Whether to treat a teeth at thoracal feeding

The lactation period is no less important for the healthy development and growth of the baby than the pregnancy. During breastfeeding, mother should take care not only of her nutrition and stable emotional state, but also maintain the body in normal physical form.

First of all it concerns the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

Contents of

  • Dentistry and the period of feeding: are they compatible?
  • Features of lactation treatment
    • Safe pain relievers and antibiotics
    • Local anesthesia
    • Removal, X-ray, whitening
  • Caries prevention in nursing mother
  • Recommendations on nutrition

Dentistry and feeding period: are they compatible?

During pregnancy and lactation, the calcium content in the woman's body decreases, which causes the hair, skin, and nails to deteriorate, and, irreversibly, teeth can deteriorate and collapse. In the oral cavity there is an environment that promotes the development of infections of the teeth and gums, at least - the appearance of caries.

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The risk of such diseases is associated not only with the deterioration of the health of the nursing mother, but also the probability of transmission of infections to the baby through contact with food, during games or kisses.

In addition, toothache affects the emotional state of the mother. Stress and emotions cause nervous tension, which is transmitted to the baby.

To avoid possible negative consequences, it is necessary to contact the dentist in time when the slightest symptoms appear. Absolutely safe and justified is the treatment:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • of periostitis( flux);
  • of periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • of gingivitis.

Questions about whether it is possible to treat teeth for nursing mothers are mainly related to the use of anesthesia. Many are unreasonably afraid, that because of treatment preparations will act in an organism of the kid.

Many problems with the oral cavity can be eliminated without the use of pain medications. This completely eliminates the risk that unwanted drugs will enter the children's body.

If the tooth hurts and it is impossible to cure it without anesthesia, experienced dentists prescribe pain medication that is allowed for lactation, usually short-acting. In such a case, such a medicine does not carry a danger to the health of the child.

The percentage of their ingestion into the baby's body most often does not exceed 1-2% of the dose given to the mother.

To be absolutely calm for the quality of milk, it is recommended either to feed the newborn before a visit to the doctor, or in advance to express the milk and give it to the baby through the bottle on a schedule. The next portion of milk after the treatment session can be expressed and not used for feeding.

The elimination period of many drugs is no more than six hours. After this time, you can be sure that the pharmacological preparations did not affect the quality and structure of breast milk.

Features of treatment for lactation

When visiting a dentist, always inform the doctor about lactation at the first examination.

Safe pain relievers and antibiotics

A qualified specialist will select an anesthetic and its dosage depending on the specific clinical case. In this case, it is not necessary to show heroic persistence, suffering a toothache, t.prolonged stress affects the hormonal background and leads to a decrease in milk production.

The drugs allowed during lactation include paracetamol and nurofen. Ketoprofen( ketans) and naproxen( proksen) are not compatible with breastfeeding.

If there is a need for antibiotic therapy, the doctor can prescribe the following drugs:

  • penicillin series - augmentin, amoxiclav;
  • cephalosporin series - ceftriaxone, cefuroxime;
  • macrolides - azithromycin, rovamycin.

They are highly effective against infectious processes of the mouth and at the same time are safe for the baby.

Local anesthesia

If the tooth is aching and local anesthesia is required for its treatment, then safe during breastfeeding, lidocaine, ureztizin and ultracaine are considered. A short period of action and a quick withdrawal from the body allow not to postpone the feeding session, giving milk to the baby on a schedule.

Removal, X-ray, whitening

If necessary, do not delay the removal of teeth during lactation. Pay attention to your diet, because after removal there are restrictions on the time of food intake and a ban on the use of certain products.

How to treat teeth if it is necessary to carry out radiography? When making an X-ray during lactation, it is necessary to use special protective equipment - aprons and capes covered with especially sensitive organs( thyroid, breast, genital organs).

For complete safety, the mature milk after the X-ray session should be better expressed.

Teeth whitening during breastfeeding is possible, if it is a hygienic procedure aimed at removing tartar and plaque. This procedure will lighten the teeth 1-2 colors to their natural color.

Chemical whitening( laser, zoom, using cap) is contraindicated in lactation and can be performed only after its termination.

Also, during this period it is not recommended to carry out prosthetics and implantation of teeth.

Prevention of caries in a nursing mother

Observing the basic rules of oral hygiene, it is easy to prevent the development of caries in a nursing mother.

Thorough brushing is a simple but important step to getting rid of bacteria in the mouth that cause infections.

During breastfeeding, you can choose a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. For improved cleansing, it is recommended to use dental floss and special brushes to remove residual food from the spaces between the teeth.

Recommendations of the dentist on caries prevention and oral hygiene:

Recommendations for nutrition

Healthy teeth are, first of all, the result of a correct, balanced diet. When breast feeding, the diet of the mother should be carefully thought out. Vitamins and minerals, entering the body of a woman, should be enough for two.

It is especially important during this period to consume complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, vegetables, meat and fish.

Fruit containing a lot of sugar and sweets, you can eat in extremely moderate quantities, and from the consumption of carbonated beverages it is better to refuse. After the sweet changes the acidity of the saliva, which adversely affects the tooth enamel.

As quick measures it is recommended to rinse the mouth after each meal. During lactation it is better to do without light snacks, after which there is no possibility to clean the oral cavity.

Thus, the treatment of a woman's teeth during breastfeeding is a natural procedure designed to maintain a healthy state of the oral cavity and prevent the development of unwanted diseases. During the examination, the dentist needs to be warned about lactation so that the specialist will pick up medications that are safe for the health of mom and baby.

  • Mar 27, 2018
  • 54
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