Very often, adults complain about a bad memory, looking for useful advice on the pages of magazines, websites and even - referring to doctors about it.
And they do it because in the childhood their parents did not take care of that the grown up child easily mastered the new information.
It is very important for parents to know how to improve the memory of a child , because it is the children that have excellent neuroplasticity - the ability of the brain to learn new knowledge and adapt to the requirements of its "master"
To improve the memory of a child, care and affection
If we start to talk about child psychology,then we just can not keep up with the size of one article, so I will limit myself to recalling the truth known to all: a child must grow in love, caress and care, he needs to pay maximum attention.
All parents know this, but, nevertheless, many ignore this rule.
My university teacher specializes in the psychological trauma of children.
Once she told about this case from her practice.
At the reception, she got a second patient named Dima.
Dima had a full family, well-to-do parents, he visited mugs, studied with a tutor, did not know what to do, but Dima studied very badly.
Teachers constantly complained about his carelessness, the fact that "he flies in one ear, into another - flies", the fact that he can not remember the simplest information.
Mom began to carry the child to the doctors, trying to find deviations in his development and to find ways to improve the memory of the child .One of the doctors advised her to turn to a child psychologist.
After several sessions, my teacher was able to find the real reason for Dima's poor performance at school: family problems.
How to develop visual memory to the ideal?
It turned out that the parents constantly quarreled, doing more with the clarification of the relationship, and not with their child.
Dime simply lacked communication with them, hugs, joint dinners, trips to the zoo, etc.
To improve the memory of a child you can exercise and various hobbies
If you do not repeat the mistakes of Dima's parents and your child is more than enough attention, love and affection, it is worth looking for the cause of bad memory in the absence of physical activity.
Modern children do not spend too much time in active outdoor games. They prefer TV and computer.
It is possible to correct the absence of physical exertion by accustoming the child to do morning exercises or giving it to dances, gymnastics, judo, karate, figure skating, etc.
TOP-5 exercises for the development of memory
It is not necessary to be limited to only one section.
Psychologists believe that the more a child has a hobby, the better his memory is trained. Often parents, trying to make their son or daughter an Olympic champion or a world-famous artist, ignore the desires of the children themselves.
If the teacher very modestly assesses the talents of your daughter, and she herself at the first opportunity rushes to throw the violin on the closet, then do not insist that she necessarily graduated from music school( "But how, let the diploma be!"), And only thenlearned to draw.
Let your child experiment with a hobby! The abundance of new information has a positive effect on memory.
Improve the memory of the child can be properly fed
Pirozhki, pancakes, milk porridge, soup necessarily, so that the stomach worked well, well, and meat / fish sometimes - that's the approximate ration of a child from a poor family.
It is clear that a family of teachers can not eat salmon, caviar and marbled beef daily, but 5 basic products to improve memory in your baby's diet should be:
Fatty fish, which is the source of omega-3 fatty acids( the most important building material for the brain).
Yes, I know that salmon, mackerel, halibut, trout are not cheap, but at least once a week your child should eat such fish.
More budget option - herring and capelin. -
Greens, especially spinach and broccoli.
Children are not enthusiastic about such products, so you'll have to try to cook a dish that they like.
Walnuts, it's not for nothing that even their form resembles the human brain.
It is possible to feed nuts to a child, as an independent product, and as ingredients of salads or baking.
This product will not be a problem, most children love bananas, and they are not too expensive.
If you eat a lot of carrots in your childhood, you can stay in good health and not suffer from multiple sclerosis, because this product contains substances that are responsible for premature death of brain cells.
How to improve a child's memory: 5 exercises
Some exercises that you can do with your child and at home also help improve memory.
It is better not to overload your child with classes( give them no more than half an hour a day) and conduct them in a playful form.
Brain products: TOP-10 brain products
5 most effective exercises:
Turn words into abbreviations.
For example, it is difficult for your child to remember geographical names, so let St. Petersburg turn into St. Petersburg, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - in the database, Ust-Kamenogorsk - in UKAM, etc.
We learn rhymes for memory.
You can rhyme anything( multiplication table, grammar rules), then your child will not only train the memory, but also receive useful information.
Hide the item.
You ask the baby to remember the location of objects in the room, then hide one of them and ask the daughter or son on return to say what you hid.
For example, when studying new animals, you can ask the child to say that it reminds one or another animal.
For example, a boa constrictor - a thick rope, a turtle - a plate with legs, etc. -
A game in the city( the child needs to be named the city on the last letter of the settlement you named).
You can not just confine yourself to city names, but to study flowers, animals, food, household appliances, clothes, anything you like.
And a few words about the memory of the child, as well as what other exercises will help improve it,
tells you this video. We look:
Well, and of course, when studying various ways, how to improve the memory of the child , do not forget about the most effective method: reading.
Absorption of books not only positively affects memory, but also develops intellect, broadens the horizon, and in general, as for me, does not allow to turn into a monkey.