Skin irritation is an unpleasant problem that can occur in any person, whether it be a woman, a man or a child. This is especially true for people with very sensitive skin: any cosmetics, medical products, and simply the effects of natural factors can cause such a reaction on the body. So what often causes irritation and how to cope with it?
- Causes of
- What to treat
- Folk remedies
Reasons for
Factors affecting the occurrence of skin irritation are very many:
- Allergy is the main cause of skin irritation on the face( especially around the eyes), arms, legs and other areas of the body. The most common allergens are: medicines, food, household chemicals, dust, plants, alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, costume jewelery and animal wool. With allergic effects, in addition to irritation, there is a strong itch, the affected area is covered with eruptions of various etiologies.
- Negative effects of cosmetics. The composition of cosmetics often includes dangerous chemicals( benzene, ammonia, albumin, dimethylamine), which have a bad effect on the state of the skin.
- Subcooling. In the autumn and winter periods, the skin is very vulnerable, because of cold, wind, snow and frost, irritation often occurs on it, which is accompanied by reddening and itching.
- Wearing clothes. In many cases, substandard, synthetic fabrics and dyes used in the manufacture of clothing, cause dermatitis.
- Shaving. After depilation and shaving, the skin on the face, neck, under the arms, etc. can also turn red.
Skin irritation can also provoke any stress, stress, hormonal malfunctions( for example, during pregnancy) and abnormalities in the functioning of the internal organs, especially the digestive system.
In newborns, redness can result from the use of diapers and diapers. The consequence of this is insufficient ventilation of the skin, numerous bacteria, as well as friction of the diaper against the baby's skin. Particularly severely irritated bother the child for up to a year, during the period when the active lure begins, and he begins to actively move.
Than to treat
Toto cope with skin irritation, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate its causes. In some cases, it will be sufficient to exclude contact with the allergen, for example, to change clothes from synthetic fabrics to natural, buy cosmetics from another company, etc. However, these methods do not help everyone, sometimes the help of a dermatologist is required. First and foremost, the doctor will advise you to pass the appropriate tests and, according to their results, prescribe the treatment.
Among drugs that effectively remove itching and irritation, allocate external means and injections. The first include a variety of gels, creams and ointments that eliminate redness. They are shown with mild inflammation. Injections are used when the skin of the legs, hands or other parts of the body is strongly itchy, and redness covers large areas. To treat serious dermatological diseases, antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action are additionally prescribed.
Effective non-hormonal pharmacies in the fight against redness and itching with irritation are:
- Boromentol and menthol oil - relieve itching and discomfort, refresh and cool the skin.
- BoroPlus is an effective cosmetic product that softens the skin and helps to remove redness and dryness.
- D-panthenol - eliminates itching, healing and moisturizing the skin. It is often used for toddlers.
- Elidel - a cream from irritation on the skin, is indicated for allergic reactions of different etiologies.
- Bepanten - effectively removes dryness, heals wounds and cracks, smooths the skin. The cream is allowed for use by children.
- Fenistil-Gel - is prescribed for allergic reactions to relieve swelling, itching and irritation.
Hormonal ointments from the itching and irritation of the skin:
- Triderm.
- Elokom.
- Betamethasone.
- Hydrocortisone ointment.
- Flucinar.
- Acryderm.
- Sinaflan.
It is always easier to prevent the development of unpleasant phenomena than to treat them, so you need to try to reduce the impact of negative factors. For example, apply protective cosmetics before going out, especially during the winter and summer periods. Try not to injure the skin with excessive cleansing and peeling, use special cosmetics that are designed for sensitive skin, do not eat allergic foods, etc.
to the table of contents ^Folk remedies
With inflammation, all kinds of folk recipes that help to moistenskin, cope with redness and peeling. To such procedures, include a variety of masks, tonics and herbal packs:
- Cucumber mask eliminates itching, relieves irritation and refreshes the skin. The washed cucumber should be rubbed on a fine grater and the prepared mass is applied to the inflamed parts of the body and washed off with boiled water after 15 minutes.
- Mask of oatmeal and plantain will soothe the inflamed skin and gently cleanse it.3 tablespoons of oatmeal should be crushed and add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil, 0.5 lemon and 1 tablespoon of finely chopped plantain. Mix gently and apply on face for 15 minutes.
- The yeast mask quickly and effectively restores the integrity of the skin.10 grams of dry yeast must be dissolved in water and leave to ferment for 25-30 minutes. After this, the finished mixture is spread over the face and washed off after 15-20 minutes.
- Mask of potatoes and sour cream will remove irritation on the face and soothe the skin. First, you need to boil 1 potatoes( along with the peel), peel it and mash with a fork. Then add 1 tablespoon of sour cream to the potato paste, mix and then apply the resulting product to the affected areas for 20 minutes.
- Soothing mask for irritated skin from yogurt or kefir. For the procedure you need a natural unsweetened and cooled sour-milk product.2 tablespoons of yogurt or yogurt apply on the skin and leave for 30 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.
- Tonic with green tea effectively soothes inflamed skin and eliminates redness. For the procedure, you have to brew tea from 2 sachets, moisten cotton pads in it and apply to inflamed areas for 10 minutes, then remove the discs and wash the skin with water.
- Cabbage compress will relieve the itching and slightly reduce redness. You need to take fresh cabbage, remove the top sheets from it, and use medium for the compress.
- Herbal compresses. To eliminate unpleasant redness, you can make a lotion or compress with the bark of oak or one of the following herbs: celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, yarrow. First you need to prepare the broth from any selected herb and strain it. After that, moisten the cotton cloth in the finished drug and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes.