Electric Pancake Maker

No need to prove to anyone how delicious and nutritious are pancakes. But increasingly we buy them as semi-finished products in stores. And it's not about saving time, as many are trying to justify their purchases, but that many people do not know how to cook pancakes. Sometimes it's enough just to not keep the proportions of the products a bit, and the dough becomes either too liquid or too thick. Then it burns, then, on the contrary, does not want to get browned. That ready-made pancake breaks, then on the contrary, it looks like a rubberized rug. To facilitate the process of cooking pancakes and designed electric pancakes.

Principle of operation

Electric pancake is, in its essence, electroscrew a bit of a specific design and, as they say, with twists. But the principle of work is old, like the frying pan. The dough is poured onto the frying surface, which is heated by an electric current. That's the whole principle of action.

Many will argue: "If this is an ordinary electric, how can it make it easier to prepare pancakes and why buy it?" The answer to this question is below.

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Electric Paddle Holder

The frying surface is a circle of aluminum sheet coated with non-stick coating, with low sides. Two types of pancakes are common: with a diameter of the frying surface 20cm and 30cm. On the market there are also models with a rectangular frying surface, divided into several segments, having small dimensions, or one large and a few small ones. In this case, you can cook several pancakes at once. Also, rectangular models often have the opportunity to change one frying surface to another, which allows you to vary the size and quantity of baked pancakes.

All pancakes are equipped with temperature sensors, which allow maintaining the necessary temperature. The working temperature of heating in most models of pancakes is 200 degrees, but there are models with temperature control. A warning light or an LED indicates that a pre-set heating temperature has been reached, so that the owner will not have to guess whether the pancake has heated up or not heated up. All mentioned thermal sensors, thermostats and alarms allow maintaining the necessary degree of heating of the crepe maker, which, in turn, allows you to get good and tasty pancakes( naturally, with the recipe).

Very handy round pancakes with wireless connection( like electric kettles) and equipped with a handle. If you can remove a pancake from a rectangular pancake with a shovel, then it is enough to take the round by the handle and turn it over the plate. Finished pancake himself slips. And the round base-base will allow to turn the device in any position convenient for you.

And last: the power consumed by pancakes is in the range of 800-1200 W.This figure can be appreciated by the owners of the electric stove. Now, if you want to pamper yourself with a delicious dish, do not wait for the heating of a powerful electric stove and spend a lot of electricity.

Bon appetit!

Kitchen appliances and tableware
  • Mar 27, 2018
  • 57
  • 139