The volume of menstrual flow not only depends on the health of the reproductive system, but also affects the self-awareness. If it is too large, poor health is inevitable, since there is a large loss of blood, a hemoglobin deficiency and a lack of oxygen supply to tissues. Etamsylate with monthly appoint to avoid all this.
- 1 Nuances of exposure to
- 2 Advantages of ethazylate
- 3 Safe use of
- 3.1 Use of the drug for prolonged menstruation
- 4 Can etazilate be used while being healthy
- 5 Can the drug cause a negative reaction
The effects of the preparation
Etamsylate is a tablet or solution. The name of the drug was given by the active substance, except for it there are also auxiliary substances.
A distinctive feature of the drug is a cautious effect on the composition of the blood. It stimulates the production and gluing of platelets, but so that they do not form into clots that can plug the lumen of the vessel. Etamsylate is prescribed at monthly intervals because it is capable of:
- Increase the strength of capillary membranes;
- Do not interfere with vascular conductivity;
- To increase the rate of platelet aggregation, increase the viscosity of the blood;
- Strengthen coagulability of a biological fluid.
Etamsilate stimulates the formation in the bone marrow of blood cells that promote its thickening, as well as their adherence to the vascular walls. This also allows to stop excessively active excretion of biological fluid. Advantages of ethazylate
The great advantage of the drug, despite its mild effect, is the rapidity of the onset of therapeutic effect. It is found after 20-30 minutes after the introduction of the drug into the body and continues for 7-8 hours.
No inconvenience or unpleasant sensations when using the drug is not noticed, since its distribution in the cells is uniform, and it does not provoke the narrowing of the vessels. All of the above makes etamzilate with abundant monthly irreplaceable. For its use in critical days, there are other indications.
Safe use of
Abundant menstruation, the more uterine bleeding does not occur by itself. They are a symptom of hormonal disorder, gynecological disease, trauma. Therefore, treatment with intensive menstruation should be professional, taking into account the cause that caused it.
There may be an independent use of the drug to reduce the intensity of secretions, but in principle it is intended for complex therapy of the disorders causing it: myomas, endometriosis, hormonal problems.
How to take etamzilate with copious periods, you should ask the doctor, relying on specific circumstances:
- For excretions above the norm, but not the highest intensity, 1-2 tablets are indicated for one-time use. In a day there are 3-4 admission;
- With a very large amount of menstrual blood, 3 tablets with the same periodicity are prescribed;
- Severe bleeding causes the need for intravenous or intramuscular injection. For a one-time use, 125-250 mg of the drug will suffice, it will be injected into a vein or muscle 3-4 times a day.
In all cases, when etamzilate tablets are prescribed, the instructions for use with monthly warns that you can not take them to an empty stomach, this is done during or immediately after a meal.
With proper use of etamzilate, menstruation will pass with a change for the better and overall well-being. Since there will be no abnormal blood loss, the woman will remain functional, will not feel strong weakness, daytime sleepiness.
It is also used to prevent excessive discharge. This effect will be revealed already in the next cycle, if you start taking pills on the 3-4 day of the menstrual period. Vascular strength and normal blood viscosity will last for a month. This will allow to survive the following critical days without a large loss of biological fluid and a marked deterioration in well-being.
Use of the drug for prolonged menstruation
It is well known that the critical days in each menstrual period should not be more than seven. Otherwise, and with a normal volume of excretions, a woman expects high blood loss and all the negative consequences that follow. That is, low hemoglobin, loss of strength, lack of appetite, risk of acquiring anemia with prolonged menstruation are provided.
Etamsylate for stopping menstruation, going longer than prescribed by nature, is also used with high efficiency.250 mg of medication taken daily will help cope with prolonged menstruation.
Accept it in this case from any of its periods, but no longer than 10 days. You need to do this under the supervision of a specialist, because, perhaps, you need to adjust the dose of medicine in the direction of reducing the amount.
Is it possible to use etamzilate while being healthy
Sometimes it would be desirable and necessary that the period of critical days with increased worries about hygiene, irritability, unimportant well-being end more quickly. And women do their best to find a safe way to shorten it with the use of medicines.
Ethamylate can be very effective in this respect. Strengthening the vessels of the uterine mucosa, it does not allow them to leave the blood, which will reduce the number of secretions, and hence the time of excretion of menstrual mucus.
But a single reception will not significantly affect the balance of hormones, so all the sensations characteristic of critical days can be preserved, and new ones are added to them, caused by the effect of the drug:
- Headache;
- Flatulence, nausea, diarrhea;
- Lowering blood pressure, dizziness;
- Reduces the sensitivity of the limbs.
Etamsilate, to stop the menstruation, drink 3-8 tablets a day from the beginning, breaking the reception several times. All rules of use, like with abundant discharge, are preserved. But in the absence of contraindications, negative perception of the body of the drug, there is a danger of harming it. Because in such a case the use of the remedy will interfere with the work of the reproductive system, it can provoke a malfunction.
Etamsylate for stopping menstruation, going without much trouble, should not be used often.
We recommend reading the article, how to stop and postpone the monthly. You will learn about what can and can not be done, about stopping menstruation with the help of pharmaceuticals and natural remedies.
Can the drug cause a negative reaction
Etalesilat specialists appreciate not only the effectiveness, the speed of the effect, but also the extremely low probability of adverse events. And yet they are possible in the form:
- Nervous disorders;
- Numbness of the hands and feet;
- Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract( heartburn, diarrhea);
- Vasomotor manifestations;
- Itching and rashes.
Before taking even after visiting a specialist etamzilate, the instructions for use with a monthly should be read by the patient. In addition to the rules for the use of the drug, it also contains contraindications:
- Thrombosis and thromboembolism;
- Blood clotting disorder;
- Intolerance to one of the constituent components.
Bleeding, developed against the background of pregnancy, eliminated with etamzilate is undesirable, there is a risk for the fetus.
Etamsilate has been used successfully for months for quite a long time, many of which have allowed to avoid hospitalization due to critical days. But all women using the drug, who are using the drug, should take into account that this is only a part of symptomatic therapy, which does not solve the main problem of the appearance of abundant secretions. If they are worried regularly, one etamzilate is not enough.