Implant is an improvised tooth root. Implantation means implantation of such an artificial root in the upper or lower jaw. Such implants perform their functions remarkably. On them, as on reliable supports, in the future are mounted dental crowns or various kinds of dentures.
In this case, the teeth located side by side will not be damaged in any way. Today, implantology widely uses the most advanced technologies. The implantation service for dentures is considered one of the most popular in the field of dentistry.
Contents of
- About
- About Dentsply and its products
- Features and technologies used
- installation protocols Advantages of Xive
- implants The patient's opinion
- Price
About Dentsply and its products
The Xive implants manufactured by the German company Dentsply Friadent are manufactured in such a way thatpatients did not experience discomfort during the installation process.
The manufacturer also provides the necessary measures to ensure the safety of the patient's health. All clients of dental clinics ordering such implants are guaranteed a fairly long operating period of the installed Xive prostheses.
Materials used for the development of implants, as well as their constituent components are endowed with the following features:
- for the production of all components, a special anti-allergic titanium-based alloy is used which excellently implants into bone tissues and does not contribute to further rejection;
- abutment is designed in the form of a root and completely corresponds to the natural structure of the tooth, so the tissues are practically not damaged during installation;
- special film on the installed implant helps accelerate the process of tightening small wounds resulting from the installation operation;
- dimensions of the product always fully correspond to the real width of the patient's jawbone;
- thanks to a well-designed design of products, provides high accuracy and clarity of contact of the abutment to be installed with bone tissue;
- for people of age there are no contraindications;
- application of temporary abutments for the duration of the osteointegration process enables each patient to maintain a proper bite and ensures a normal chewing of food products;
- also Xive company provides for patients the possibility of so-called one-stage prosthetics;
- , regardless of location, you can choose suitable implants in the catalog;
- procedure for pretreatment of bone tissue is absolutely painless, thanks to the peculiarities of this system.
Dentsply has been supplying high quality products to the denture market for many years.
Features and technology used
The standard operating life of Xive implants is approximately 5-10 years. However, many years of experience shows that such dental components can be used normally for even longer than 10 years. In this case, examples are known when the company's products were used only for 3 years.
The duration of the operating period of dentures is largely affected by:
- compliance with the purity of the oral cavity;
- various mechanical loads on the prosthesis;
- compatibility of materials and tissues may not be individually manifested to an adequate degree;
- observance by the surgeon of all rules of conducting a responsible operation;
- other factors.
Existing Xayf abutments are divided into two main groups:
- AUROBASE .These abutments are also called individual abutments. In most examples, such prostheses are used in the most difficult clinical situations, and when there is no possibility of conducting quality orthodontic treatment.
- CERCON .The basis of this prosthesis is zirconium oxide. Thanks to such material, the aesthetic appeal of artificial teeth is ensured. Thanks to such abutments, the functioning of the implant system is guaranteed to be ensured.
The main feature of such implants is a special film used as an outer coating. Thanks to this technology, artificial teeth get accustomed much faster even on very weak bone tissue.
Xive implants are created using technologies that enable surgeons to perform their operations with maximum accuracy, so that the procedure for the client is as painless as possible.
High aesthetic characteristics are ensured by using special Centron ceramic abutments. In certain situations, in the event of certain difficulties in work, AuroBase products may be involved.
A high-grade titanium alloy is used in the manufacture of such prostheses. Finished products have a peculiar root form. After passing through the special treatment procedure, the surface of the root part will be porous. Due to this, a sufficiently high quality adhesion to the implant of bone tissue is ensured.
Installation protocols
First of all, surgeons conduct preparatory work, which implies:
- diagnostics;
- definition of contraindications;
- modeling of the treatment procedure using digital technologies;
- manufacturing of surgical templates.
After a prolonged absence of teeth, bone tissue can be reduced, so it is customary to carry out the procedure for their growth. This is a special operation that is needed only when the volume of the existing bone is much smaller than the size of the implants. In such situations, the fixation of artificial teeth is not ensured.
The procedure for implant implantation takes no more than half an hour in most cases. The design is settling in about six months. During the installation, anesthesia or anesthesia should be used.
There are three different protocols according to which the installation of implants is performed:
- is a classic, involving the flaking of the gums;
- minimally invasive, in which the gum incision is not necessary;
- fixation of the metal root in the socket of the pre-removed tooth.
Since anesthesia is used during the implantation, the patient does not experience any painful sensations.
Advantages of implants Xive
The implant system in question compared to other manufacturers has many advantages. We list the main:
- thanks to the design features living bone tissues literally grow into the structure of the installed prosthesis in the process of mastering in such a way that the artificial ligament of the implant with the tooth actually becomes monolithic;
- in order for the design to get used properly, it will take less time, since all sorts of postoperative complications are actually absent;
- guarantee of good results in the implantation process is ensured by the sufficiently high quality of the materials used.
- rejection occurs only in exceptional situations;
- qualitative osseointegration is provided due to the high hydrophilicity index of the installed implant;The
- abutment will remain firmly in place, as the thread design gives it a sufficiently high stability;
- bond strength with bone tissues is provided sufficiently due to the porosity of the implant design;
- implant ksayf accrue much faster, if you compare them with other manufacturers.
This is not a complete list of significant advantages of Dentsply products.
Patient's opinion
Orthodontist's opinion and patient feedback, who chose Xayf implants.
German implants Xive almost always take root without special difficulties, however their price exceeds similar systems approximately twice.
Sergei, orthodontist
Before spending money on prostheses, we had to seriously think about it, but at the moment we can say with certainty that the cost of such implants is justified. The artificial design simply can not be visually distinguished from the ordinary tooth.
I did not want to save on my smile. Xayf implants literally surpassed all expectations. The device took root as soon as possible.
The price of Xive implants in Russia is relatively high, so middle-income citizens can hardly afford the company's products.
Some clinics arrange special actions, thanks to which ordinary citizens get the opportunity to install very good dentures at reduced prices. Including the cost of installation for a regular implant Ksayf have to pay about 45,000 rubles.