Biotredin - instructions for use, analogues, reviews of doctors. Biotreidine and glycine together, phenibut and biotrepid simultaneously: how and when to take?

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This article is about biotrinter - a drug that treats a lot of diseases that were previously treated only by astronauts, and now it is available to all comers.


  • Biotradin - instructions for use
  • Biotredin indications
  • Biotredin contraindications, side effects
  • Biotredin for children
  • Biotredin: dosages for adults and children
  • Biotredin and glycine together: how and when should it be taken?
  • How to take Phenibutum and Biotredinum at the same time?
  • Biotredin for memory
  • How to take biotradin tablets with menopause?
  • Biotredin for alcoholism
  • Biotredin at
  • Biotredin: similar drugs
  • Biotredin or afobazol which is better?
  • Biotradin: reviews of physicians
  • Video: Biotredin2

Biotredin is a combined action drug that belongs to nootropics, consisting of an essential amino acid - threonine and vitamin B6( pyridoxine hydrochloride).The drug improves mental ability, metabolism, and especially helps to fight alcohol dependence.

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Biotradin - instructions for use

Biotrade preparation

Biotredin helps :

  • Cure chronic alcoholism. For treatment take 1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day, for 4-5 days, the course is repeated 5-10 times a year.
  • Alcoholics of the second and third stages after a long use of alcoholic drinks the first day of take 1-4 tablets 3-4 times a day, the second day and further - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, treatment course 21-28days, but it can be 10-14 days, depending on the patient's condition.
  • In the period of disappearance of obvious manifestations of alcoholism, but there may still be a latent attraction to alcohol, take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day before meals, for 5-10 days.

Biotredin indications

Biotredin helps improve brain function

Biotredin treats such body conditions :

  • Chronic alcoholism
  • Alcohol dependence
  • Copes with internal discomfort and irritability
  • Increases the mental capacity of the
  • Stimulates the function of the brain and helps its performance
  • After stress lifts the mood
  • Suppressesdistraction and helps to concentrate
  • Helps reduce mental stress
  • of nature helps to balance the nervous system

Biotredin contraindications, side

action after drinking alcohol action biotredina decreases

biotredina We have the following contraindications :

  • Do not take the tablets after taking alcohol, because it reduces the therapeutic effect.
  • Biotredin is not compatible with antipsychotics( propazine, etaperazine, teralen, sulpiride, clozapine), used in various nervous disorders.
  • Biotredin is not compatible with antidepressants( moclobemide, befol, topoxaton, pyrazidol, imipramine, anafranil).
  • Biotredin is not compatible with tranquilizers( diazepam, atarax, frizium, oxylidine), which treat anxiety, fear, excessive emotional tension.
  • Biotredin is incompatible with barbiturates( barbitol, hexobarbital), used for diseases of the nervous system and epilepsy.
  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding women, but if a pregnant woman abuses alcohol, then the biotreading doctor still prescribes.
  • If your body is extremely sensitive to the drug.

Biotredin - a gentle medicine, and side effects have not yet been revealed.

Biotradin for children

Biotredin treats many childhood diseases

Pediatricians prescribe nootropics for lack of amino acids and improper digestion of protein in the body of a child .

This is expressed by the state of the child :

  • Mental retardation in the development of the psyche and speech
  • Mental retardation of the child from peers

Doctors recommend biotredin and other nootropics in such childhood diseases :

  • With various nervous system disorders( stammering, nervous tics, small child for a long timesilent).
  • With infantile cerebral palsy.
  • With attention deficit disorder( your baby can not calmly play, get along with the surrounding children, concentrate).

Also biotreidine or glycine physicians prescribe to children under 14 years of age to enhance the intelligence and attention of .And yet for children, doctors are more often prescribed glycine.

Tablets should be absorbed under the tongue. Dosage is taken 2 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight. The course of treatment is 3-10 days.

Adolescents for improvement of cerebral activity should dissolve under the tongue 1 tablet biotrial 2-3 times a day, 3-10 days. The course should preferably be repeated 3-4 times a year.

Important .It should be recalled that 1 tablet of biotrone contains active L-threonine 100 mg and 5 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride.

Biotredin: dosages for adults and children

Biotrade dosage for adults and children

Children under 14 years of should receive 2 mg per kg of body weight. This means that if a child weighs 30 kg, then it is 60 mg of active substance L-threonine, of which the pill is made, and this is slightly more than half the tablet, given that the whole tablet contains 100 mg.

Adolescents, and adults doctor appoints 1-3 tablets, depending on the patient's condition and treatment goals.

Biotradin and glycine together: how and when to take?

Biotredin and glycine for improving the therapeutic effect are taken together
  • When treatment of alcoholism of the second and third stage of , after prolonged consumption of alcohol by man, the greatest effect brings the use of biotrone along with glycine.
    First taken under the tongue 1 tablet of glycine, and after 10-15 minutes of biotrade, in the amount prescribed by the doctor.
  • After cured alcoholism, the latent desire for alcohol may manifest itself.
    After taking several tablets of biotrone on an empty stomach, after 10-20 minutes, manifests a hidden desire for alcohol : mild dizziness, a person immediately calms down, red face, a lot of sweat. If there are such manifestations, the doctor may recommend taking biotreidine along with glycine. First, take 1 tablet of glycine under the tongue, and then, after 10-15 minutes, 1-2 tablets of biotrone should be taken, and so 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.

How to take Phenibutum and Biotredinum simultaneously?

Phenibut is prescribed if treatment with biotrone has not produced the desired effect.

