For many people to swim at monthly in the sea - a utopia. After several generations ago, girls were inspired from childhood: menstruation is almost a disease, and they advised themselves to act accordingly. Say, the most it is to lock yourself in four walls for a few days, and nowhere to stick out your nose. Now stereotypes have got a fight - modern hygiene means allow to remove a lot of cares from fragile female shoulders. However, there are several issues that are relevant to this day.
- 1 Opinion of doctors about swimming in "these days"
- 2 Possible options for visiting reservoirs
- 3 Can only be cautious?
- 4 Practical advice
- 5 Reasonable alternatives
Opinion of doctors about bathing in "these days"
Usually the cervical canal is covered with a dense natural stopper from mucus. This is a kind of protection against the penetration of infections and microbes inside the uterus. Physiology is such that during the monthly bleeding this channel widens slightly, and the stopper ceases to be a protection for the female body. As a result, dangerous microbes easily penetrate into and contribute to the development of diseases such as endometritis.
In addition, during the menstrual period, the "extra" layer - the inner membrane of the uterus - descends. If we draw parallels, then during this period the woman is especially vulnerable also because the most important female organ resembles a bleeding wound. If the environment around is not sterile, there is a risk of getting an infection or inflammation. Anyway, the sex sphere for this thank you will not say.
Possible options for visiting reservoirs
It's safe to say that specialists negatively relate to the idea of beach rest during menstruation. If a woman understands that vacation can not do without "critical days", the beginning of the "problematic" period is really shifted by a few days. This can be done with the help of the same birth control pills, having missed a seven-day break between the packs. Of course, if a woman drinks them.
Monthly during a holiday at sea, of course, can cause vexation. But it is necessary to understand that unauthorized interference with natural rhythms is fraught with serious problems with reproductive health. If there is no desire to make hormonal imbalance with your constant companion, and expensive treatment is a long-term prospect, we recommend not to conduct such experiments with health."A relative advised", "a girlfriend prompted" - this is a very dubious argument.
Can I just be careful?
Of course, doctors will not be delighted. Nevertheless, many ladies - the sea knee-deep. Especially when vacation - once a year. Or summer - you can not imagine it hotter. Gentle sand, warm water - it's simply impossible to resist! In general, if it is not possible to postpone, at least, it is necessary to take measures that will minimize the threatening danger. Still, the infection is also capable of spoiling the impression of a trip.
Safety precautions:
- Before you go into the water, you need to change the tampon. You need a hygiene remedy for maximum discharge.
- After leaving the reservoir, it must be got and thrown out.
- Immediately after bathing, visit the shower and be sure to wash out intimate places with an antiseptic gel or soap.
- Change underwear or bathing suit.
- Try to swim as soon as possible. After all, be patient for a few days - is not it such a problem? Especially in comparison with possible diseases.
Especially it is necessary to be neat to those who are already registered with a gynecologist. Clarify with the doctor whether it is permissible to ignore the rules of personal safety with the existing pathology. And than it is fraught. Often in such situations, the doctor can recommend after the "water procedures" and how the tampon was taken out, to perform douching with a mild antiseptic.
Theoretically, of course, it is permissible to ignore nature, not wanting to deny yourself the pleasure of swimming. But is it necessary to climb into a pond where a lot of people bathe in this delicate period? This is fraught with serious consequences for women.
Practical advice
Well, when everything is ready in advance. You know what should begin, and talked to the doctor, and she drank the pills. But what if the menstruation started at sea? Was preparing, losing weight, carefully choosing a swimsuit. ..
Taking contraceptives is a very radical method, experts suggest paying attention to natural remedies. For example, a decoction based on parsley together with a large amount of vitamin C, drunk while lying in a hot bath, makes it possible to reduce the period between monthly for several days. However, one must understand that popular methods are not always effective. Very often the female organism "hurts" and does not give in to any stimulation, and the cycle comes "like clockwork".
What if the monthly started at sea? Try one of the following recommendations:
- Do not even think about how to bathe during a month without a tampon. Gaskets while visiting the beach - not the best option, use "Tampax" or "Ob".If the sex life is not yet underway, it is worthwhile choosing the hygiene products of the right size with the doctor. As a rule, this is "mini".You can swim with a swab during menstruation, but without it - is not recommended.
- You can use the so-called "vaginal bowl".This is an excellent hygiene remedy. With him you can swim in the sea during menstruation. The vagina is securely protected inside, the design is snug against the walls. Sea water does not get inside, as does infection. From this moment to swim at monthly in the sea - is no longer a problem! Relatively, of course.
Someone now, probably, thought that to release this "cup" - a show is not for the faint-hearted. But in practice everything is simpler( no more complicated than the usual procedures with a tampon or a gasket).
- If the previous version is not suitable, and preferable to traditional methods, change your hygiene products more often, use them correctly. So, insert the tampons right before you go to the beach. And at times, do not make a swim for more than a quarter of an hour. After 15 minutes, water begins to impregnate cotton wool.
- As soon as you get out of the water, try to go to the bathroom immediately. You need to get a tampon and use the gasket. This scheme more or less guarantees security. Its only disadvantage is that it is quite troublesome: you need to make such manipulations every time you want to swim.
- How correctly to bathe in the sea with monthly? Be sure to wash the intimate area with running water or use wet wipes for intimate hygiene after you swim.
- By the way, there is one more thing: be careful with the tan. In the days of monthly melanin( a special pigment that turns into a "chocolate") is produced in the body is not so active. And you can burn out a lot. In addition, it is very likely that after visiting the beach a woman will look like a giraffe. The fact is that during periodic bleeding, the skin is especially prone to pigmentation. Go to sunbathe either in the morning or in the evening, at six o'clock. At this time, the sun does not burn, but it heats.
- Doctors usually do not mind the use of soft hemostatic, but if the allocation is intense, you may need more serious medication. The bulk of the preparations of this plan is drunk, starting from the third day after the onset of menstruation. If you are planning an independent reception, pay attention to the contraindications. And certainly, their reception is forbidden to those women who have a problem with blood coagulability.
We recommend reading the article on the use of tampons. From it you will learn about the types of tampons and their correct introduction, the possibility of using hygienic means by teenagers, possible difficulties in using and harming the woman's body.
Reasonable alternatives to
Swim in the sea during the monthly, strangely enough, is not the only entertainment available if critical days are caught off guard.
If a woman perfectly justifiably keeps on "dangerous" days away from beckoning waves, we recommend taking a few interesting excursions. Walking on the sea, sea extreme - all this is just as good as a few hours in the water. If this is not the option, why not visit the local attractions? The beach will not "eat" impressions of the places seen and acquaintances with new people.
There is one more thing: after the return many ladies complain that they had a delay of monthly on the sea. If your gynecologist calmed you, the pregnancy test shows one strip, and you feel good - just wait a few days. For sure, this banal acclimatization makes itself felt.
Enjoy your holiday!