How to spend a holiday in the kindergarten on May 9

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Content of
  • Features of Victory Day celebration in kindergarten
  • Purpose of celebrations
  • What to look for
  • How to celebrate a holiday in a kindergarten
  • Preparing for a holiday
  • How to make a holiday
  • Crafts for Victory Day
  • Holiday scenario
  • Interesting ideas for Victory Day inkindergarten

All the further from us those terrible years, when there was a war. But Victory Day still remains for our country the most important holiday. There are events that can not be forgotten. And even in 2016 the memory of the years of the Great Patriotic War is alive. This is the great merit of teachers who are trying to convey the importance of this day to the younger generation. Therefore, 9 May is celebrated annually in kindergarten. Educators try to make the holiday interesting and understandable for children.

Features of Victory Day celebration in kindergarten

It is important to bring up a sense of respect for ancestors from an early age. The script of the holiday should be built so that the Victory Day was solemn, but joyful.

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In kindergarten, this should be a holiday of peace and heroism of Soviet soldiers. Kids should not talk about the horrors of war, about death and suffering, bloody battles. This can hurt the souls of children. Therefore, cruel details should be avoided. More attention should be paid to the happy moments of the Victory and to note that everything ended well, the fighters returned home.

It is very important to take into account age characteristics when preparing events, so that the holiday is a success: the

  • matinee should not last longer than an hour in the senior and preparatory group, and more than 40 minutes for younger children;
  • it is important to use as much visual material and less conversations: slides, newsreel footage, music and sounds of war years are mandatory;
  • for such small children should not use the traditional literary and musical scenario, it is desirable to include games and contests in it.

The purpose of the festive events

Now it is very important to pay a lot of attention to the patriotic feelings of the younger generation. Teachers should be able to give the children the memory of the years of the war and Victory. We must not let forget about the horrors of fascism and the heroism of our ancestors. This is very important already at preschool age, because modern children often do not understand the significance of the May 9 celebration. Therefore, teachers need to make a lot of effort to properly organize events for Victory Day.

The holiday should be solemn, imbued with patriotism, but accessible to children. He must perform the following tasks:

  • to inform the children about the significance of the Victory Day;
  • raise a sense of respect and gratitude to the heroes of war;
  • give children an idea of ​​the difficulties of life of their peers in these difficult years;
  • to form patriotic feelings: love of the Motherland, pride in its people;
  • teach children to show compassion for their neighbor, come to help in difficult times;
  • to form a positive emotional mood;
  • not let the new generation forget about the horrors of fascism and the importance of victory over it.

What to look for

At preschool age it is important not to load the child with dry information, not to talk about bloody battles, deaths and suffering. Children are still not clear, but they are close to the idea of ​​Victory. From folk tales, they realized what the struggle between good and evil is. And for them it is important that good in the end always wins. This helps to strengthen the sense of justice in children.

To prevent a holiday from being just a formal concert for children, but has fulfilled its purpose, it is important to observe several rules when it is held:

  • educators themselves must experience such feelings that they want to wake up in children;
  • should be involved in the preparation of the parents' holiday;
  • in the group should be created a solemn atmosphere;
  • all materials - poems and songs - should be accessible to children's understanding.

How to celebrate a holiday in a kindergarten

In all preschool institutions, the events dedicated to the Victory Day are held annually before May 9.It is very important not to treat their preparation formally and do not make them identical.

Matins and concerts are mostly held in middle, senior and preparatory groups. Children under 4 years of such activities are not yet interesting and incomprehensible. Such babies can participate in the manufacture of hand-made articles, drawings and gifts to great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. In cognitive activities, you need to tell the children about what is celebrated in our country on May 9, without focusing on the details and horrors of the war.

With 4 years of the event, by the Victory Day, they are more diverse. These can be:

  • cognitive activities and conversations with the obligatory use of illustrations, slides and photographs;
  • matinees and concerts in which children recite learned poems, sing songs about Victory and dance;
  • themed events in the form of a performance or literary and musical composition;
  • sports events for children of the senior and preparatory group with military games and competitions;
  • holiday can be held in the form of a competition of poems or songs;
  • for the children of the preparatory group is possible to participate in the military-patriotic quiz;
  • in each family is dead in this war, so a good educational action will release the children balloons with paper pigeons, on the wings of which are written the names of the dead.

Preparing for the

holiday The final matinee is held on the eve of the holiday on May 7 or 8.But it is very important to start preparing for it in advance. Every child should be connected to this. Already since winter, in a form that is accessible to children, it is necessary to talk about war, about the heroism of soldiers, about the importance of Victory.

You can show a short documentary or read books about children who fought against the Nazis. It is necessary to explain to children the meaning of important but often incomprehensible phrases: "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten", "These days glory will not stop" and others. In conversations it is necessary to draw the children's attention to the meaning of St. George's ribbon - a symbol of memory and respect for the feat of ancestors.

We need to focus on how people rejoiced in victory, how they eradicated fascism and survived. What else can I use to prepare for the holiday?

  • Together with older children, you can make a wall newspaper or an album with photos and clippings from newspapers and magazines. Well, if every child cooks something, at least draw an illustration.
  • Necessarily in each group an exhibition of drawings and handicrafts on a military theme is held. And do not choose only the best. It is important that every child feels his involvement in the holiday.
  • With the children of the younger groups, you can make a collective craftwork devoted to peace on Earth instead of a morning performance.
  • If there is such an opportunity, on the eve of the holiday it is necessary to visit with children the places of military glory, the nearest monument to the heroes of war or the museum of local lore.

