Ligature braces - proven classic for years at an affordable price

Well, if the bite and the relative position of the jaws in a man is all right, but in fact, many of this has considerable problems.

In most cases, such patients orthodontist suggests installing ligature braces. What is it, what are their advantages and disadvantages? What kinds are they and who makes them?

Ligature braces are a classic, tested for years. Their relevance today is explained by affordability. Compared with the designs of the past, today the braces have undergone some changes: in the manufacture of other technologies and materials that make them miniature and comfortable.

Content of

  • Ligature - the main element of
  • Varieties of orthodontic constructions
  • Producing companies
  • How the ligature bracket system
  • Advantages and disadvantages - a real estimation
    • Difficult choice - ligature VS ligature braces
  • Price

Ligature is the main element of

In this design,is the most important component, which allows securely fixing the bracket system in one position. Used to connect braces with an arc. It is securely fixed in the grooves of the structure, which helps to straighten the problem areas of the dentition.

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Today, the ligature can be the most diverse:

  • with a white hue;
  • is completely transparent;
  • multi-colored.

If the orthodontist uses metal braces, the ligature can be in color or in the form of silver wire.

Disadvantage is its propensity to stretch, which often necessitates replacement. To this process, many people are creative, and each time they change its color shade.

Color shades and combinations can be different. Do not forget about those that can not be changed:

  • snow-white ligatures have one drawback - they are able to create the effect of yellow teeth, not taking into account even the fact that teeth can be perfect;
  • if the ligature of the yellow shade is chosen is completely identical.

Allocate such basic principles in the combination of color bracket systems:

  • , if teeth have the yellow color shade of , it is necessary to give preference to such colors: blue, maroon, bright red or purple;
  • blue, blue or red color palette are considered universal , therefore absolutely anyone can use them;
  • for need to hide the remains of food perfectly fit bright ligatures, and such shades are able to retain their color longer;
  • for female is preferable to put ligatures of a delicate color palette, so popular are pink or turquoise hues;
  • for men excellent colors such as: purple, emerald or juicy green.

Varieties of orthodontic constructions

Depending on the location, the braces may be:

  1. Vestibular .Classic version of the system, in which the design is installed on the front of the teeth.
  2. Lingual .Modern systems with the possibility of their installation on the inside of the teeth.

Systems can be made of ceramics, gold, plastic, sapphire and metal.

Depending on the material, each design has its own peculiarities, pluses and minuses:

  1. Metal ligature braces are a classic variant, the distinguishing feature of which is reliability and simplicity of design. Today, among young people, the wearing of metal systems with colored decorative ligatures is gaining popularity. Because of its plain-looking appearance, the design is considered the most affordable for the price range. It is worth noting that even today, metal systems are very popular among adolescents.
  2. Constructions from ceramics perfectly harmonize with tooth enamel. A distinctive feature is minimal visibility and aesthetic appearance. However, the installation of such a system is more expensive than metal. From the disadvantages of ceramic ligature brackets, the possibility of their coloring in the colors of food dyes is highlighted.
  3. sapphire systems are distinguished by their transparency, so they can be seen only from short distances. Of the advantages of sapphire structures, there is a lack of the possibility of staining with food colors and an increased level of comfort when using them. Among the shortcomings: high price range, a long period of wearing the system, the fragility of the design.
  4. The combined solutions mean the possibility of using metal and ceramic elements simultaneously. Ceramics are installed in the visible part, metal - on the sides. Thanks to this option, you can achieve an ideal combination of price and quality. But it is worth noting that if there is a broad smile, the metal elements will be visible.


Each orthodontist is able to call more than 20-30 companies that specialize in the manufacture of ligature braces.

At the same time the most popular today are the designs of companies:

  • Victory( America).;
  • Maset;
  • Pilot;
  • Sprint;
  • Brackets Alexander;
  • Marquis;
  • Tiger.

The design of braces Victory

All products have identical characteristics, we will focus on the most popular among domestic.

The main distinctive features of Alexander braces are:

  • the structure of the structure allows providing a high-quality and stable arrangement of teeth;
  • has the ability to easily modify the level of rotation;
  • systems can be used as single structures, so the probability of discomfort to the patient is equated to zero.

How the ligature bracket system

works The principle of action is that the spring arc after installation in the oral cavity will try to slowly return to its original position, which it originally laid. With the return to the original position, the design also pulls the teeth into a physiologically correct position.

Regular replacement by the orthodontist of arches on more rigid, is capable to correct a position of a teeth and an occlusion as a whole.

In most cases, some braces are not enough to correct teeth and bite, so additional elements are used in the form of various springs, rubber bands and a number of other equally effective orthodontic devices.

The patient's system is installed painlessly and largely depends on the structure of the teeth and the level of malocclusion.

Everyone who establishes a corrective system should be ready for periodic visits by the attending physician for the forced replacement of the ligature.

Pros and Cons - a real assessment of

The main advantages of ligature braces are considered to be:

  • high functional properties, so some bite disorders can not be cured without using these designs;
  • predicted high results in bite treatment;
  • if desired, it is possible to install miniature sapphire or ceramic systems, it is also possible to use transparent rubber bands;
  • , unlike self-ligating systems, such designs differ in price availability( their installation can be allowed by every resident of the Russian Federation).

The drawbacks are:

  • when used, there is a regular need to replace elastic ligatures, as they tend to stretch and lose their elasticity;
  • when using rigid ligatures painful sensations are possible;
  • , in contrast to the use of ligatureless braces, the course of treatment is much longer;
  • rubber rings can be painted in the color of food colors, this is especially unpleasant when it occurs with the owner of transparent bracket systems;
  • because of the cumbersome design of the patient, there will be some discomfort in the implementation of hygiene procedures.

After installation of the structure, visit the orthodontist at a frequency of 1 time per month until complete recovery.

Uneasy choice - ligature VS ligature braces

It is often said that ligature braces are better, because they are more modern. Of course, the fasteners of these systems have many advantages, but speaking of the biomechanical work of correctional arcs, they are the same everywhere.

It is also worth remembering that it is not uncommon to meet patients who only the ligature structures can help achieve the goal. For this reason, the effectiveness of using any bracket system is evaluated solely on the basis of the characteristics of each individual patient.

Now only one thing is known - the period of complete abandonment of classical ligature systems has not come. Only orthopedists choose which braces to install to the patient based on the state of the dentition. The only thing a patient can do is to choose a design for his own needs and possibilities( metal, sapphire and so on).

The photo shows the difference between ligature and ligature braces after installation of

Price of the issue

The cost price of braces largely depends on such factors:

  • of which they are made( material, color palette and so on);
  • what is the level of problems in patients( the percentage of difficulty in the correction).

The establishment of ligature structures on average is about 3.5 thousand rubles per 1 bracket. In addition, do not forget about the advice of a doctor who will bypass approximately 300 - 1000 rubles( depending on the level of the medical clinic).

If to talk about treatment with the help of ligature braces, then the above figures can be multiplied by at least 2 or 3. For example, when installing such a system in the capital, you can talk about increasing the cost 5 or more times.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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