Bleeding gums as a frequent companion of pregnancy

Gum bleeding during pregnancy is often a symptom of gingivitis. The disease can not be called serious, but the lack of measures to treat it can affect negatively the well-being of mother and baby.

Gums are a mucous membrane that protects the root of the tooth from negative effects. The harder the gums, the healthier the teeth, but you can often notice bleeding in the mouth. Minor inflammation of the gums is a sign of gingivitis.

The disease itself is not dangerous until it has flowed into a complicated form called periodontitis.

Very often gingivitis occurs during pregnancy, when the female body is already subject to stressful conditions. There are many ways to prevent and control the disease, which will be discussed later.

Contents of

  • Contents of
    • What causes gingivitis
    • Gingivitis forms and their symptoms
      • Catarrhal gingivitis
      • Proliferative gingivitis
    • Possible consequences of the disease for toddler
    • What to do to treat different forms of gingivitis
    • How to prevent disease
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Why does the gum bleed

? The most common causes of the onsetbleeding gums during pregnancy:

  1. The changed hormonal background .Because of such changes, immunity sharply decreases, the formation of plaque occurs more quickly, the microflora of the oral cavity changes. All this has a beneficial effect on the reproduction of bacteria, which cause inflammation.
  2. Severe Toxicosis also leads to the development of gingivitis.
  3. A similar effect is caused by problems with internal organs, for example, with the gastrointestinal tract, or development of the allergy .
  4. Vitamin deficiency during pregnancy is directly related to the bleeding gums. The lack of vitamin C with reduces the resistance of the organism to the bacteria emerging in the mouth and increases the permeability of the vessels, and a sharp increase in the need for calcium instantly affects the health of the teeth.
  5. Do not bypass and oral hygiene .Regular brushing of teeth and rinsing of the mouth after a meal will help during pregnancy prevent an undesirable problem.
  6. In addition to the usual procedures, you can pay attention to the possibility of mechanical damage to the gums , for example, dental floss or toothpick. The appearance of a pregnant girl even a small scratch on the gums can cause gingivitis.
  7. In addition to the above reasons, it is possible to list incorrect bite, smoking and others, which adversely affect the health of teeth and gums, but are not directly related to the period of pregnancy. If these factors are available, the girl is recommended to take special care with oral hygiene to avoid serious problems.

Forms of gingivitis and their symptoms

Gingivitis can be of two kinds, depending on the period of pregnancy, the symptoms of the disease can vary.

Catarrhal gingivitis

Appears at the end of the first trimester, just when the pregnant woman experiences the most pronounced surge of hormones.

At this time, slightly gently swelling the gums, change the color from pink to rich red and even cyanotic.

During the cleaning of teeth, gums strongly bleed, there is pain when touching the mucous membrane.

Proliferative gingivitis

Severe form of gingivitis, accompanied by pain and overgrowth of gums that bleed. The launched disease will bring a lot of troubles, including the risk of infection of the baby.

The disease is characterized by enlarged gums. There may be two directions of development of puffiness:

  1. Hypertrophic .Granulation grows in the tissues, causing the gums to increase significantly and become bluish in color, the friability and weakness of the mucous membrane is felt.

  2. Fibrous .The dense tissue of the enlarged gum indicates the transformation of granulation into fibrosis.

Possible consequences of the disease for a baby

On the one hand, gingivitis does not seem a dangerous disease, but a negligent attitude towards his treatment can cause sad consequences.

The disease is accompanied by gingival inflammation, accumulation of plaque, as well as an increase in the number of bacteria in the oral cavity.

The resulting microflora contributes to the release of toxins. Toxins, in turn, affect the production of interleukin-1 and 6 and TNF-alpha.

These enzymes cause great damage to the mother's body and through the blood can get into the placenta, and therefore, harm the fetus. As a result, serious illnesses that affect the functioning of vital systems develop. In addition, these mediators of inflammation accelerate the synthesis of prostaglandin E2.The substance raises the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with the risk of premature birth.

Treat, but not maim

To make a diagnosis, you need to visit a dentist who will certainly tell you if there is a risk of developing gingivitis, and will give recommendations for prevention and treatment.

During pregnancy, women must visit a specialist three times, once in a trimester.

For the treatment of gums, which bleed the doctor appoints a procedure for cleaning teeth from accumulated deposits. For pregnant women only hand tools are used, as modern methods can harm the fetus.

Depending on the period, the dentist can prescribe anti-inflammatory measures using antiseptics. In addition, the doctor will examine not only the gums, but also the teeth and identify possible foci of the spread of the disease.

Solve problems in the shortest time to reduce the growth of the inflammatory process and the production of dangerous enzymes.

To combat inflammation, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity regularly with special solutions.

In pregnancy, Chlorhexidine is administered at a concentration of 0.05%, which is applied in a course of 10 days. Rinsing is done after brushing your teeth in the morning and evening for a minute.

A girl can purchase fluids on a fluoride basis, but you need to carefully read the composition of the product. Some manufacturers add antibiotics, which are dangerous for the baby. In this case, it is better to give preference to infusion of herbs, which will have a similar effect. As additives, chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, oak bark are suitable.

In addition to regular rinsing in the treatment of gingivitis, gels are used to carry out applications.

To eliminate bleeding appoint Holisal or Metrogil Denta, but both drugs can not be used without consulting a dentist, since they have a number of contraindications, including during pregnancy at different times.

In the first trimester categorically it is impossible to treat the disease with the help of gels.

Application is applied to the entire surface of the gums, as well as to the front of the teeth twice a day after rinsing. Two to three hours after applying the gel is forbidden to eat, drink is allowed. The course is not renewed for more than 10 days.

On the basis of proper nutrition depends the risk of the appearance of the disease and the rapidity of its development. Carbohydrates are a favorable environment for creating a dangerous microflora, so you need to reduce the amount of flour and sweet for the period of pregnancy, or accustom yourself to clean the mouth after they are consumed. It is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.

The meal mode should be constructed in such a way as to reduce the number of snacks. Balanced nutrition by the hour, accompanied by hygienic procedures, will help to avoid problems with bleeding gums.

Read more about gargling with gum disease.
Can I treat my teeth during pregnancy you will learn from this article.
All about the treatment of gingivitis at home by the link http: // bolezni-desen /gingivit/ lechenie-v-domashnyh-usloviyah.html

What to do to treat different forms of gingivitis

For catarrhal gingivitis, you must adhere to the prescribed course of treatment, following all the advice of the dentist. The treatment course involves the removal of dental deposits and the fight against the inflammatory process. For this, pregnant women should turn into a habit:

  • rinsing the mouth after each meal;
  • use of applications on the gums;
  • teeth cleaning twice a day or more;
  • following a diet.

Much more serious need to approach the fight against the proliferative form of the disease. Applicable procedures vary depending on the gestational age:

  1. In the first trimester of , there is a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage, so treatment is carried out with caution and only in the case of persistent and intolerable pain. It is allowed to clean the plaque accumulated inside the gum pockets, but without the use of modern technologies, such as laser or ultrasound. The mechanical effect causes more discomfort for the expectant mother, but is safe for the fetus. To reduce the level of stress, short-term procedures are recommended.
  2. The second trimester can be called the most favorable for fighting gingivitis. This is the most safe time for the baby. During this period, it is necessary to eliminate all the symptoms of the disease, and also to solve the problems "for the future".If the dentist points to the areas predisposed to inflammation, it is necessary to heal all risky foci. In addition to cleansing at this time, anti-inflammatory procedures are carried out. For them, use an antiseptic solution applied between the teeth and around the edges of the gums with a special syringe.
  3. The third trimester is undesirable for long-term dental procedures. At this time preventive measures are allowed, but there is a risk of the onset of labor. This is influenced not only by the nervous breakdown that a woman experiences when she visits a doctor, but also the uncomfortable position in the chair. The fruit in this period is already large enough, so it can squeeze the aorta when the pregnant woman is in the dental chair. As a result, there is an increase in heart rate, dizziness, fainting. If you need to visit the dentist, it is recommended to give yourself a break, turning to your left side.

Prevention of the disease

Preventive measures include:

  • regular visits to the dentist during the entire gestation period, as well as going to the doctor for the slightest symptoms of gingivitis;
  • proper oral hygiene;
  • balanced nutrition;
  • intake of vitamins prescribed by a doctor;
  • rejection of solid food, capable of damaging the gums;
  • , when toxicosis appears, give preference to frequent rinsing rather than brushing your teeth.
  • Mar 26, 2018
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