Scheme and description of how to tie a crochet

  • 1 Knitted Crochet Crochet: Patterns & Descriptions
    • 1.1 How to knit a mat from a yarn?
    • 1.2 Knitted crochet crochets with patterns and description
    • 1.3 Oval crochet crochet
    • 1.4 How to tie a round crochet for beginners: video
    • 1.5 How to tie square and rectangular rugs?
    • 1.6 Knitted floor mats for the floor
    • 1.7 How to tie a rug for beginners: video
  • 2 Rug from old things: step by step instruction
    • 2.1 Rug crochets: master class
    • 2.2 Rug from old T-shirts
    • 2.3 Fromplastic bags with their own hands
  • 3 Rugs in bathroom and toilet crocheted: ideas and novelties

Crochet rugs have recently gained great popularity: square( as in the photo below), rectangular carpet, round, ovalthe first of the thread( yarn), twine or rags residues on a chair or on the floor in the bathroom. All the options are good. The most important thing is that such a magnificent carpet can be crocheted by itself, using a diagram and description, step by step instruction, or, relying on a video lesson on YouTube or mk( master class: How to tie a crochet circuit and description).

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In addition, that you can decorate your home, create a cozy atmosphere in it - it's still a good way for any needlewoman to train and develop their creative abilities. Everyone remembers grandmother's knitwear around the house, I would very much like to do the same: on the bedside tables, stool, in the hallway, the kitchen. Lace motifs are very airy and immediately attract a lot of attention.

Knitted crochet crochet: Schemes and description

As we already mentioned above, the carpet can be connected absolutely from any materials, whether it's a model from old things ( T-shirts), from polyethylene bags( from cellophane and garbage) or from ordinary yarn .Any option will look great at your home on the floor, or on a chair. Often, in addition to the rugs, beautiful rugs of cloth shreds, a cover on a stool, colorful cushions of crocheted squares with knitting needles or crochets, original napkins on furniture or under vases from knitted mugs for the comfort of are created for the interior decor and the room. A lot of excitement around the products of knitted yarn - the model is very homely and unusual.

You can use any material, any knit ( semicircle, loach viscous) and pattern ( star, cat, owl, tiger cub, sun, turtle, etc.) in order for you to tie a beautiful carpet by yourself. You can do it in the same way in different ways, then decorate as desired. Look at the photo - the selection below and choose an option for yourself and your house.

How to tie a rug from a yarn?

First you need to select the needed and correct materials .If you are knitting for the first time, you may need help from already experienced needlewomen( such as mom or grandmother). You can knit products, guided by step-by-step instruction for beginners from the master class, for example.

Everyone knows, that the most beautiful mats , crocheted - Japanese .Here the secret is the correct choice of the color of the future product. It does not matter if the carpet is large or small - it should be beautifully connected and harmoniously combined with the furniture in the room. Also, does not need to use light color - beige ( avoid milk shades), it will quickly get dirty with .And also - thin threads, so that your creation lasts longer.

So, now we will provide a detailed outline and description of how to tie the rug crochet with your hands step by step. Openwork version of "sun" - for it is better to pick up yellow thread .Do not use acrylic and wool - only cotton !Also, you may need one hook # 7 , and an amount of yarn that would suffice for the whole carpet. We advise you to knit yarn in two pieces.

  1. Dial 4 VP .(air loop) connect using SS.( connecting post) in the ring .
  2. Scheme A1 chart ( on the first picture from the bottom) 6 times .
  3. Further, after the completion of point 2, to wiring the scheme A2 .
  4. Next - repeat the scheme A3.Close 264 С.Т. ( column).
  5. Spin around in a circle ( column without crochet). The product is closed - it's ready!

Knitted crochet crochets with patterns and description for

How to make crochet crochet - the diagram is presented below by .We knit a pattern of "popcorn" with colorful threads. Products of this form are very popular with young children: on them is comfortable and comfortable to sit, play .A small child will be delighted with tactile sensations. Animals will also be happy with the new "inmate" at home - you can sharpen their claws or sleep on it.
Take a few colors of thread, hook and follow the diagram below:

Oval crochet crochet

Make a beautiful oval masterpiece very simple. We knit it with simple loops according to the scheme. Such a children's mat will fit well into any room.