Biotredin , decaying in the body into acetic acid and glycine, is eliminated from the body completely, there is no getting used to it. But it happens that treatment with biotrone did not help, then the doctor appoints a phenibut.

If the fenibut is taken for a long time, then it is addictive, so after treatment, it is necessary to abandon it, gradually reducing the amount of the drug within a week.

Because the fenibut is stronger than biotrade, it is more a tranquilizer than nootropism, it can not be taken without a doctor's prescription, and they need only serious psychiatric disorders to treat.

But if the doctor assigned a newborn child after birth injuries fenibut , then there is a need.

Biotredin for

memory Biotredin helps to improve memory of

In order for to improve memory for both young and old people , and also to cheer up after nervous overstrain, according to the doctor's advice, patients take biotreading.

Often, in the period of examinations and teenage apathy, biotredin is prescribed and to teenagers .Parents of such children after taking a course of treatment notice that the child became more attentive in the classroom, it became better to memorize the material given in the school.

It should be noted that if drug treatment is discontinued, the achieved result is not saved .

How to take biotrade tablets with menopause?

Biotredin helps with menopause

Menopause with a woman sometimes takes a long time. During this time, the reproductive function or simply, the ability to give birth to a woman, is dying out.

Hormonal changes in menopause affect the whole body of a woman :

  • Chronic diseases are manifested
  • Endocrine system diseases appear
  • Irritability and depression

To ease this difficult period for a woman , a gynecologist ascribes medical preparations : hormonal, biologically active additives.

After applying the hormonal drugs , a woman is exposed to side effects: obesity, cholelithiasis, swelling, mastopathy.

BADS because of weak action can simply not help.

If a woman is strongly concerned about the symptoms of menopause, on the advice of a doctor, you can take biotradin , he has proven himself in the treatment of such a woman's condition.

Biotredin for alcoholism

Biotredin is very effective in the treatment of alcoholism

Strong craving for alcohol and chronic alcoholism doctors often treat biotranean.

The drug should take 1-3 tablets( the doctor decides) 2-3 times a day. Duration 4-5 days, but possible up to 10.

The effect of the drug is felt quickly, within 10-15 minutes. Sometimes, a year of such treatment sessions need to be taken up to 10 times, so that the craving for alcohol is final.

Biotredin at an all-time

Biotredin is effective in vegetovascular dystonia

Under vegetovascular dystonia is meant a blood pressure difference that is up, then down.

The fact that a person suffers from vegetovascular dystonia is indicated by following signs :

  • When the weather changes, the head hurts, it is difficult to concentrate, the memory is worsening
  • From now on, from now on, it is hot, then cold
  • Sometimes you get tired quickly
  • hands and eyelids, dry mouth
  • Frequent stress with insomnia
  • Body temperature decreased or slightly increased

The cause of such blood pressure changes is a weak vascular tone, sedentary appearancez of life.

Very often, a person suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, "winds up" himself. Therefore, doctors often treat such patients with sedatives .Such means are psychotropic drugs ( Relanium, Seduxen), which, removing anxiety, harm the cardiovascular system.

Much less harm will bring nootropics, and biotredin, including if they treat anxiety conditions with vegetovascular dystonia.

Biotradin: Similar preparations

Biotredin and its analogues

The constantly growing demand for biotreidine led pharmacologists and doctors to create analogues of biotrial.

Analogs biotredina following :

  • Glycine
  • Glitsised
  • Phenibut
  • Teturam
  • Esperal
  • Tsiamid
  • Gidazepam
  • Alkodez 1C
  • Proproten 100
  • Zoreks
  • Disulfiram
  • Farkovo B12
  • Tsinkteral
  • naltrexol oil
  • Livery 1C

Biotredin afobazol or what is better?

To bring less damage to the body, it is better to take biotradin

Afobazol - a weak antidepressant, unlike other drugs of this group, does not cause addiction, muscle weakness, but drowsiness appears a little.

Afobazol is appointed by the physician :

  • With anxiety, fear, fear, insomnia
  • With depression
  • If you want to quit smoking to cope with craving for smoking
  • To ease hangover

Afobazole is prescribed only to adults, children under 18 years of agethis drug is contraindicated .

The course of taking 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, for 3 weeks, but if necessary, you can be treated without interruption and 3 months. The maximum effect from medication is achieved at week 2 of , and calming anxiety conditions is observed on day 2-3 of after initiation of treatment.

The cost of afobazole is about 220 rubles.

Biotredin is also not addictive. The course of treatment is less, you need to often take breaks. There are biotreading in different pharmacies in different ways, from 100 to 250 rubles.

But in biotrone has advantages over afobazole :

  1. A successful combination of threonine and vitamin B6.
  2. The drug works in a complex way - the work of the brain improves, emotional stress is removed.
  3. Instantaneous effect of treatment - improvement occurs after 15 minutes.
  4. The components of which biotrade are made are harmless to the body, therefore can be prescribed for small children.
  5. Biotredin can be prescribed to diabetics, in contrast to afobazole.

Biotradin: doctor's reviews

Biotradin doctors' comments on biotradin

Biotrepid doctors respond positively to , and this is confirmed by many.

Here are a few positive factors :

  1. Many transformations take place in the body of biotreading. At the last stage, it decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. This feature of the drug allows you to remove it from the body without consequences.
  2. After taking the pill( put it under the tongue) the action of the drug occurs quickly, after 15 minutes.
  3. The drug quickly restores mental stress and physical activity after an overstrain and a nervous breakdown.

So, I discovered a new drug - biotredin. He treats a lot of diseases, but does not bring any harm almost.

Video: Biotradin2

  • Mar 02, 2018
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