How to arrange a holiday

A festive morning performance in a kindergarten often takes place in a music hall or an auditorium. It is very important to properly arrange this room. Ornaments should be strict and restrained:

  • These can be paper flowers and flags made by children's hands, drawings and handicrafts on Victory theme.
  • Mandatory image of St. George's ribbon. Small ribbons need to be pinned to each child's chest.
  • You can make a thematic selection of photos of the heroes of your native city or village.
  • Each caregiver should take care of the correct design of the group's premises:
    1. You can use children's drawings, flags for this.
    2. Well, if you can find the Soviet flag.
    3. You can use balls of three colors: red, white and blue, placing them in the form of a Russian flag.

It is very important to use as much visual material as possible: photographs, slides, excerpts from films, and music. For musical accompaniment, you can take as famous songs - "Victory Day" and "Katyusha", as well as modern songs about the war, written for children.

Handicrafts for the Victory Day

Young children learn the world differently than adults. So that they could feel the importance of the holiday, they need to create something with their own hands. In the manufacture of hand-made articles and drawings, children of any age should participate. Educators need to choose such a variant of creative work that it was accessible to the child and reflect the solemnity of this day.

  • Collective work "Peace on Earth" in a younger group introduces children to the symbol of peace, with the meaning of this word. On a large sheet of Whatman with the image of the Earth in the center, children are pasted pre-prepared flowers and figures of white pigeons. Each child can also put on the poster the imprint of his palm. To do this, use special finger paints.
  • All together, children can make a holiday poster "Happy Victory Day."To do this, everyone puts a flower on it, made with their own hands of red corrugated paper or napkins.
  • Kids can also make an application "Salute".The salute can also be done by drawing with plasticine or using paint.
  • Older children can be taught how to make crafts in origami techniques. For Victory Day it is good to make a tank, plane or white pigeons - a symbol of peace.
  • Good crafts are made from salted dough. It can be a star of the Eternal Flame, a tank, a flower or a model of St. George's ribbon.
  • Greeting cards can be made in the traditional form or in the form of a triangular letter. Decorated cards are decorated with St. George ribbon, red carnations or stars.

Holiday scenario

It is important that teachers do not approach the preparation of the holiday formally and do not use the same scenarios every year. The event should be prepared taking into account the age characteristics of children. But at the same time it is important to make the holiday cognitive and solemn. It is necessary to focus children's attention on the fact that May 9 is Victory Day. Therefore, all poems, songs, dances and competitions should correspond to the theme of the holiday. What can include a morning performance script?

  • It's better if the children are dressed in suits, close to the form of the 40's. It is necessary to use at least self-made caplets, caps and toy rifles. For girls, you can create clothes for nurses.
  • Children should enter the hall to the music of the war years. It is better if it is a famous march or waltz, for example, "Farewell of the Slav".
  • In the solemn part of the holiday you can show slides, tell about the importance of Victory Day. Children can read short poems or play a small sketch.
  • For the matinee in the kindergarten, an entertainment program is needed that is sustained in the spirit of the holiday. It can be contests, sports, quizzes or military games.
  • The song "Victory Day" is sure to be performed, and the children give gifts made with their own hands to guests. It is advisable to invite grandfathers and grandmothers to the festival, many of whom remember the hard years of the post-war childhood.
  • It is desirable to finish the holiday on a joyous, light note. Show the children how important Victory is for preserving peace. You can sing songs "Sun circle", "Stork on the roof", "Children of the Earth" and others.
  • It's good, if a porridge with a front-line recipe is prepared for lunch, so that the children can join the weekdays of the fighters and feel themselves heroes.

Interesting ideas for Victory Day in kindergarten

  1. Theatrical performance about the heroism of Russian soldiers based on fairy tales. Children are close and understandable. On the example of the struggle of heroes with Nightingale the robber or Snake Gorynych it is easier for them to convey the idea of ​​the importance of victory in the Great Patriotic War. At the end of the performance, a song about the world or a happy childhood is performed.
  2. Several boys can stage a song "Let's serve in the army", a poem "At the border" or "We are military".
  3. Even the congratulation of a veteran and the presentation of a gift to him can be beaten. For this, a sports contest "Package" is held. The children of the two teams overcome various obstacles: they climb into the hoop, jump over the stick, pass along the bench, etc. The winning team gives the package with a gift to the veteran.
  4. In the program of the matinee you can turn on the game "Salute".For her children need to give out bundles of ribbons. Each child has salutes of the same color: red, yellow, green or blue. The game involved as many adults as the colors of ribbons. They become in different parts of the hall, lifting their hands up with ribbons. Under the music, children move around the room. At the signal of the presenter, "Salute, light up!", They gather around an adult, in whose hands the ribbons are the same color as theirs. All raise the salutes up and shout: "Hooray!".
  5. With the children of senior groups before the holiday, you can recreate the military photo chronicle. Using improvised means, homemade costumes and toys, children represent war participants. The teacher photographs them, and then a collage is created from the pictures. What photo stories can I use? A nurse pulls a wounded man, a girl says goodbye to a fighter, soldiers at halt and others.
  6. It's good to use mobile games on military topics. They can be included in the program of the morning performance or make a sports match. These are the games "Help the wounded", "Hit the target", "Build", "Transfer the bullets" and others.
  7. The musical director should prepare with the children a dance for military music. Boys can dance "Yablochko", sailor dance, girls - to depict salute in the form of dance with ribbons.

Educators should understand the importance of preserving the memory of the war years. It is necessary to raise children with true patriots who are proud of the history of their Motherland and respect the heroism of their ancestors. This feeling does not arise on its own. Patriotism must be educated from childhood. On how adults tell the guys about the Victory Day, depends on how they will perceive this holiday in the future.

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