Thyroid and menstruation

The correct balance of hormones is an essential condition of health, including, gynecological. Substances to provide body functions in this area are produced by several organs and glands, including the thyroid gland.

It is located in the front of the neck, has a small size, but a large influence on the volume of sex hormones. Therefore, the thyroid gland and the monthly gland are directly dependent.


  • 1 What is the effect of the thyroid gland on the reproductive system?
  • 2 Thyroid hormones and the length of the cycle
    • 2.1 At what diagnosis is the delay likely?
  • 3 How to detect a thyroid gland?
  • 4 Menstruation after treatment
    • 4.1 Why after removal of the thyroid gland there is no menstruation

What is the effect of the thyroid gland on the reproductive system?

The largest hormone producing organ produces substances called thyroxine( T4) and triiodothyronine( T3).As the thyroid gland affects the monthly, is determined by their tasks. These components:

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  • Provide ovaries for production of FSH, LH, estrogens, progesterone, as well as cyclic processes in organs;
  • Regulate lipid, protein, carbohydrate, mineral metabolic processes, which also support the production of sex hormones.

The effect of the thyroid gland on the reproductive system of a woman

Thyroid hormones and menstrual glands are also related to the fact that these substances are involved in the process of production by the body of blood. And in fact it makes an appreciable part of menstrual vydeleny, because of what the organism requires its obligatory replacement.

The result of the formation of a sufficient volume of thyroid hormones is the regular renewal of the reproductive system, maturation every 21-35 days of the egg and replacing the upper level of the uterine mucosa.

The effect of the thyroid gland on menstruation is no less obvious in the event of a malfunction in its operation. In addition to other manifestations, delays, changes in the volume of excretions, and irregularities in ovarian function are recorded.

Thyroid hormones and cycle length

The noticeable change that the unhealthy thyroid gland brings to the reproductive system, the is delayed by the monthly. Violations of her work can have different character.

If the body is unable to produce the right amount of active substances, this inhibits the work of the ovaries. It is difficult to release the follicle, then the maturation of the female reproductive cell slows down, and in some cycles it does not happen at all.

The hormonal imbalance caused by the deficiency of the thyroid function is aggravated by the fact that the ovaries also produce less active components. All this prevents the development of the endometrium of the uterus. Menstrual mucus as a result becomes noticeably scarcer.

Hormonal disorders also respond to the well-being of critical days, as well as the feelings with them. Menstruation becomes painful, and many other signs of PMS are aggravated.

We recommend reading the article about the features of menstruation when taking birth control pills. You will learn about the principle of the effect of contraceptives, the nature of the periods when they are used, and about the drugs prescribed by the doctors.

At what diagnosis is the delay likely?

What thyroid diseases cause a delay in menstruation:

  • Delay in men with hypothyroidism

    Hypothyroidism. Actually, this is its inadequate function. In addition to the long expectation of menstruation, the woman discovers a decrease in the volume of excretions and its duration, but an increase in the time intervals between critical days. The development of the disease can lead to the termination of menstruation. And if they go, it is rare, with variables( "yesterday a lot, today is not enough") secretions, pain, but they are not preceded by ovulation;

  • Thyroiditis. These are inflammations of the thyroid gland, becoming frequent precursors of hypothyroidism. Delays are one of the characteristic signs of a malaise. Another symptom is bleeding outside the menstrual period;
  • Tumors. The atypical cells that form in the tissues of the glands spread, interfering with its work. The volume of hormones decreases, which leads to a violation of the activity of the ovaries. Thyroid gland with neoplasm and menstruation makes rare visitors. The gap between them can be up to 90 days;
  • Diffuse toxic goiter, in which the body experiences intoxication from an excess of thyroid hormones. The first signs are a violation of nervous reactions, and as a consequence, delays;
  • Hyperthyroidism. This excess production of thyroid hormones by the gland, usually leading to shortening of the cycle. But in some cases, the violation may have the nature of a delay. Despite the excessive amount of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, too active thyroid gland and scanty menstruation - a frequent combination.

How to detect a thyroid gland?

If a woman has a cycle that is unexplained at first sight, the doctor will recommend that she check her thyroid gland. The effectiveness and disruption of her work are found in particular by the analysis of the hormone TSH.It is produced by the pituitary gland, but the amount of substance depends on the function of the thyroid gland. An increase in TSH means a disorder in her work.

It is also necessary to check the volume in the blood of thyroxin and triiodothyronine. The first question for women: when to do it? Analyzes for hormones of the thyroid gland with monthly can be taken without fear of getting incorrect results. In addition to T4 and T3, most likely you will need to study antibodies to thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin and TSH receptor. They are also conducted on any length of the cycle.

Information on organ changes will give and thyroid gland during menstruation. Experts are sure that it can be conducted at any stage of the cycle, the quality of the survey will not be affected.

Menstruation after treatment

Immediate recovery of menstrual function after surgery on the thyroid gland should not be expected. In addition to the hormonal shock, the body has suffered nervous, and the state of the central nervous system in the cycle also has not the last significance. And therefore, monthly after removal of the thyroid gland can have the following features:

  • Irregularity. More often this is expressed in delays, but the early arrival of critical days is also probable;
  • Scariness and shortness of excreta. Endometrium due to a deficiency of hormones at the highest point of development thickens at a minimum. Accordingly, by the time of rejection, its width is small, therefore 2-3 days may suffice for updating;
  • Absence in a number of cycles of ovulation. This symptom is caused by deficiency of T4 and T3, which means lack of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

We recommend that you read the article on the causes of frequent menstruation. You will learn about the possible hormonal failure in the body, the impact on the menstrual cycle of foreign bodies, tumors and other gynecological diseases.

Why after removal of the thyroid gland there is no menstruation

With some diseases the thyroid gland is removed completely. The most common cause is a malignant tumor or another malaise that threatens it. Often the resultant consequence of such a method of treatment, as the removal of the thyroid gland, is not monthly.

Deprivation of the body's ability to naturally obtain the necessary hormones can lead to gynecological diseases. Many of them are also characterized by delays, so you need to look for the cause in the reproductive sphere.

After surgery, usually prescribed drugs designed to replace the missing T4 and T3.The absence of menstruation can be caused by improperly selected dosages. Correct it should a doctor.

Stress caused by interference, anesthesia, too, can increase the expectation of critical days. And despite the reduction in the number of ovulation in the year, do not forget about pregnancy.

Violation of menstrual function may sometimes not be associated with a malaise of directly participating organs in the process. But this is certainly an abnormal situation, which can help to detect problems of an endocrine nature, if you do not give up on it, but go to the doctor right away.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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