  1. Type the chain from VP.the length that we want.
  2. To properly select it, you need to remove the width of the future carpet from its length.
  3. If the width is 40 cm and the length is 100 cm. Then 100 - 40 = 60 cm. Approximately this one needs to type a chain. But do not forget that when knitting, it will stretch!
  4. We knit it in a circle / spirals according to the scheme below, alternating columns. We hope that this step-by-step description for beginners has helped a lot!

How to tie a round crochet hook for beginners: video

There are many video tutorials about then , how to learn to knit it crochet for free. This can be made from a thick thread, weave with elongated loops, sew from several motifs, strips, make it shaggy, terry and voluminous. Such needlework can be sold or donated for a birthday or a housewarming party.

How to tie square and rectangular mats?

In order to make a beautiful flat square - make increments in each row in 4 corners: 2 ST, 2 VP. 2 S.T.In the following R. Hook is introduced under VP.This is more rustic option, but it is also suitable for the city, if you change the manner of knitting.

The easiest way to crochet a square rug:

  • Take yarn from jersey. Color - optional .
  • The chain from V.P.of the desired length.
  • 1 Р.: all loops С.С.Н. Flip the blade .
  • 2 R: all loops SBNin the front wall P. Turn over the knit .
  • 3 R: S.B.N.
  • 4P.= 2 R.
  • 5 R: behind the rear wall
  • 6P.: all the rows. Beginning with the sixth , use pattern from 2 to 5 R.
  • On the video you can see an example of such a product.

A rectangular rug is similarly matched in the same way.

Knitted floor mats for the floor

Look for an interesting collection of ideas for inspiration .Here there are carpets in a modern style, consisting of roses and flowers, from rags, rags, two or more flowers - they are all good in the interior.

How to knit a rug for beginners: video

Cushion from old things: step by step instruction

Very often we have a large number of knitted clothes that we are going to throw .But, what if we tell you that it is not necessary? It is possible to make from it an excellent knitting yarn and weave a lot of designer unique gizmos . Before we begin to weave, let's learn how to create the yarn itself. To do this you will need a rag, T-shirt and so on. From such material it is possible to make various patterns .

Rug Crochets: Master Class

We will attach below video for beginners : how to crochet rugs from rags. In the meantime, for more experienced needlewomen, our master class.

For the beginning we cut old shirts for threads .It is better to do this with one continuous spiral, so that you have to tie less knots. After that, you need to take a big and thick hook and start typing loops. As if you are typing them with a normal thread. You close the chain and sew the joint for strength. The knitting pattern is attached below. With her and simple yarns, you can tie a round rug.

Rug from old T-shirts

Materials: knitted yarn of lilac and purple flowers, hook number 15, scissors, needle and thread.

  1. Yarn cut folded in half, tying 10 S.S.N.and close the ring.
  2. 2In each P. of the previous P.
  3. From each PS to 2 S.S.N.
  4. SSN, 2 VP, SSNthrough 1 P. Such a pattern should be repeated to the end of R.
  5. S.S.N.around the whole circle.
  6. The lilac thread must be fixed after the previous row. Now we knit violet. We make 1 P. on the hook. SSN throughout the circle.
  7. SSN, 2 VP, SSH through 1 P.
  8. 1 P., 2 the hole from the bottom, then again in P.
  9. Change the thread. The entire series of SSN.
  10. Repeat the diagram above with the holes in this row.
  11. around the whole circle.
  12. Change the color. Openwork holes around the circle.
  13. Lilac thread: S.T.- 1 R., lace pattern - 1 R., S.T.- 1 row.
  14. At the very end the pattern is "denticles".From 1 P. 6 S.B.N.= repeat in each 6 P. Everything is ready! The same option can be made from a cord.

Of PE bags by one's own hands

Knitting of rugs from garbage bags is very difficult. After all, for this, too, you should first make yarn. How is it done correctly?

  • Sliced ​​strips of packages( 3 cm for polyethylene, 1 - 1.5 cm for garbage bags), cut along the package, and not across, connect the .
  • They can connect : connect them to a node, or one we pass through the ring the second and through its ring.

Another option: the use of hoop / hula hoop:

Rugs in bathroom and toilet crocheted: ideas and new items

  • Mar 26, 2018
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