Diet № 10 b
This diet is designed to eliminate lipid metabolism and inhibition of atherosclerosis.
Principles of nutrition: The main principles of this diet is to reduce the calorie content of food by reducing the intake of animal fat in the diet and, to a lesser extent, due to carbohydrates. With this diet should be sharply limit the use of table salt and substances that have the property to excite the nervous system. It is recommended to take excessive intake of foods rich in lipotropic substances( except for vitamin D).
In case of using this diet, it is necessary to sharply limit the consumption of fatty meat varieties, as well as fish, liver, kidneys, brains, caviar and egg yolks. In addition, from the diet should be excluded ice cream, pork, beef and lamb fat( exclude foods that are rich in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids).It is also necessary to exclude spicy and spicy snacks, strong meat and fish broths, strong natural coffee, strong tea, as well as alcoholic beverages in any form.
When using this diet, in addition to the above, the intake of table salt, sugar, honey, jam, jam, sweets and sweets is limited. Butter is allowed to enter the diet in small quantities. Especially recommended the use of vegetable fats, which should be at least 30% of the total amount of fat. It is desirable to introduce sufficient amounts of milk and lactic acid into the diet. But sour cream and cream are allowed to use in moderation. Bread is recommended to use rye or wholemeal flour, better in stale form.
In this diet is recommended the use of biscuits, dry not cookies, crispy loaves, meat, poultry and fish of low-fat varieties. You can also use in the diet vegetable, cereal, dairy and fruit soups, borsch, beetroot and low-fat meat soups. In addition, it is recommended to include in the diet dishes and side dishes from pasta and cereals, especially from buckwheat and oats. In the case of the presence of excessive body weight, it is necessary to limit the use of cereals and macaroni dishes. Dishes and side dishes from vegetables are recommended to eat raw and cooked, as well as fruit and berries. You can recommend to use tea, soft coffee, fruit, berry and vegetable juices.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy Nutrition"