White, smooth teeth, and, as a result, an attractive smile are key factors in the person's perfect appearance, providing him with charm and success in society.
To maintain the health of the teeth and the entire oral cavity, it is important to carry out a permanent comprehensive care for them at home and visit the dentist regularly.
Contents of
- And black-black on the tooth surface. ..
- A wave of blackening on the "jelly"
- Painted in all colors of the rainbow
- Ignore not worth the
And black-black on the tooth surface. ..
However, due to lack of time, or for a number of other reasons,many often do not pay proper attention to hygiene procedures for maintaining dental health, which can cause a number of problems, including the appearance of black spots and spots on them.
They can be of different shapes and sizes, and the color of the affected areas varies from white and yellow to black.
Sometimes spots appear on the inside of the tooth, or in places not accessible to a simple visual inspection, therefore, special attention should be given to periodic examination of the entire oral cavity using a mirror.
The main cause of the appearance of spots, specks and spots on the teeth is caries( fissure and surface most often).
If oral hygiene is disturbed, plaque accumulates on the surface of the enamel, in which harmful microbes reproduce. Due to food debris, an acid is formed in the oral cavity, which, together with the activity of microorganisms, damages the enamel of the teeth, and it acquires dark blotches.
If the black inclusions are formed recently, this may indicate a superficial caries, but in some cases the defect in question does not indicate a specific disease, but only harms the appearance of the teeth.
In this case, despite the absence of direct harm to health, such darkening should be controlled by a doctor, as they can develop into caries over time.
If it is found on the surface of the enamel point damage, it is important to contact the dentist in the shortest possible time, delay can threaten the development of caries and other diseases.
A wave of blackening on the "jelly"
Just like in adults, black dots on the enamel of a child's teeth may indicate the appearance of caries.
However, there are a number of other reasons that provoke speckles on children's teeth. Among them, one can distinguish the microflora of the oral cavity of the child and the gastrointestinal tract, lack of calcium in the body, heredity and others.
With age, the darkening of the baby teeth can completely disappear without passing to the root teeth.
In any case, in the presence of such defects it is necessary to consult doctors: a pediatrician, a dentist, and if necessary - a gastroenterologist.
Painted in all colors of the rainbow
Yellow and brownish spots and spots on the surface of the enamel can indicate its coloration with tea, coffee, berries, other drinks or food, or be a consequence of smoking. Yellow coating is removed in dental clinics with the help of professional whitening.
Tooth enamel can acquire an unusual color due to the use of medicines, for example, antibiotics.
White dots are characteristic for a disease such as fluorosis, caused by excessive saturation of the body with fluoride even during the formation of dental tissue.
In order to determine the nature and causes of darkening, as well as to undergo competent treatment, it is necessary to visit the dentist as soon as possible.
Ignore it is not necessary
If you find pathological changes on the enamel, you should immediately contact the dentist - a superficial caries is much easier to cure than penetrated into the depth of the tooth fissure or medium.
In some cases, the treatment of the disorder at the initial stage can be a painless application of a small correction layer of special agents( fluoridation) to the teeth that appeared in the tooth.
If the disease spreads to fissures or dentin, then you can not do without the removal of infected tissues and subsequent sealing.
Ignoring point lesions of enamel for a long time can lead to serious consequences in the form of various complications: carious cavity growth, dentin lesion, pulp, at the last stage of destruction, pulpitis develops.
Curing a damaged tooth will be much more difficult and painful, and in some cases it can collapse completely.
For the prevention of dental diseases, it is necessary to eat correctly, keep the oral hygiene and at least twice a year undergo preventive examinations at the dentist.