Mint for women: how useful and how to apply?

  1. The healing properties of mint
  2. The use of mint for women for medicinal purposes
  3. Application of mint for women for cosmetic purposes
  4. Precautions

Mint is an amazing and absolutely unpretentious plant from the family that are widely used in various spheres of human activity. In folk and official medicine, it is used as a medicinal plant effective for the treatment of many diseases. The above-ground parts of the plant have an excellent menthol odor, which allows using its extracts in aromatherapy, perfume production and body care products. Mint is also used in cooking. Its leaves are added to salads, used as spices for cooking pastries, confectionery, meat dishes, refreshing and low alcohol drinks. It is interesting that for a long time this plant was considered more feminine than masculine. Even now, many men are afraid to use it because of the possible negative impact on sexual function. And how useful is the mint for women?

The healing properties of mint

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The therapeutic properties of mint for women and also its contraindications are due to the presence in its composition of certain biologically active compounds. Particular value among them is menthol, of which half consists of essential oil emitted from peppermint. Mint is rich in tannins, minerals, vitamins, phytoncides, bitter substances and other useful ingredients.

The plant has been used for a very long time in folk medicine to treat pathologies of the digestive tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems, respiratory infections. It has a pronounced sedative effect, helps with insomnia, depression, normalizes sleep, improves mood, eliminates headaches, has hypotensive effect and can be used in the treatment of hypertension.

Peppermint tea with lemon - a useful remedy for colds

Beneficial infusions and herbal infusions have on the liver and digestive tract, they are effective in flatulence, intestinal disorders, stimulate the process of digestion, increase appetite and improve metabolism. For colds and SARS it is useful to use mint tea with honey and lemon. This drug has antipyretic effect, reduces pain in the throat, facilitates coughing.

Interesting: Peppermint extract is a part of many pharmaceuticals that are prescribed for the treatment of heart disease, nervous system and alleviation of symptoms of ARVI.

Application of mint for women for medical purposes

The use of mint for women is that it is able to solve a number of typically female problems, among them:

  • painful menstruation;
  • unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • excess weight;
  • excess body hair growth caused by a large number of male hormones.

Ingestion of broths or infusions of mint helps to reduce excess weight, the occurrence of which is caused by the violation of metabolic processes. The plant has a cleansing effect on the body, accelerates the removal of toxins and toxins, normalizes digestion and assimilation of nutrients. If the observance of a diet, a healthy lifestyle and an increase in motor activity supplement daily consumption of a cup of mint tea, you can quickly get rid of excess kilograms. When losing weight, the beneficial properties of mint in tea for women are related to the fact that when consumed before meals, it reduces appetite and accelerates the appearance of a feeling of saturation, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed.

Herb plants have a good effect on the nervous system, allows you to relax, normalize sleep, which is especially true for the fair sex, who are inclined to worry about anything.

Mint Infusion

With reasonable use, mint for pregnant women will be useful. Thanks to the refreshing and tonic properties of drinks on its basis will help to relieve toxicosis, relieve the characteristic attacks of nausea, constipation and bloating. However, the dosage of mint tea should not exceed two cups a day. In contrast to the means of dry or fresh herbs, plants for cosmetic or any other purposes to use during pregnancy with essential oil are unacceptable. The use of mint for women during breastfeeding is undesirable, since it can reduce the production of breast milk. But at the stage of its planned completion, the plant helps to gradually reduce lactation.

Interesting: In ancient Russia, there was a custom according to which, in order to meet in a dream of his spouse, the girls laid several twigs of peppermint under the pillow before bed.

Infusion for problems with the female reproductive system

Dried( 1 tbsp.) Or fresh( 2 tbsp.) Peppermint grass pour ¼ l of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Strain and drink in a warm state like tea. Due to antispasmodic effect, this remedy is effective for menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome, menopause, and also for inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system.

Soothing tea

Mix in equal parts chamomile flowers, mint grass, St. John's wort, oregano and half of the hop cones. Prepared herbal collection in an amount of 1 tbsp.l.boil 200 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, and then use it in a warm form.

Slimming drink

Mix freshly squeezed juice from one lemon, peeled cucumber, a piece of ground ginger root and 10 crushed leaves of mint. Prepared the composition of pour 2 liters of water and insist. Drink small portions during the course of the day. The drink activates the breakdown of fats into organisms, improves metabolism, removes excess fluid.

Application of mint for women for cosmetic purposes

Mint has a positive effect not only on the state of health of a woman, but also on her appearance when used outdoors. On its basis, masks, tonics, lotions are prepared. Such remedies are very useful for the skin, as they:

  • help to get rid of acne and dermatitis;
  • eliminate irritation;
  • is refreshed and toned;
  • narrows the pores;
  • normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates greasy shine;
  • smooth wrinkles and prevent age-related wilting of the skin.

From the mint infusion prepare ice cubes, which rub face skin. This effect effectively tones, tightens and refreshes the skin.

Ice cubes with mint

Mint is also used for hair care. Rinsing with mint infusion after washing the head strengthens weak hair, gives them a natural shine and a healthy appearance, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, prevents brittleness and delamination of the tips.

Interesting: There is a legend according to which the plant mint received its name from the name of the goddess-patroness of Meadows' meadows and fields.


The use of mint for women, despite its many useful properties, has some limitations. To use funds on its basis is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to a plant, a lowered arterial pressure, a stomach ulcer. The plant reduces the tone of the walls of the vessels, so it can be dangerous for varicose veins and other pathologies of large vessels.

Video on the use of mint for medical and cosmetic purposes:

  • Mar 27, 2018
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