What are inedible mushrooms - list in pictures

When harvesting mushrooms, it is necessary to be extremely cautious, as along with edible specimens in the open spaces of the native land there are also inedible, and sometimes even poisonous representatives. Eating such mushrooms can lead to severe poisoning, it is not unusual for cases when such an ailment ends in a fatal outcome. To know which fungi are poisonous you need to carefully study the catalogs of inedible mushrooms, you should not collect suspicious or little-known specimens.

  • pale Grebe
  • Valuy false( Horseradish fungus)
  • inocybe erubescens
  • galerina bordered
  • Gimnopilus Juno
  • Clitocybe whitish
  • Lactarius papillary
  • Gall fungus
  • Greenfinch
  • Umbrella comb( lepiota)
  • Misleading svinushki( Fine)
  • False foxes
  • Mlechnikgray-pink
  • Achilles spiny
  • Fly agaric( Smelly)
  • Amanita muscaria
  • Amanita muscaria
  • Amanita muscaria
  • Algerian fire
  • Spotted kiwifruitreddish-red
  • Spotted sulfuric-yellow
  • instagram viewer
  • Peppery sour-yellow
  • Pure mushroom
  • Lattice red
  • Satanini mushroom
  • Piglet thick
  • Ruffle maiden
  • Rusty rosaceous( Vomit)
  • Poisonous poisonous

Pale toadstool

Another name for the fungus is green fly agaric, its cap grows in size from 6up to 12 centimeters, the skin color is yellow-brown-olive, pale green, very rarely the outer surface is almost white. The shape of the cap is ovate at first, then flat-convex and at the end becomes completely prostrate. On the peel, you can see warty white flakes. The spore layer consists of wide free plates, which do not change color. The leg in the form of a cylinder with a thickening at the bottom, its height of 8-15 centimeters, is painted in a white-yellow or white-green tint. White flesh does not change the color on the cut.

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False groove( Khrenovy mushroom)

The shape of the hat of young specimens is convex-rounded, the edges are tucked, the diameter is about 8-10 centimeters, the more mature ones have a flat shape with a tubercle in the center, the skin is smooth, sticky, the surface color varies from lightyellow to brown, and the edges almost always remain white. On the foot there is a powdery coating, it grows to 9 centimeters in height and 2 centimeters in thickness. The structure of the pulp is dense, the color is cream or white, has an unpleasant smell, it is a bit like the smell of potatoes or turnips. The lamellar layer is adherent, in the young the light gray then gradually darkens.

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Fences of the patuyard

The fungus presents a mortal danger to the human body. The breadth of the cap is 3-9 centimeters, it is painted in red-yellow shades, on the skin there are radial fibers, from bell-cone-shaped its shape is changed to completely prostrate. Frequent, free plates have a white color with a touch of olive-brown hue, turn red when pressed. The leg has the shape of a cylinder, the length does not exceed 7 centimeters, the diameter of 1-2 centimeters, the color is usually slightly lighter than the tone of the surface of the cap. The whitish flesh does not have a strong odor, but the taste is unpleasant, blushes on the cut.

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Closed galley

Convex or bell-shaped hat has a brown color with a yellow tinge; in mature specimens the shape is flat, the edges are translucent and furrows parallel to each other can be seen. Narrow plates descending to the stem, first growth is colored in light colors, when the spores mature they acquire a brownish-rusty hue. The brown leg is thin and not too long, only 4-5 centimeters, on top there is a ring of yellow color, it disappears with age, above it the leg is covered with mealy coating. The pulp has a mealy odor, brown in the stalk and yellow in the cap. This kind of inedible poisonous mushrooms can often be found in the forests of the Kuban.

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Hymnopilus Juno

This species belongs to hallucinogenic fungi. The breadth of the cap is 3-15 centimeters, hemispherical in the young, later transformed into convex or prostrate. The finely scaly surface is colored orange-ocher-yellow. Plates are often located, wide, yellow in very young specimens and brown-rusty become with age, the flesh has a pronounced almond smell, its color is pale yellow with a brown tinge. The leg grows from 3 to 20 centimeters in length, the thickness does not exceed 4 centimeters, thickened at the base, the color is brown, there is a small ring ring.

