Light seal: fast, reliable and durable

Dental health requires special attention, so at the first signs of caries it is necessary to immediately contact the dentist.

In the event that the destruction has reached significant dimensions, it is recommended to choose a modern seal, which is called light.

Modern methods allowed to introduce new methods and materials into dentistry, which found their place in the filling. Light, or as it is also called light-curing( photopolymer) seal is made of plastic material.

Its peculiarity is that the solidification of the mass filling the destroyed tooth occurs under the influence of a special object - a polymerization lamp.


  • Comparative characteristic of
    • Which seal is better chemical or light?
  • Installation process
  • Seal care after installation
    • When can you eat?
  • Lifespan
  • Patient's opinion
  • A blow to the wallet or a penny bunker?

Comparison of

Choosing between different kinds of fillings, photopolymer should be preferred because:

instagram viewer
  • it easily and reliably adjoins to tooth walls;
  • is abrasion resistant;
  • does not require drilling;
  • provides an opportunity to accurately adjust the shape of the tooth;
  • process of treatment occurs for one visit to the doctor.

Also, the aesthetics( it is practically not noticeable on the tooth) should be attributed to the advantages of using such a seal, the "hardening" process takes place very quickly, it usually takes no more than a minute to ensure that the seal does not have a finished appearance under the influence of ultraviolet.

Modern material is able to reliably and effectively protect the tooth from further destruction, even if the caries stage is deep.

It is also important that the light seal is not toxic - the components do not emit absolutely no harmful substances, at the same time they provide the necessary strength of the seal.

In addition, it is possible to choose not only a close to natural, but completely identical hue, which will create an excellent visual effect.

The disadvantages of a light seal are, in most cases, reduced to its high cost in comparison with a chemical seal. In addition, despite its durability and properly selected shade, over time, the color may change slightly, the shine will disappear.

There is a risk of cracking if the hardening process is performed immediately after setting on the tooth.

Which seal is better chemical or light?

Choosing between conventional or as it is called a chemical filling and modern light, it is important to remember that their difference is not only in the way and speed of curing, but also at what stage the process of tooth decay.

So for the first signs of tooth decay is suitable chemical, because it will be small in size, hence less noticeable.

However, if the front tooth has undergone fracture, then it is better to give preference to light sealing from the aesthetic point of view.

A similar option will achieve the maximum match between the color of the enamel and the seal itself, and ultraviolet will secure the material reliably, so the choice of a reflective seal is justified, as it will not be visible during communication or in photographs.

No need to drill and apply anesthesia advantageously allocates a photopolymer seal among the possible options for saving the tooth.

Installation process

The material from which modern seals are made is a composite that solidifies only under the influence of ultraviolet rays emitted by a special lamp.

The installation process takes a little time, but takes several steps.

This is explained by the fact that rapid solidification and intensive exposure to light on the material can cause a crack, therefore, the seal will become unsuitable for further use, as it will lose its protective properties.

At the beginning of the work, the tooth gradually fills, the doctor works gently, applying a filling composition in layers. Illumination is also gradual, so as not to overload the dental canal.

In order to give a seal of strength, the dentist applies insulating pads or special glue systems called bonds.

In addition, special gels can be used, the purpose of which is to completely and thoroughly fill all the smallest cavities. This allows to increase the mechanical and chemical adhesion of the material of the light-cured seal to the tooth walls and tissues. The doctor can install a similar seal on any tooth.

An ideal form of filling is performed by a specialist directly in the patient's oral cavity, after which the tooth is treated with ultraviolet radiation for a minute.

After full hardening of the seal, the final stage of work on its setting comes - it is polished, additionally ground, and covered with a layer of protective varnish.

Seal care after installation of

Despite the fact that the light seal is a modern development, it requires special attention in the first time after installation.

Care is needed to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. The implementation of simple recommendations will prolong the "life" of the seal, and also increase its therapeutic and aesthetic properties.

It should be considered:

  1. Do not eat , which color food products, including coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks.
  2. In the first 3 days after installation of it is also forbidden to drink pomegranate, blueberry and cherry juice, borsch and salads with beets fall out of soups. These precautions will save the chosen shade, otherwise it can change and the seal will start to stand out against the background of the rest of the teeth. Also for this period it is necessary to refuse sweet and flour.
  3. However, it is possible and additionally to strengthen the seal, using fruits, vegetables and cereals.

When can you eat?

Naturally, the first meal after installation should not take place immediately. It will be necessary to limit yourself to eating, but only for 40 minutes, but it is better to wait 2 hours to ensure that the seal does not lose its qualities and properties.


This question is of interest to many people because it determines the quality and reliability, as well as the effectiveness of dental treatment.

The average lifespan of the photopolymer seal is 4 years, but due to circumstances or features of the body it can be reduced to 3 years.

In addition, a lot depends on the professionalism of the doctor who conducted the installation of the seal. If you follow the dietary guidelines or follow a diet from time to time, and also reduce the consumption of food colors and other harmful substances, then the life of the seal can be increased to 5-7 years and completely eliminate the possibility of cracks.

Patient's opinion

Patients' reviews of dental clinics with a light seal.

I'm skeptical about all kinds of innovations in medicine due to my age, nevertheless time-proved medicines and materials proved themselves positively, but because of necessity I decided to install a light seal.

I did not regret it and advise everyone - literally in an hour and a half I forgot about the troubles with teeth, and the seal itself is not even visible during the day.

Alina, 34

A light-cured seal is my salvation. She helped to get rid of the terrible hole in the tooth, there was a pain from constantly getting into her food, and the doctor I did very little, in addition, no pain and the sound of the machine. I am pleased.

I have been using the modern seal for 3 years, which solidifies from ultraviolet radiation. I eat, almost everything that before, only reduced the consumption of tea and coffee, but this is for personal reasons. Quality is satisfied: there are no cracks, no changes in color. I recommend to everyone, especially those who are afraid of pain, since it is simply not present in the installation process.

Karina, 29

A strike on the purse or a penny?

The cost of installing a light seal in Russia is different and depends on the region. On average, the price of the issue is from 800 rubles to 5,000 rubles per fill without taking into account the work.

In some cities, you can use this service, paying only 500-600 rubles. Quality in this case will not suffer, exactly, as well as the aesthetic component of the process of installing a light seal.

The installation of a light seal is a step towards progress in dentistry and a confirmation that a person really cares about their own health.

Absence in the material forming a seal of harmful and poisonous substances ensures that the body does not suffer, and the tooth will restore its functions and beautiful appearance. Thus, a photopolymer seal is the right choice of a modern person.

  • Mar 27, 2018
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