The role of proper blood circulation is difficult to overestimate. Normal blood circulation is a guarantee of longevity and health of all organs.
Disturbance of blood circulation is one of the main factors leading to the emergence of serious diseases requiring competent and immediate treatment.
For example, problems with blood circulation in the extremities and pelvis can lead to such unpleasant phenomena as increased fragility of capillaries and, as a consequence, varicose veins.
Why is the condition of the blood flow system so important?
The fact is that it is with blood that all the organs of the human body are supplied with oxygen and other nutrients vital for the normal vital activity of the body.
It is also with the system of blood flow that toxic substances are eliminated, worked out by the cells - in the case of circulatory disorders in the limb or pelvis region, the products of the vital activity of cells accumulate in the body, which contributes to the development of complex pathological processes.
What are the causes of circulatory disorders?
There is a huge number of causes that can cause various violations of normal blood circulation.
It is possible to identify the main factors contributing to blood circulation disorders:
- the causes of the traumatic nature of associated with the application of various penetrating lesions;
- violation of normal circulation in the limbs can be caused by other concomitant diseases - diabetes, hypertension, renal insufficiency ;
- high cholesterol in the blood;
- the presence of excess weight of , which significantly complicates normal blood flow;
- thrombosis, atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis - these diseases can become the root causes of various problems with circulating blood in the body;
- also significantly exacerbate circulatory problems such factors as smoking and the elderly ;
- sedentary lifestyle with lack of necessary physical activity aggravates venous stasis and contributes to disorders in the functioning of the circulatory system.
What can lead to circulatory disorders in the extremities?
Violations of normal blood flow in the hands and feet can lead to the most serious consequences.
Circulatory problems in the limbs lead to such consequences:
- The first results of these problems with proper circulation of blood can be called appearance of unpleasant sensation of numbness in the extremities, convulsive attacks of , accompanied by intense pain. Cramps can appear at any time of the day - both at night and in the daytime.
- As a result of problems with the blood flow of the , the heat exchange of is disrupted, after which the body temperature in the area of the affected limbs is markedly reduced. Specialists call this phenomenon "a syndrome of cold hands or feet."
- In the case of poor blood circulation of the legs, the so-called vascular sprockets may appear, as well as meshes from small blood capillaries. This indicates that in the very near future you can get to know better such a disease as varicose veins. The initial stage of varicose veins in most cases is accompanied by a feeling of constant fatigue and heaviness in the legs, the appearance of swelling of the extremities.
Also a natural result of problems with blood circulation can become:
- Rapid development of varicose veins , the main features of which are the appearance of fine mesh of blood vessels on the limbs, soreness and a feeling of heaviness, swelling of the legs.
- In some cases, normal blood flow disorders may be accompanied by the appearance of painful trophic ulcers .At the first sign of this process, you should immediately contact a specialist to prescribe a course of treatment. In the absence or untimely treatment of trophic ulcers on the surface of the limbs can provoke a gangrenous process, which has the most dangerous consequences.
- A critical consequence of a circulatory disturbance may be a critical lower limb ischemia , which also requires immediate treatment.
Improve the blood flow of the whole body
Of course, any disease is easier to prevent than treat. This also applies to a variety of circulatory disorders.
It is necessary to have a clear idea of how to improve circulation in the legs, hands, small pelvis and the whole body.
The necessary measures are as follows:
- The basic rule of normal functioning of the circulatory system is the sufficient physical activity of the .Especially is relevant for office workers engaged in mental work. Try to take a short break every two hours to perform any physical exercise. It is not necessary to perform a whole complex of exercises - it is enough to walk around the office in order to make the blood circulation more active.
- Be sure to pay attention to what position you take in the sitting position .It is extremely undesirable to posture "foot on foot" - it helps to squeeze blood vessels and greatly increases the fragility of capillaries.
- A very important role is played by the shoe selection .Categorically it is not recommended to constantly wear shoes with high heels, with an abundance of tight straps or laces. For the health of the feet should abandon shoes with a narrow toe - this form of products helps squeeze the toes of the foot. Shoes should be moderately wide and maximally comfortable, as narrow shoe products exert strong pressure on the foot, contributing to the disturbance of normal circulation in the limbs.
- An excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins is the massage , which can be performed on its own. Consult an experienced phlebologist regarding a set of massage exercises to improve the functioning of the circulatory system and prevent varicose veins. Also this information can be found in special printed publications and on specialized websites.
- Excellent effect has drugs that improve blood circulation - venotonics .They are used not only to treat an already existing varicose disease, but also for the purpose of preventing it, as well as improving blood flow. Regular use of venotonics promotes activation of microcirculation, strengthening of blood vessel walls and improvement of the overall tone of capillaries.
- Hiking helps improve overall health, as well as normalize the circulatory system. Regular walking in the fresh air, comfortable and comfortable shoes is a guarantee of excellent health and normal circulation in the extremities, pelvis and the whole body.
- To improve the functioning of the circulatory system, is recommended to quit .According to the results of conducted clinical studies it was found that this harmful habit is capable of provoking the disease of peripheral arteries. With this disease, the arteries in the limbs lose their sensitivity and harden, due to which normal circulation in the legs is disturbed. Refusal to smoke will help you prevent the appearance of this disease and keep your legs healthy. The same applies to strong spirits, which do not have the best effect on the state of blood vessels.
- A remarkable preventive tool is the contrast shower for the limbs. Alternately, pour your feet with cold and warm water - this simple and affordable technique not only improves the general tone of the skin, but also helps to normalize the functioning of the circulatory system.
- Try to regularly to control your weight .Excess body weight - one of the main factors contributing to the emergence of various circulatory disorders. Extra pounds are an extra burden on blood vessels, which can be avoided by normalizing your weight.
- To improve blood circulation, requires a full rest and a night sleep of at least 7 hours .Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue can lead to malfunctions in the well-coordinated work of the circulatory system.
- Today there is a huge number of folk recipes for improving blood flow. For example, tea from birch bark, grindings with the help of hawthorn extract, compresses with ginger or various alcohol tinctures .Before using any folk method, you should always consult a doctor.
Correct blood circulation is a guarantee of excellent health and health of the whole organism.
Blood circulation abnormalities can provoke the development of serious diseases that will require prolonged treatment.
It is sufficient to regularly follow preventive measures that improve blood flow in order to rid yourself of numerous health problems.