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Goat whitish

The diameter of the cap is 2-7 centimeters, the surface is mild, the convex shape transforms into an open or funnel-like shape with age. On the skin of a dirty white color, you can notice spots of dark color, the wavy edge of the young is tucked. Legs running low on the foot are often located, their color is cream or pale gray, pinkish-yellow in old specimens. Basically the leg is even, but it can be slightly curved, does not grow more than 5 centimeters in height and 0.7 centimeters in thickness, is painted in pale brown or white. White flesh is not inclined to change color at a break.

Also find descriptions and names of edible fungi http://woman-l.ru/spisok-sedobnyx-osennix-gribov/
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Mast papilla

Dimensions of the mushroom cap 3-9 centimeters, on the peel you can see the centric circles, the colorThe surface is dark brown with a distinct outflow of a purple hue. Basically the shape of the cap is flat, and the edges are tucked up, sometimes there is a slight bump in the center. Plates are frequent, white, old mushrooms are more often yellow-cream. Leg short, but massive, becomes hollow as it ripens. When pressing on the outer part of the cap a distinct spot of brown color appears.

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Bile fungus

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Can grow single or in large groups, looks like a white fungus, the leg is strong and massive, the pulp is fibrous, the thickness reaches 7 centimeters, on the peel there is a dense brown mesh. The hat is a spongy formation, in the upper part has a thin layer of porous substance, at first the hemispherical shape with age is more like a saucer. The surface is painted in a pale brown or rich ocher shade. Insects do not damage this species - this is another indication that this poisonous fungus can be cured.

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The outer surface of the cap has a bright green color, it is convex, and in the middle there is a characteristic tubercle, at a more mature age on the peel it is possible to observe frequent scales, the diameter of the cap is 12-15 centimeters. The maximum height of the foot is 3 centimeters and about 2 centimeters thick, the surface is painted green and less often yellow. Plates are densely packed, their color varies from yellow to lemon, the sporiferous layer is characterized by a distinct smell of flour. The flesh on the cut is white, but soon changes its color to yellow. This is one of the most common inedible species of fungi, which are encountered mushroom pickers in the Rostov region.

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Umbrella comb( Lepiot)

The size of the hat of even an adult fungus does not exceed 4 centimeters, in young animals it looks like an inverted bell, later it is more and more straightened, the outer surface is dry and velvety covered with scales, pink or gray, and matureThe specimens are rich brown. The plates are small and easily broken, the thin leg grows about 5 centimeters in length, the surface is silky, in the middle one can observe the remnants of the ring, which is almost unnoticeable in old fungi. A distinctive feature is the rapidly blushing pulp on the cut, which has an unpleasant smell of rotten garlic.

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False swine( Thin)

The hat has a smooth surface, reaches 6-14 centimeters in breadth, the edge is down and velvety, its shape is round, but the center is slightly impressed, the skin is colored olive-brown when the fungus is still young and in time acquires a gray or rusty-brown tinge. Usually the surface is dry, but becomes sticky when the humidity of the air rises. Descending on the leg plates have a brownish-yellow color, when pressed, become a rich brownish tint. The color of the leg is usually identical to the skin of the cap, does not grow more than 9 centimeters in height and 2.5 centimeters in thickness, thickened at the base. Soft pulp has a dense structure, it is yellow-brown or light-yellow, but when pressed quickly darkens.

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False chanterelles

A small mushroom cap in diameter is only 1-6 centimeters, flat at first growth, later becomes funnel-shaped, the edge is down, the center is depressed, the peel is velvety, colored in bright orange with yellow or red tinge, fades fromage. Leg is even and thin long no more than 6 centimeters, sometimes bends under the weight of the cap, the color of the skin identical to the cap only at the base is darker sometimes almost black. Branched plates are often located, descending to the stem, the flesh has a mushroom smell, its color is white with a yellow tinge.

