of course, is necessary for every living organism. Even if you are not on a diet, try to drink water in the morning, as soon as you wake up from sleep, because your stomach also needs to wake up. Take the rule of drinking only clean water, packaged juices and sweet water with gas contain a lot of sugar. Adding lemon juice or mint to room temperature, you will add flavor and benefit to it.

Weight loss diets
  • Mar 26, 2018
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