Menopause, if it does not give a lot of trouble to most women, then there is a feeling of heat and profuse sweating in everyone. This sign draws for others: nervousness, increased pressure. Restore normal health can hormones. But they are not shown to everyone, they have side effects, for some they carry a potential danger. Those who are forced to experience hot flushes with menopause, treatment without hormones will do, perhaps more.
Contents of
- 1 Advantages of non-hormonal therapy
- 2 List of products without hormones: what to prefer?
- 2.1 Estrovel
- 2.2 Klimadinon
- 2.3 Feminalgin
- 2.4 Feminal
- 2.5 Femikaps Isi Life
- 2.6 Klimaksan
- 2.7 Inoklym
- 3 antihypertensives in tidal therapy
- 4 Antidepressants
Benefits nonhormonal therapy
means no hormones are composed of herbal ingredientsand sometimes microscopic doses of natural stimulants. All of them act sparingly, which allows to avoid side effects at the correct dosage, but to obtain sufficient effectiveness in eliminating tides. In addition, non-hormonal drugs:
- Do not provoke an increase in body weight;
- Do not interfere with the reception and assimilation of other medicines;
- Increases the body's defenses.
It is possible to repeat the course of treatment with non-hormonal agents more than once. And the active ingredients are related in composition by what is present in the body.
The basis of many drugs are estrogen-containing plants. Without replacing the missing hormone, they provide an effect similar to its presence. Means have in the composition vitamins and trace elements, which are indispensable in stopping tides.
This sign is often provoked and causes pressure surges, severe psychoemotional manifestations, to arterial hypertension and depression. Medicines that fight with them, too, do not belong to hormonal, but can and should be used together with phyto-drugs and homeopathic drugs.
List of products without hormones: what to prefer?
Non-hormonal drugs with menopause from hot flushes should not be put on a par with vitamins. Despite the apparent simplicity of these funds, they should be appointed by a specialist.
Some of them have contraindications, can cause intolerance. In the treatment of phytohormones and homeopathic compounds, dosage and timing are important. There are standard values, but there are also options. Doses can be adjusted upwards, and the duration will stretch from 3 to 9 months.
A preparation based on plants that have an estrogen-like action( cymifugi, nettle, soybean and yams root).In addition, they include:
- Folic acid;
- Boron;
- Vitamins B6, E;
- Amino acids;
- Phenylanine.
This phytopreparation works against tides due to the concentrated extract of the cymifuge. Additional substances are calcium, titanium and iron oxides.
Climadinone also has an estrogen-like effect on the tissues, especially the nerves and vessels, due to which tides rarely occur. Attacks of fever with taking the drug reduce the intensity.
Noticeable effect will be after 2 weeks of admission. A full course should take at least 3 months. Every day should take 2 tablets or 60 drops of Climadinone, dividing the dose by 2 times.
The agent has in the composition:
- Extract of the cymifuge;
- Lumbago;
- Magnesium phosphate;
- Pulsatilla.
Thanks to this kit, as well as auxiliary substances, in addition to eliminating vegetative-vascular manifestations, Feminalgin relieves headache, spasms, inflammation. This restores the emotional background, therefore, eliminates the causes of tides.
Take Feminalgin 1 tablet 4-5 times a day, without washing down with water. It is necessary to keep them in your mouth until it is completely stale and do not combine use with food.
Counteraction to the occurrence of tides in the intake of Feminal exists due to the presence of 4 isoflavones, that is, related substances produced by the female body. They are contained in the red clover, which is the basis of the drug. In addition, it contains silicon dioxide and magnesium.
Feminal normalizes the heart rhythm, eliminates irritability and depressed mood, that is, the causes that contribute to the emergence of tides.
The drug is available in capsules, on a daily basis, only one is needed. It is washed down with water, it can be combined with breakfast or lunch.
Femikaps i liif
This is a non-hormonal remedy for complex effects. The estrogen-like effect is ensured by the extract of vitex sacred in it. In addition to it, they reduce the vegetative-vascular manifestations, normalize the hypothalamus and nervous system:
- Primrose oil;
- Passion flower extract;
- Vitamins B6, E;
- Soy lecithin.
Femicaps for Life will be especially useful for climacteric tides in mastopathy, fibromyoma, endometriosis. It promotes the elasticity of blood vessels, eliminates dizziness, pain, relieves psychological stress, promotes falling asleep.
All this - ways to cope with the tides, which are provoked by the listed manifestations. They drink capsules Femikaps izi liif 4 times a day, divided into 2 doses. You can do this while eating.
These tablets from the hot flashes are non-hormonal, like all the previous ones. The difference from the others is that they contain not only plant estrogens in the form of a known cymifuge, but also lachesis and apis. The latter components are immunomodulators that have a strong effect on the defenses of the body, stimulating it to rejuvenate. To a large extent this applies to the reproductive glands producing estrogens.
The product is in tablets and granules. Both types must be absorbed, not swallowed and not crushed. Tablets for a single dose need 1 piece, and for a day - 2. Granules dissolve 5 times four times a day. Combine the drug with food can not, between both processes need a minimum of 15-minute break.
The basis of the agent are various soybean derivatives, which are presented in the form of several types of isoflavones. Inoklim is intended primarily for relief of hot flashes, sweating, and rapid heartbeat. On the reproductive organs, it does not have a noticeable effect, therefore women with hormone-dependent tumors can also take the remedy.
Inoklim drink on the capsule per day for 3 months. It is also possible to increase the effect by doubling the daily dose.
We recommend reading an article on the treatment of night tides with menopause. You will learn about the causes of seizures at night, ways of alleviating the condition, using drugs and medicinal herbs.
Hypotensive agents for the therapy of hot flashes
Those who have high blood pressure and hot flushes with menopause require treatment without hormones with drugs that normalize this indicator. Sometimes it is the cause of heat attacks, increased sweating in menopause, and not a consequence. Here the appointment should be done by the therapist.
But the gynecologist for certain will allow to combine reception of antihypertensive agents with homeopathic and phytopreparations. The choice of medication for pressure can be carried out from the following:
- Clonidine( Clopheline).It helps to normalize the eye pressure, which causes dizziness and pain in the frontal part. It expands blood vessels and relieves spasms;
- Captopril( Enap).It protects the heart from unnecessary stress, normalizes breathing. Tachycardia and shortness of breath are frequent companion tides.
Often the tides are provoked by psychosomatics, caused by the lowering of hormones by emotions: constant irritation, aggressiveness or, on the contrary, apathy, depression of spirit. If this is manifested in an easy form, Valerian or the Motherwort will help. In severe cases, antidepressants are needed:
- Venflaxin;
- Sertraline;
- Citalopram.
They relieve anxiety, obsessive states, normalize sleep.
If the hot flushes are troubling with menopause, it is possible and treatment without hormones. Here the complex approach and consistency is important, as well as diet, medical control and confidence in success.