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Mamchnik gray-pink

The round hat is flat or convex, the edges are usually curved, ripening, transformed into funnel-shaped, the edges straighten, but the center retains a tubercle, diameter 13-15 centimeters, the peel to the touch dry and velvety, itsthe shade is brown or gray-pink, rarely yellow-sandy. Smooth leg has a smooth skin is usually slightly lighter than the outer surface of the cap, the young in the cavity are missing, the length of the legs is 5-9 centimeters, the diameter is 2-3 centimeters. Thick pulp is fragile enough, the color does not change on cut, but it emits milky juice, the color is almost white sometimes with a yellow tint, has a distinct smell of spices and bitter taste.

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Molechnik spiny

The finely fleshy hat has a flat shape, on the skin you can see thin veins, in mature specimens it transforms into a flat-spread, and in the center a papillate tubercle with a sharp end. The edges of the head are slightly ribbed, sometimes straight, the color of the outer surface is red-pink, carmine or lilac-red, there are small scales. Plates are forked, narrow, frequent, descending, pink-ohristy shade brownish when pressed. The pink-lilac leg tapers closer to the base in length reaches 2-6 centimeters, the thickness does not exceed 1 centimeter. Pale white flesh turns green when pressed.

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Fly agaric spring( Smelly)

The hat is wide like a curved saucer, the outer part is smooth and shiny, usually its shade is light cream or white. The leg is usually not longer than 13 centimeters and not thicker than 4 centimeters, thickened in the place where it is fastened to the cap, sometimes you can notice the remnants of the ring, the skin is rough, and there is a sticky coating. The flesh is white and contains contact poisons, it is impossible to touch such a mushroom. In case of touch, you should rinse your hands thoroughly. In the Belgorod region, this inedible mushroom, along with others, is much more common.

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Fly agaric red

As the growth grows, the hat transforms from spherical to round-flat and flat, its range is about 10-19 centimeters, the color of the outer part is bright orange and many shades of red; on the peel there are scales of white color, butrain can wash them off. The flesh smells nice, pale yellow or white, uneven, thick, frequent plates of the sporiferous layer are white and turn yellow as the fungus ripens. The shape of the pedicle is cylindrical, tuberous at the base, in addition it is covered with several rows of scales, a foil ring can be seen on the stem, it hangs in mature specimens, the girth does not exceed 4 centimeters, the length is about 8-20 centimeters. Often this inedible form of mushrooms is found in the mushroom pickers of the Leningrad Region.

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Amanita panther

Usually the color of the cap is brown, but there are often specimens with a brown, gray or dirty olive skin, white concentric warts located on the surface easily separating from the cap. In young animals, a round-convex cap forms, mature mushrooms have a semi-protuberant diameter of 6-12 centimeters. The plates are loose, the hats are expanding in the vicinity, the flesh is watery and with an unpleasant odor. The height of the leg varies from 5 to 11 centimeters, in the girth - 1-2 centimeters, the surface is pile, tuberiform-swollen at the base, on the peel a ring is noticeable.

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Fly agaric amanita

The color of the hat varies with the age of the fungus from white to greenish yellow, the diameter is 4-9 centimeters, the hemispherical shape is replaced by a flat-convex one, on the outer surface you can notice small flakes of gray tint - the remains of the veil. The flesh has a distinct smell and resembles raw potatoes, its color is white and does not change at the break. Narrow, free plates are colored yellow or white. The leg has the shape of a cylinder, the thickness is 1-2 centimeters, the height is 5-11 centimeters, usually painted in tone with the outer part of the cap, there is a noticeable drooping ring.

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Fire alder

The mushroom grows in large groups, the ball-shaped hat transforms into a conical shape during maturation, and later it resembles a small( 5 cm) saucer, the outer side covered with scales is lemon and the skin of the cap. Small, thin, often planted plates change the yellow-lemon color to darker ones. On the high and thin legs there is no ring, the surface of the skin is colored in the tone of the cap, the flesh does not lose its color on the cut.

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Openok false brick-red

At the beginning of growth, the rounded head is bright orange, as it matures, it looks like a saucer is red-brick, there are scraps of a coverlet in the form of large flakes. The leg is long, and the thickness does not exceed 2 centimeters. The ring, inherent in the present assessment, is absent.

