The procedure for cleaning the uterine cavity is familiar to many women. It is done with several pathologies of the organ, more often if the endometrium has the property of overgrowing, provoking uterine bleeding. But the operation does not end with the operation. With the diagnosis of "endometrial hyperplasia," treatment after curettage will last a few more months.
Contents of
- 1 Why do I need to clean
- 2 Scraping method
- 3 After cleaning
- 4 After unsuccessful treatment
- 5 What can the cleansing result for hyperplasia
Why do I need to clean
The pathology in question involves the functional layer of the uterine mucosa. He is already periodically replaced during menstruation. But this does not mean that the disease will go away with the next monthly. Conversely, an increase in the concentration of estrogens in a certain phase of the cycle gives an additional stimulus, since hyperplasia has a hormonal nature. Therefore, it is necessary to be treated.
But is it necessary to do a scraping for endometrial hyperplasia? Worried about this, women worry about how the uterine mucosa will later be restored, whether it will deprive the operation of the opportunity to give birth. Cleaning is carried out in each case of the disease, when the thickness of the mucosa is 15 mm and more. The reasons for this are not one:
- Symptoms of hyperplasia are similar to manifestations of other gynecological pathologies, and the material obtained after curettage can be examined to establish an accurate diagnosis;
- There is a chance at an early stage to identify atypical cells if they are present in the mucosa;
- This is the only way to stop uterine bleeding. In this case, whether it is necessary to do a scraping for hyperplasia of the endometrium is not discussed. Waiting will result in a large loss of biological fluid, which can be fatal. And the use of hemostatic medicines gives a temporary momentary effect, but can contribute to anemia, worsening overall health, fainting.
Diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity with endometrial hyperplasia is performed in all cases of the disease. But this manipulation is also used as the main part of the treatment, which releases from the unjustifiably enlarged layer of mucosal tissues. They cause exhausting bleeding and pain.
Scraping method
To be psychologically ready for manipulation, many women are searching the Internet for information on an exciting problem, hammering into the search for "endometrial hyperplasia, scraping, how is carried out."
Because everything is done under general anesthesia, there will be no painful sensations. Experts try to save the reproductive system from a great shock, so manipulation is assigned for the period preceding critical days or at the very beginning, when the functional layer of the mucosa that has become obsolete is ready to be withdrawn and replaced by a new one.
Clean the uterus cavity in two ways:
- Curettage. The method is called by the name of the instruments that are produced. They are of different sizes for each part of the uterus. The cervical division is expanded to gain access to the cavity of the organ. Curettes with little pressure are driven along the inner surface of the uterine walls, collecting the detached mucosa in a specially prepared vessel. Only the functional layer of the endometrium, along with pathologically spread tissues, is subject to separation. But since the visible view with this method is very small, the basal layer can not be ruled out, as well as the abandonment of unhealthy sites;
- Hysteroscopy. Scraping in this way is preferable, as it reduces the possibility of any medical errors, inaccuracies. Hysteroscope, introducing into the cavity of the uterus carbon dioxide, allows the surgeon to see the working field, do everything at random. Distinguish each part of the body, their thickness and, if available, polyps. Manipulation is carried out similarly to the first method, that is, removal of the functional layer of the mucosa towards the cervix. The material collected in the vessel is sent to the laboratory for the final clarification of the diagnosis.
Cleaning in some cases is carried out separately. The doctor works first with the cervix, then in a separate tray collects the mucosa of the cavity.
After cleansing of
, endometrial hyperplasia causes the treatment to continue after scraping. The mechanical elimination of abnormally expanded tissues radically does not solve the problem if the cause causing the illness continues to act as .And this is an imbalance of hormones with a predominance of estrogens.
In addition, the rehabilitation period takes place against the background of taking antibiotics and hemostatic drugs in order to avoid complications.
Follow-up therapy may consist of the following:
- COC Jarina, Jeanine, Regulon or Trikwilar, Triestep;
- Norkolut, Dyufaston, Utrojestan;
- Buserelin, Diferelin.
All of them in different ways solve one task - stabilize the hormonal background, increasing the level of gestagens, leveling the balance between them and estrogens or temporarily suppressing the development of both substances in order not to give the endometrium to develop.
Its share in preventing relapse and restoring the functions of the body contributes to nutrition and lifestyle in general. From the last it is necessary to exclude everything that prevents the regeneration of tissues, that is, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, trans fats. It is important to avoid hypothermia, and overheating, monitor hygiene, do not carry heavy loads and do not have sex for at least 2 weeks.
In food, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, products regulating hormone production should be preferred:
- Sea fish;
- Nuts;
- Lemons, oranges, strawberries;
- Carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, seeds, beetroot, green peas and rice;
- Turkey, chicken;
- Buckwheat, oatmeal;
- Bread with bran.
After the unsuccessful treatment of
If you comply with the conditions of recovery, chances are great not to remember about the disease. But sometimes endometrial hyperplasia after curettage is able to return. More likely it is for those who ignore compliance with the conditions of recovery or are treated with hormones at their own risk and risk without prescribing a doctor.
Then the woman is shown surgery, endometrial hyperplasia is eliminated together with the body itself. This is called ablation and is the destruction of the entire thickness of the mucosa by means of a laser, liquid nitrogen, radio waves. Manipulation leads to the fact that the endometrium ceases to function fully, that is, the possibility of procreation is excluded, despite the safety of the uterus. But then exhausting bleeding stops, the risk of developing cancer decreases.
What can result from cleansing with hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia, scraping effects can have both natural and undesirable. Typically manifestations that are tolerated are:
- Bloody discharge from the genital tract, which can be excreted 5-7 days after the intervention. In this there is nothing unusual, the endometrium includes a large number of vessels. Nevertheless, there are not many discharges in norm;
- Slight pain in the area of manipulation, that is, the lower abdomen, the lower back;
- Slight weakness, dizziness. They are mostly associated with an anesthesia, so only the first day lasts. Further strength will increase noticeably.
If the woman's health after the operation has changed for the worse, that is, there are severe pains, fever, the discharge does not stop longer than a week, doctors have to note the complications:
- The development of infection in the uterine cavity;
- Damage to the organ, for example, neck rupture or perforation of the wall. If they are insignificant, they do not give obvious symptoms and heal themselves. And in serious cases, surgery is required;
- The hematometer. In the body cavity fluid with blood can accumulate due to stenosis of the neck. A large number is removed surgically, a small number is removed with the help of medicines.
We recommend reading the article about the peculiarities of menstruation with endometrial hyperplasia. You will learn about the disease and its effect on the menstrual cycle, the effect on the monthly, ways of treatment.
The long-term consequence of cleansing due to hyperplasia is the miscarriage of pregnancy. This can happen when the root layer of an organ is seriously damaged, and functional therefore is deprived of the possibility of development. The embryo will not be able to penetrate the mucosa, as it does not reach a sufficient thickness.
Scraping with endometrial hyperplasia should not scare, despite possible complications. The consequences of the fact that the treatment is not on time can be no less serious, one of them is a cancerous tumor. Modern medical equipment used in the intervention, a good specialist - a sufficient guarantee of the quality of the operation.