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Spotted sour-yellow

Spread of a convex bell-shaped cap 2-6 centimeters, maturing, assumes a flat shape, the surface is smooth, the color varies from yellow-brown to sulfur-yellow, and the edges are always lighter, the center can be red-brown. Frequent, wide plates have a yellow-green or brown-olive color. The thickness of the foot does not exceed 1 centimeter, the height reaches 10 centimeters, the cylindrical shape is narrowed at the base. The pulp is fibrous with an unpleasant odor and bitter taste, it is colored in sulfur yellow.

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Convex-rounded cap with a diameter of 2-8 centimeters grows almost flat as it grows, the outer part is velvety, dry and glitters in the sun, covered with mucus as the humidity rises. The color of the outer surface of the cap can be copper, orange, light brown, brown or red. Flesh has the color of yellow sulfur, takes a more red tinge at the break. The length of the slightly curved leg is 4-9 centimeters, the circumference is not more than 1.5 centimeters, tapers closer to the base, usually the shade of the surface is identical to the cap. Tubules priroshie, descending, pores large, their color is brownish-red.

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Grate red

The cap and leg are absent in the fungus, the fruiting body at the beginning of growth is ovate about 6 centimeters in height and 5 centimeters wide, covered with a leathery shell of brown or white under which there is a mucus-gelatinous layer, in the depthfungus formed a dome-shaped network structure. Maturing the outer surface of the shell bursts and the fungus takes the form of a bright sphere with irregularly shaped cells. The surface inside the sphere is covered with a mucous dark spore mass, it has a sharp putrefactive odor.

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Satanic mushroom

View large enough, the scope of the hemispherical cap is 10-25 centimeters, the outer part is velvety and dry, the skin is dirty-gray or white, sometimes with a yellow tinge and pale green divorces. The tubular layer is yellow in young animals and yellow-green in mature individuals, the fine pores change color from yellow to red-orange, when pressed they sometimes turn blue with a clear green hue. The leg is barrel-shaped and massive, about 7-15 centimeters high and 3 to 9 centimeters thick in thickness; it is pale yellow in the top, red-orange in the middle, there is a mesh pattern. The pulp is creamy, it slowly blushes at the break, eventually becomes blue.

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Piglet thick

The hat is brown or rusty-brown in color, the center is impressed, the edges are wrapped inside, gradually transformed and takes a convex appearance, and the color changes to brown-olive, diameter 15-25 centimeters, the surface is dry and velvety. Cream plates fall on the foot, brown when pressed, hard flesh has a dense structure, browns on the cut. The fleshy foot at the base is enlarged, the skin is dark brown, velvety, about 3-5 centimeters wide, and 5-10 centimeters high.

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Ruddy maiden

The finely fleshy hat reaches 3-6 centimeters in diameter, at the early stage of growth it is semicircular and then gradually transformed into flat-prostrate, and at maturity concave-prostrate. The hue of the outer part is purple-pink, brown-lilac or purple-purple. The plates are thin, narrow, attached, forked from the legs, first white or cream, later turn yellow. The leg is often cylindrical than a club-shaped, 5-7 centimeters in height, 1-1.5 centimeter in diameter, white or yellow with a distinct mealy odor. Fragile white flesh turns yellow for 8-10 hours, fresh to taste.

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Iris ridge( Vomit)

The smooth, shiny surface of the cap is colored in bright red color, in the middle there is a dark speck, the range is from 3 to 10 centimeters. The young are convex, ripening, assuming a flat shape or cracking, the middle usually impressed, along the edges can be seen radial furrows. The plates are adherent, sparse, their color is richly white and only in the oldest specimens they are cream-colored. The clavate leg is also white, sometimes with a pink tinge, grows in thickness of about 2 centimeters, in height - 7-9 centimeters, the skin is covered with bloom. The flesh has no strong smell, white and does not lose color during cut.

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Enthaloma poisonous

The mushroom's hat is quite wide and flat, with a maturity the range can be 20-22 centimeters, the outer part silky, covered with mucus with increasing humidity, the shade of the skin varies from yellow to brown. Powerful plates are rarely located, at first they are creamy, later pink. Flesh on the fracture is dense, white, has a pronounced smell of fresh flour. Flexible, fibrous leg in length grows to 11 centimeters, but the thickness does not exceed 2.5 centimeters.

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